Bai Yifeng was so startled that Nan Nan almost jumped up.

   But looking at the two silver bills, he didn't care about it. When even peeking in the direction of Bai Yifeng's fingers, he really saw a small head.

  Hearing Bai Yifeng's call, the head immediately retracted again.

  The few people in the room looked at each other, Nan Nan had already passed by with small steps. When I walked into the edge of the bed, he fell on his back without saying a word, and got in very flexibly.

   "..." Ye Xiu Duo, Bai Yifeng, the corners of Meng Lu's mouth began to twitch frantically.

  But the next moment, I heard a low voice from under the bed, "Who are you, why are you hiding here? Is there a mouse in it? I can catch it for you."

   "..." Ye Xiu Duo, Bai Yifeng, the corners of Meng Lu's mouth twitched more severely.

"By the way, did Uncle Bai look for you? Don't worry, my Uncle Bai is a good person. Although he is usually a little unreliable, he is rich. He may be a hippy smile, but he is rich. Also, although he has not married a wife until now, he is rich, he..."

"Nannan!!" Bai Yifeng's eyebrows trembled. At this time, I really wanted to drag the little thing out and give it a hard punch. Especially when I saw Ye Xiudu and Meng Lu suffocating with a smile, I even wanted to do it. He stuffed his mother's belly back into the urge to regenerate.

  What does it mean that he is rich? ? ? The only thing about feelings is that he is rich, right?

  Nannan’s muffled low voice came from under the bed, “Uncle Bai, don’t make any noise, he is a little scared, I am comforting him, you will scare him.”

The child under the bed finally couldn't bear it anymore. He pushed Nan Nan a little, and said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid, I'm just...I'm just looking for Miss Jade, you brought Miss Jade, I won't see the others. "

  Jade girl?

   Nan Nan lowered her voice, "The Yu girl you are talking about, is it Yu Qingluo? That's my mother. It's the same as you looking for my mother. You can talk to me if you have anything to say."

Bai Yifeng sighed, shrugged and said to Ye Xiudu, "That's it. This kid originally came to find Yu Qingluo, and he said that he has something very important to tell her. I just don't know Yu Qingluo for the time being. He came to me when he was whereabouts. You know, he had sent letters to me and Yu Qingluo before."

  Sent a letter? Ye Xiu thought of that little beggar.

"This child can't find Yu Qingluo, and I can't find her either." Bai Yifeng was helpless. "But seeing his anxious appearance, I have to come to you and see if you can get Yuqing. Luo brought it to him. Otherwise, he wouldn't say anything if he couldn't see Yu Qingluo."

   Ye Xiu was silent for a while, knowing in his heart, and after a while, he asked the person under the bed, "Are you Jiang'er?"

  There was a moment of silence in the room, and Bai Yifeng looked at Ye Xiudu in surprise. Does he also know this child.

   There was no movement under the bed for a long time. After a long time, a small head slowly came out. When he saw Ye Xiu alone, his eyes suddenly brightened.

   "Is it you?" Jiang Er got out of the bed immediately, and immediately stood in front of Ye Xiudu.

Nan Nan felt that there was nothing around him for a moment, and he was busy using his hands and feet together, "Hey, why don't you say hello to me when you come out? The bed is dark underneath, how scared I am alone, in case there is any What if the mouse bites me? I will suffer if you don't protect me."

   Jiang'er restrained the twitching corners of his mouth, looked back at him, and when Nan Nan got out, he realized that the child was really exquisite and beautiful.

  He glanced at Nan Nan and found that there were some similarities between his and Yu Qingluo’s eyebrows.

  He turned his head again, looked behind Ye Xiudu, and asked him, "Is Miss Jade away?"

   "Well, she has something wrong, and she can't come here for the time being. If you have anything, you can tell me." Ye Xiu pointed to the chair beside him and let him sit down.

  He went to pat the dust on Nan Nan's body, and then sat down with him in his arms.

  Jiang'er looked at the way they get along, and saw that Ye Xiudu didn't mind the dirt on Nan Nan's body, her eyes dimmed slightly, revealing a trace of envy.

  Just very quickly, he took another deep breath, calmed his expression, and glanced at everyone.

  When he saw Menglu, he tilted his head in doubt, and felt that this person seemed a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

  Bai Yifeng let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the person was still there. He thought he had suddenly disappeared or was murdered by someone.

  The child seemed to be very vigilant. He probably knew that there was no Yu Qingluo outside, and thought he was not a good person, so he would hide under the bed.

He poured him a glass of water, looked at his patchy clothes, paused, then pushed him a plate of pastries, and said, "This Ye Gongzi is the husband of Miss Jade. I think you are looking for Miss Jade. I was in a hurry, so I had to bring him here, so don't be afraid."

  Jiang'er met to cultivate independence overnight. Although she felt a lot of pressure when facing him, she was not afraid now.

  He took a sip of water, and then whispered, “Last time Miss Yu told me that she should pay more attention to some news around her on weekdays, and tell her if there is anything unusual.”

  "Later, I have been paying attention to what happened around me. I found that there are many rumors in the capital, saying that the patriarch is impure, which has harmed the famous clan elders and the li clan elders."

"Another rumor came out early this morning. Someone circulated in the street that the old clan would wake up when his condition improved, but the patriarch was afraid that he would be bad for him when waking up, so he pained the killer and directly killed the old clan. Even in order to get rid of the relationship, she blamed the grandson of the old clan, Meng Ziyao.

  "At first, I felt it was weird, especially when the person who said this on the street behaved very strangely. What he said was to instigate others, and undermined the reputation of the patriarch, both overtly and secretly."

  "Especially this person looked at Shifen's face. I have not seen him in that street for so long."

"At that time, I kept my mind and watched him go sneakily after saying those words. I followed him. It seemed that I heard him talking to someone, and that person was telling him to go to East Street and publicize it. He was given the silver. It seemed that Miss Jade’s name was mentioned in the middle. I thought this matter might have something to do with Miss Jade, so I hurried to find her."

  Jiang'er ate a piece of cake. He was busy all morning. He was really hungry, so he was not very polite.

Upon seeing this, Nan Nan slipped off Ye Xiudu's leg, went to another table and brought the fruit over, and pushed it in front of him with a smile, "Eat, this is nutritious."

  Ye Xiu Du and Meng Lu looked at each other, their eyes brightened.


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