"Where is that person now?" Menglu leaned closer.

  Jiang'er was taken aback by him, and the cake almost choked. Nan Nan immediately ran behind him and patted him on the back, "Be careful, don't you know how to eat anything? You have to chew slowly, and I will teach you."

   As he said, he unceremoniously took a piece of pastry and put it in his mouth, and started...chewing.

  Yixiu Monologue Yifeng Menglu silently twisted his head aside, just as he eats like this, he is embarrassed to teach others.

  Her mouth and said straight, they all know his urinary **** anyway, they won't laugh at him.

   "..." Jiang Er was a little speechless, and once again felt that this child and Miss Yu did not feel the same as his own. Jade girl is obviously such a gentle and steady person, why is her son... so funny?

  Nannan ate two pieces of pastry one after another before patted her belly with satisfaction. The pastries in this inn are not as delicious as the grandfather's food for him, but now the grandfather is unconscious, he will think of him when he sees those pastries, and he feels uncomfortable and has no appetite.

  So the self-proclaimed celebrity passed out, so he didn't eat the delicious cakes made in the big kitchen.

  Nan Nan became a little sentimental. In fact, he was still very afraid that Grandpa would not be able to wake up in the future.

  My mother said that there is a kind of people called vegetatives. People are alive, but they can only lie on the bed forever and can't do anything. If this kind of person is taken care of well, or if he has strong obsessions and willpower in his heart, he might be able to wake up.

   But if there is no hope, you may never wake up.

  Grandpa Huo said that the situation of Grandpa Tai and Sister Yu’s father is different. Meng Rong can still use external force to wake up, but grandpa...

   Ye Xiu saw that his mood suddenly fell down, so he didn't know why, he still beckoned to bring Nan Nan over and put it on his lap.

  He said to Jiang'er, "This is the patriarch of the Mongolian people, you can tell him these things."

  Jiang'er's eyes widened suddenly. Fortunately, the cakes in his mouth had already been swallowed, otherwise he would really choke out of breath.

  He looked at Meng Lu and slid off the chair directly, "You, you, are you really the patriarch of the Mong ethnic group?"

   By the way, he said that this person is a bit familiar. In the past, when the Mongolian people had large-scale sacrificial activities, the patriarch once sat on horseback, and he had seen it.

  Meng Lu smiled at him, nodded and said, "I am the patriarch of the Mong ethnic group, and I am the patriarch who has done a lot of evil in the rumors."

  Jiang'er blushed and hurriedly shook her head, “I don’t believe it, especially when I found that person today, I think all this must be a plan by someone with the intention to deal with the patriarch.”

  "It's rare for you to understand these truths at a young age." Menglu touched his head.

  Jiang'er blushed even more, and Menglu’s status and status made him unique among ordinary people. His compliment, let alone a child, even an average adult, can't help but jump for joy after hearing it.

   Jiang'er paused, suddenly as if thinking of something, hurriedly said, "By the way, I know where that person is, I will take you there now."

   "Okay." Meng Lu nodded and glanced at the sky outside. It should not be too late. Now the situation has become more serious.

  The group of people once again went out of the room, Bai Yifeng's carriage was still parked at the back door. After a few people got in the car, they followed the direction of Jiang'er's finger and started to drive towards Zuo Dajie.

  Ye Xiudu looked at the roadside scenery backwards little by little, his eyes gradually darkened.

  Qing'er seems to have said that the newly found inn is nearby.

  After a short while, the carriage stopped, and several people got out of the carriage one after another.

  Meng Lu directly hugged Jiang'er and walked forward. Jiang'er was still a little blushing. The dignified Mong patriarch, holding him a little beggar with patches on his body, really made him excited and embarrassed, and he thought about it several times.

  I can see that they are all walking very fast. If I go down and walk, I will definitely not be able to keep up, so I still stay in Menglu’s arms obediently, pointing to the left direction and saying, "It's there."

  There is a small and secluded pond over there, no one, but there are no walls on all sides, only a few willow trees are blowing in the wind.

  Jiang'er said, "At that time, I overheard on the street corner in front. The two people said that they would meet by the small pond here at noon. Now there is still a little time before noon."

  The footsteps of the few people in Yexiu stopped, this place is not easy to approach, unless the willow tree over there, but as long as there is a little movement on the willow tree, you can detect it. And no one knows where they will be speaking. If they are far away from the willow, it doesn't make much sense.

   "There is still half an hour, wait here first to see who he meets with." Meng Ludao.

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, and put Nan Nan down on the ground.

Nan Nan stood still on her feet, and immediately went to pull Jiang'er's sleeves again and said, "Come here, you tell me, how did you and my mother meet? What did she tell you? She is now How is it? Have you lost weight? I haven't seen my mother for many days."

  Jiang'er also followed, taking a look at Nan Nan, and then at Ye Xiu for a single glance. Then he walked to the side and whispered to Nan Nan about Yu Qingluo's situation.

  The two children were muttering on the sidelines, Meng Lu and Ye Xiudu also tightened their lips, staring at the small pond with their eyes slightly narrowed.

  In less than half an hour, a person suddenly walked over.

  Jiang'er didn't know when he ran to Ye Xiudu's side again, pointed at the person nervously and said, "It's him, that person is spreading the rumors."

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, and asked him to step back a few steps, his eyes locked tightly on the person.

  The man looked capable and shrewd, and as his eyes turned, he could tell that he was a good talker.

  Looking at his body shape and eyes, he probably has some effort, but it's not too tall. Otherwise, Jiang'er would not be able to find out about him following him.

  Meng Lu narrowed his eyes, his expression cold, he wanted to see who was behind the scenes.

The man stood by the pond, staring bored at the fish in the pond. After a while, with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, he took a stone and threw it into the water. A red carp suddenly jumped up. Immediately turned his stomach.

  The man laughed, seemingly satisfied.

Nan Nan looked in the distance, twisted his small eyebrows, and whispered, "Is this person neurotic?" He didn't eat fish, so why did he kill the fish so well and smile so... nausea.

  Ye Xiu Du did not speak. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer to noon, the expressions of the few people became more serious.

  There is a quarter of an hour, noon, if the other party can show up on time, then they can see the true face of Lushan.


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