The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 825: Your life is not yours

   Zhenzhen's face turned pale instantly, and her whole body couldn't stand a shake.

   After a long while, a smile came out on her face, "Girl Jade laughed. It's probably the smell of the balm I bought two days ago. The smell is a bit strange, and the girl is probably confused."

  Yu Qingluo tilted her head and squinted at her, "Make a mistake? How could it? I am particularly sensitive to taste. It is really clear whether it is realgar or balm."

  Shangguan Jin heard this, what else don’t understand? He has always been shrewd. He also saw Zhenzhen’s attitude towards Yu Qingluo in the past two days, but he was very happy to see Yu Qingluo and Zhenzhen chattering, and he did not look like her. He didn't care.

  But now things have developed to this point, Zhenzhen dared to put a snake into Yu Qingluo's room.

  This is clearly going to put her to death. The matter is already serious, and he will not tolerate it anymore.

  Shangguan Jin snorted sharply, and said to Zhenzhen, "Is it realgar, just walk around in front of the two snakes."

   Zhenzhen widened her eyes in disbelief, staring at Shangguan Jin and took a breath. After a long time, she said dryly, "Master, slave, there is really no realgar, if you walk around the snake... slave, slave will die."

   "Your life is not yours." Shangguan Jin gave her a cold look.

   Zhenzhen stiffened, yeah, how could she forget, her life belonged to the master.

  The master just wants her to die, she can't say anything. Not to mention, just walk around in front of the snake.


  She has served her master for so many years, and has done her best for so many years. For a woman who does not value him at all, the master treats her like this, how can the master be so cruel?

  Don’t he know who in this world really does it for him?

Yuqing really couldn’t see Zhenzhen’s pitifulness, and Hyunran wanted to cry but she snorted at Shangguan Jin’s affectionate and desperate expression, "Ms. Zhenzhen doesn’t have to be so worried. , I am a doctor, a ghost doctor, and I have a thorough research on poison. If you are really bitten by a snake and I am there, naturally you will not be troubled. If I can't even solve the snake venom, the name of this ghost doctor Number, I was also corrupted."

  But, if she wasn’t bitten by a snake, it’s not a question of her medical skills.

  Zhenzhen's body was stiff, Shangguan Jin squinted her eyes and said, "Miss Jade is right, she was rescued by her in the middle of her life, let alone two poisonous snakes."

   After he said, he spoke to Xue Cheng, who had been waiting by the side, "You take her over, this king thinks, the two poisonous snakes should still be in the room, you see if they will get close to her."

   Xue Cheng arched his hands expressionlessly, "Yes."

  As soon as his voice fell, he stepped forward to pull Zhenzhen's hand.

Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment. Seeing her master's unfeeling appearance, she could not help but staggered to stand up, her face was gray, she took a deep look at Shangguan Jin, then stared at Yu Qingluo fiercely. With a shake of his hand, Xue Cheng's restraint was directly thrown away.

Shangguan Jin's eyebrows frowned, and two lines of tears fell on Zhenzhen's face, "Master, for so many years, slaves and maids have served you with all their hearts. What are you talking about, slaves have never said anything. But now, such a woman, like this An unchaste woman who has a son with someone else, or even a woman who has no affection for her master. For her, the master lost her principles, means, and dignity. Is it really worth it?"

  Yu Qingluo laughed, yes, she also thought it was not worth it.

"Master, you are the regent of Jinglei Country, how can your status and your life be destroyed in the hands of such a woman. Yes, the two snakes are indeed slaves, and the slaves just want to teach her At once, let her know her identity and status, and let her not be too arrogant and arrogant in front of the master. The servant girl does not regret it, even if the master kills the servant girl, the servant girl does not regret it."

  Yu Qingluo took a sip of tea silently, eh, this is a bit of a bone.

  "The slave maid just hopes that the master will think twice before acting. This woman is not in the master, she cannot serve the master wholeheartedly like the slave slave. Master, for your own sake, or... kill her."

   "Puff..." Yu Qingluo almost squirted out a sip of tea, what's up? She is not in Shangguanjin's body, so she should be removed?

   Forget it, she took back the idea just now, this woman has no backbone at all.

  She is dead, and she is still instigating discord here. If you're smarter, she should plead for mercy and talk softly at this time. Maybe Shangguan Jin can suddenly show mercy and give her a way out.

Shangguan Jin became impatient, waved his hand and sneered, "It’s not your turn to teach what this king does. As a servant, the most basic rule is to be obedient. A disobedient slave, Ben What is the king still keeping?"

He glanced at Xue Cheng on the side and said, "Take her down and dispose of it. Also, pass on the words of this king. If anyone is disrespectful to Miss Jade in the future, they will point fingers at the king's attitude towards life, and end with her same."

Shangguan Jin was not a benevolent person. Yu Qingluo suddenly thought that the first time he saw this man, he stood arrogantly on the street of Feng Cang Kingdom’s imperial capital, and asked others on the spot with no expression on his face. Life.

  If she wasn't present, if Ye Xiu hadn't appeared alone, the mother and daughter would no longer be alive at this moment.

  Zhenzhen is really not a smart person. How could a person like Shangguanjin allow a subordinate to talk about him like this and accuse him of it?

   Xue Cheng thought of Xue Le, the guard who had never looked at Yu Qingluo, understood in his heart.

  The master's heart is like a mirror, and his attitude towards Xue Le seems to be clear. He was focusing on warning Xue Le.

   Xue Cheng nodded, and replied respectfully.

   immediately stepped forward, grabbed Zhenzhen again and walked out.

Zhenzhen suddenly struggled and yelled at Shangguan Jin, "Master, maidservant said from the bottom of my heart, it is not a pity for the slave to die, but this woman must not stay. If the master can't bear it, the slave will come, and the slave will replace her for you. , The guarantor's fame."

   As she said, she suddenly slammed into Xue Cheng and rushed towards Yu Qingluo.

   Xue Cheng couldn't defend himself, and he cried out in his heart that it was bad. When he wanted to step forward, it was too late.

  Zhenzhen took out a sharp dagger from her arms, her eyes seemed to be stained with bright red blood, crazily bright red, and the dagger pierced towards Yu Qingluo.


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