The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 826: Shangguanjin, get out of the way

  Shangguan Jin’s eyes flashed, and she suddenly blocked Yu Qingluo’s face.

   "Shangguan Jin, you get away." Yu Qingluo's pupils shrank, and he slammed him aside.

  The dagger brushed Yu Qingluo's arm, bringing out a series of bloodshot eyes.

   Xue Cheng's face changed drastically, he grabbed Zhenzhen's hair in a hurry, and dragged her back a few steps without pity.

   "嗤......" This dagger is too sharp and it hurts so much.

  Yu Qingluo sat on the ground with a grin. After a while, she suddenly turned her head and stared at Shangguan Jin, "What did you run out of? Do you know how bad your injuries are?"

  If she is seriously injured again, she will owe him again and can't leave.

  Yu Qingluo is sure that Shangguan Jin is definitely deliberate. What kind of stuff is Zhenzhen? It's just the kind of little girl who does rough work, even with a brute force, it is impossible to hurt her.

  Shangguan Jinming knew this, and even rushed over to shield her from the knife.

  Fuck her, Yu Qingluo wanted to yell at her.

Shangguanjin stared at the blood on her arm, his face turned pale, and hurriedly took a few steps forward, picked her up, walked up to the bed in three or two steps, and then yelled at Xue Cheng on the side, "Go ahead." See the doctor."

   Xue Cheng was obviously a bit calmer than him, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The jade girl only suffered a slight injury, not even her bones.

  Furthermore, Miss Jade herself is a doctor with good medical skills. Where is the need for outside quack doctors?

  However, the words of Shangguan Jin were still in my ears, so he naturally walked out without any objection.

  Yu Qingluo took a breath and said, "Stop stop, I'm fine, just bring me my medicine packet."

  Shangguan Jin turned around and took the medicine packet that had fallen to the ground when she just hit her, and handed it to her, "What do I need to do?"

  Yu Qingluo pointed to the outside, squeezed out a smile, "I need you to go out, I want to bandage."

  She hurt the upper side of her arm, she must take off her clothes.

  Shangguan Jin twisted his eyebrows, "I will bandage for you, how can you do it alone? What do you care about at this time?"

  Of course she should care, this is not the modern life of her life, how can she casually show it to other men? Besides, she is still a married woman, and Ye Xiu knows that she will peel off her skin.

   "If you don't go out again, my blood will drain."

   "You..." Shangguan Jin gritted his teeth, "Why are you so stubborn?"

  He said, but finally helpless, got up and walked out angrily.

   Xue Cheng hurriedly took Zhenzhen and went out. As soon as she left the house, Shangguan Jin pinched Zhenzhen’s neck.

   "It seems that I am still too kind to you." He sneered, full of disgust at Shang Zhenzhen's tearful expression.

  "Come with me." Shangguan Jin let go, wiped his hands with a kerchief, and walked towards Yu Qingluo's house first.

Xue Cheng hurriedly grabbed Zhenzhen to follow, and when he walked to the door of the room, Shangguan Jin's voice followed a bit coldly, "Don't you like snakes? Then leave you with them as a company. Xue Cheng, take her. His clothes were stripped off and thrown in."

  Zhen Zhen's eyes widened suddenly, and her breathing suddenly rose.

   "No, master, no, I beg you, I am wrong, no."

  Shangguan Jin ignored her and glanced at Xue Cheng.

   Xue Cheng took the command, there was no one on the second floor at the moment, the master's guards were all watching, and no one could see what they were doing.

  The speed in his hand was very fast, he directly pulled Zhenzhen's clothes sprinkled with realgar, tied her hands, and pushed the door directly in.

  "Master, don't...Master...ah..."

  The door was closed, but within a short breath, Zhenzhen’s miserable cry came from inside.

   Shangguan Jin’s face was cold, and he said to Xue Cheng, “Seal this room, this king wants her to suffer torture and die.”

   "Yes." Xue Cheng immediately locked the door, and the window was not afraid. This is the second floor. Zhenzhen, a woman who can't know martial arts, would only be injured if she went straight down. Furthermore, someone downstairs was watching.

  Zhenzhen’s voice was very stern. Although there were not many people in the inn, they were still frightened by such screams, so they came to watch.

  Xue Cheng only needs to go up and explain that there is a maid who is seriously ill. The doctor is undergoing treatment. The treatment will make people more painful, so she screams. It will be better after a while. Let everyone bear more.

  Everyone stopped when they heard that they were sick. They called them so miserable. Don't be a serious infectious disease.

  No one came to ask anymore, Zhenzhen's voice gradually began to weaken.

   Shangguan Jin was too lazy to care about her. He glanced at Xue Cheng and said, "Go back and get twenty whips." After that, he turned around and returned to his room.

  Xue Cheng knew that this was the punishment he had just missed for not catching Zhenzhen, and he deserved it.

  He responded blankly, and then he stood by the door of the room, and the voice inside gradually diminished.

   Xue Cheng has been paying attention to her situation. After a while, he quietly poked open the window paper and took a look at the situation inside.

  Just one glance, I feel the creeps.

  The two snakes had climbed onto Zhenzhen's body, tightly enclosing her body, Zhenzhen's pupils had been dilated.

  There are two tooth marks on her legs, which are already red and swollen at this moment. Zhenzhen's whole body is shaking in horror, but she still can't stop the two snakes from twisting and tightening on her body.

   Xue Cheng just glanced, then turned away from him, and never paid attention anymore.

The voice inside gradually weakened, but I could still hear Zhenzhen's low crying, "Master, let me go, Master, please give me a happy... so uncomfortable... so uncomfortable... me I can’t breathe anymore, my master...for the sake of the slave and maidservant serving you for so many years...killed me..."

   Xue Cheng stood outside the door blankly, showing no sympathy.

  The master's method has always been decisive. Since Zhenzhen has served the master for so long, she should be very clear about it. It just happened to have made such a major mistake, which is considered to be self-inflicted.

  It was Xue Le, which made Xue Cheng a little worried. If Xue Le had the same attitude towards Miss Yu, he might not end well.

  He frowned, and it seemed that he had to talk to Xue Le about it later.

   was thinking, a person suddenly hurried up downstairs. When Xue Cheng saw it, he really said that Cao Cao had arrived, and it was Xue Le who came up.

  Xue Le’s ears were pointed, and soon he heard the call. He and Zhenzhen had a conversation, and they were naturally familiar.

"what happened?"

  "Don't worry about it, Miss Zhenzhen wants to kill Miss Yu, and the master punishes her. This is what she deserves."

   "Punishment? What punishment?"


  Xue Le was taken aback, then gave Xue Cheng a fierce look, stepped forward, and directly pushed the door in.


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