The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 829: Nannan who sleeps very poorly

  Qi Teng had no strength to fight back. In the past, he was also defeated by Mengpao.

  Nowadays, not to mention the more accurate and powerful night repair than Mengpo.

   "Master Xiu, don't waste your time." He said, suddenly took the dagger and pointed it at his neck, then wiped it away fiercely.

   Even if he died, he would not fall into the hands of Ye Xiudu.

  He is the leader of the dark guards, he is also an important task, and he has the trust of the imperial concubine. The most basic rule of the dark guard is not to fall into the hands of others and ruin the master's major event.

  There was a sneer in the night, and Qi Teng was taken aback. As soon as the sharp tip of the dagger touched the skin of his neck, his hands felt numb, and he could no longer exert any strength.

   "Kang Dang", the dagger landed, Qi Teng was shocked.

  His speed is already very fast, but unexpectedly, he can't even kill himself.

  Can't tolerate him to think too much. The next moment, he felt a pain in his shoulder and neck, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he fell into a coma.

  Ye Xiu Duo slowly landed, staring coldly at Qi Teng who fell on the ground.

  He is very unwilling to touch him, but since his guards are not there, he can only reluctantly and do it himself.

  Ye Xiudu glanced at Qi Teng with disgust, and when he bent over, he lifted him from the ground and threw him directly onto his shoulder.

   Then he raised his body and headed straight towards the family mansion.

  The clan residence was still brightly lit, and Ye Xiu carried Qi Teng alone to Jingzhutang where Menglu lived.

  The guards in the yard are still patrolling back and forth. Meng Lu is still walking around the room, his eyebrows twisted slightly, he is worried.

  A moment later, his personal bodyguard A Feng hurriedly walked in, with joy on his face, "Patriarch, Lord Xiu is back."

  "Where? What's the situation?" Menglu stopped abruptly and turned around to ask.

  A Feng stepped aside and said, "It looks like there is something to be gained. The prince is here."

  As soon as his voice fell, Ye Xiudu had already strode in with Qi Teng striding in.

As soon as    entered the door, he threw the person heavily on the carpet, and suddenly raised a cloud of dust.

   "Cough cough" Meng Lu and A Feng turned their heads at the same time and coughed slightly.

Ye Xiu pointed at the person on the ground alone, and said with a cold face, "The person who spread the rumors was in contact with this person, Qi Teng, mother...the head of the dark guard of the imperial concubine Meng. Look at him first, and be careful that he commits suicide. ."

  Meng noble concubine? Menglu's and Afeng's faces sank at the same time, and the corners of their mouths tightened.

  "Where is Nannan?" Ye Xiu asked alone.

   "Sleeping in the room, I have asked Shen Ying Mo Xian and the others to guard outside his house, don't worry." Meng Lu also knew that spies must have been in the clan's mansion, so he has been extra cautious these days.

  Ye Xiudu rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and nodded, "I will go back to the room first, and I will interrogate him tomorrow morning."

   "Well, you go back and leave it to me here." Menglu waved his hand and told him to go back quickly.

  During this period, he is probably the most tired person.

  The courtyard where Ye Xiudu lived was not far from Jingzhutang in Menglu, but within a quarter of an hour, he was already standing outside the courtyard.

  Shen Ying saw him and hurried forward, "Master."

   "Well, how is Nan Nan?" Ye Xiu asked as he walked alone.

Shen Ying laughed lowly, "After he came back in the afternoon, he went to Xiaoyu's yard. The two of them murmured for a long time and didn't see him sleepy. In the evening, he ate two more bowls of rice. There are also a few snacks and pastries, which makes me look sleepy. I climbed into bed early, and now I am afraid I will fall asleep long ago."

   "En." Ye Xiu nodded alone, and after a while, he was already standing at the door of the room.

  Mo Xian was guarding outside the door, with a rigorous expression. Seeing Ye Xiudu, he immediately saluted respectfully, "Master."

   "Mo Xian stay here to watch the night, Shen Ying, you go to rest."

   "Yes." The two responded in unison.

  Ye Xiudu then opened the door and walked in, looking at the dimly sleeping little thing on the bed.

  Qing'er is not there, Ye Xiudu always feels soft when he sees Nannan.

  He imagined that before meeting him, Qing'er would take care of Nan Nan in this way, worrying about his food, clothing, housing and transportation, whether he would catch a cold in sleep, whether his knowledge would fall, and whether he could tell whether he was right or wrong.

  He is now taking care of Nan Nan, and he is often dumbfounded by his inexplicable behavior, very helpless.

  Qing'er back then...I'm afraid that it will take more effort to make Nan Nan respect her and love her to be obedient.

  Ye Xiu stood alone on the edge of the bed, looking down, and saw that when he was sleeping, his side was crowded with pillows and quilts, trapping himself in a small space, even having difficulty turning over.

  I heard Qing'er said that Nan Nan was actually very dishonest in sleeping. When he slept alone, he flipped over and slept under the bed all night. At that time, Mother Ge was so scared that she thought he was kidnapped.

  There was really no way, the little guy figured out by himself to put things all around him, so as not to turn over and make a big deal.

  Now seeing his face upturned, his hands and feet are regular, I feel very distressed.

   Ye Xiu Du shook his head, bent over and removed the pillow beside him.

  Once the restriction was lost, Nan Nan's hands and feet immediately opened wide, as if he had been restrained for a long time, almost hitting Ye Xiudu's face.

  He even particularly enjoyed it and snorted twice.

   Ye Xiu twitched the corner of his mouth and moved him inside.

Then he was taken to bed, took his small body into his arms, and whispered, "The sleeping phase is so bad, what should I do if I marry a daughter-in-law? Fortunately, your father doesn't have this problem, otherwise Qinger probably won't let me. Get on her bed."

  I don’t know if I heard it, Nan Nan hummed twice again, turned around, turned his back to him, and let out a fart fiercely.

   "..." Ye Xiu closed his mouth obediently.

  Probably he was really tired. Holding the little guy in his arms felt very relieved. After a while, he fell asleep.

  This is the longest night I slept without Qinger for so long.

  Until the sky was slightly bright outside, he still had no plans to get up.

  Nan Nan had enough sleep, sat up vigorously, rubbed his eyes and glanced at Ye Xiudu, who was sleeping beside him, rushed forward and kissed him ‘bhak’.

"Daddy, when did you come back? I said why it suddenly became hot when I fell asleep. It turned out that you hugged me so tightly." Nan Nan lay on his ear, speaking softly, "Actually I can understand it. After all, if my mother is not by your side, you will sleep more comfortably if you hold me. How can I say that I am soft, and whoever holds it likes it."

   "..." Ye Xiu turned around alone, too lazy to even reply.

   "Daddy, you continue to sleep, I got up and went to find Grandpa Lu." Nan Nan rolled off him, almost crushing his life.

   Ye Xiu let out a muffled snort, and shouted that Shen Ying, who was waiting outside in the morning, followed him, so he didn't care any more.


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