The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 830: Nannan is interrogating

  Nan Nan got up quickly, and put herself in a particularly bright and refreshing dress, with her hair **** casually, which looked very pink and lovely.

  After he had packed himself up, he ran to Ye Xiudu’s side again, and whispered, “Daddy, I want to buy a gift for Sister Yu. It will be her birthday in two days.”

   Ye Xiu duo let out a sigh of relief, "Go ask Shen Ying for silver."

  Speaking of it, it was not to blackmail him for a while.

Nan Nan was satisfied immediately, nodded, patted Ye Xiudu's shoulder and said, "Daddy, you are too good, you sleep obediently, I won't disturb you."

  Ye Xiudu let out a sigh of relief and turned her back to him.

  Nan Nan stood on the edge of his bed again and fart, and then left the house happily.

  Shen Ying stood outside the door. When Nan Nan saw him, it was as if he had seen Jinshan Yinshan, and his eyes started to light up.

  Shen Ying stepped back in shock, just revealing the small figure standing behind him.

  Meng Luoyu has been standing here for a while, and when Nan Nan went out, he immediately came forward with a smile, "Nan Nan, are you full?"

   "Sister Yu..." Nan Nan just opened his mouth and prepared to ask Shen Ying for money. When he saw her, he immediately closed his mouth obediently.

Sister   Yu is here, so he can't ask Uncle Shen for money, otherwise he will not be very good to his image.

  Well, anyway, sister Yu’s birthday is still a few days away, so I’m not in a hurry.

   "Nannan, Qiu'er is already able to go to the ground, I'm coming to you, I want to see her together."

  Tie Qiu'er was also taken into the clan residence. Her body was injured and her movement was very inconvenient.

  Now that the old Yue clan is entangled in everything, there is no way to take good care of her. Furthermore, she didn't know the news of the death of her parents and elder brother. If she stayed in the old mansion of the Yue clan, the servants who came and went would inevitably miss out.

  Also, the old Li and Meng Ke escaped from the prison, maybe they will get revenge from the old Yue clan, and Tie Qiu'er can be regarded as Meng Ke’s enemy. Just in case, after obtaining the consent of the patriarch, he simply took the people into the clan mansion.

  So, there are also Meng Luoyu and Nan Nan, and the children also have company.

Nan Nan was originally going to find Meng Lu, but now he heard the good news from Meng Luoyu, and immediately changed his target.

  "Can you get off the ground? Let's go, let's go and see." Nan Nan took a few steps forward, suddenly turning over again as if thinking of something, and went back to the room to lift a cage out.

   "It's been a long time since I took Rourou out for a walk. I will take it to see Qiu'er."

  The little wolf is very good, Nan Nan likes it very much. Sometimes even if he let it out, he would follow Nan Nan and do whatever he said, very spiritual.

Nan Nan also worried that he would lose his wildness if he was so obedient.

But there was a snake that came out that day, Nan Nan hadn't noticed yet, the young wolf had already rushed up and pressed the thin little snake firmly under its claws, impartially, exactly at seven inches. Place.

  Not only Nan Nan was surprised, even Wen Tian, ​​who was behind him at the time, raised his eyebrows.

  From then on, Nan Nan has been fond of cubs even more, and there is always a share of what is delicious. Although the young wolf didn't even look at the food, Nan Nan still felt that he was sharing it with him, which was a very happy thing.

Meng Luoyu also liked this young wolf very much. Although this little wolf was very wary and distanced from other people besides being especially friendly to Nannan, it never hurts people, and it was very special when getting along with Nannan. Cute.

   Seeing Nan Nan come out carrying the cage, Meng Luoyu immediately smiled.

  A few people walked toward the courtyard where Tie Qiu'er lived.

  However, just a few steps away, Nan Nan saw Afeng next to Meng Lu hurriedly walking towards Jingzhutang.

  Nan Nan blinked and gave him a strange look.

  Afeng also saw them, nodded to them, said nothing, and continued walking.

   Nan Nan felt that the matter was serious. He rolled his eyes twice and said to Meng Luoyu who was on the side, “I’ll go and see Grandpa Lu first, and you can go to Qiu’er. I’ll be there in a while.”

   "Huh?" Meng Luoyu tilted his head and glanced at him strangely.

   Before she could respond, she saw that Nan Nan had followed in Afeng's footsteps.

  Shen Ying's mouth twitched, and said to a guard who had brought Meng Luoyu over, "Take care of Miss Meng."

After saying this, he hurriedly followed Nan Nan.

  As soon as Nannan entered Jingzhutang, she keenly felt the coldness of the atmosphere, which was very unusual.

  He stood in place and tilted his head for a moment, then turned around and asked Shen Ying, "When did my dad come back last night? When he came back, what was...different?"

  "The master came back almost in Haishi, but there is no difference. By the way, when the master mentioned something, it seems that someone has been captured." Shen Ying thought of Ye Xiu and said something lowly.

  What the master said at the time was that his expression was very cold, it seemed that it was not a happy thing, and he did not know who caught it.

  Catch someone back? Nan Nan's eyes lit up immediately.

  He still remembers that Dad followed a bad guy yesterday afternoon. Could it be that the connector was found?

  Nandang raised his short legs and walked into Jingzhutang...

   When Ye Xiudu woke up again, the sky was already completely bright.

  He rubbed his neck, thinking that Qinger would be back tonight, his mood improved for no reason.

  Yuexin brought her breakfast, Ye Xiu took a few bites slowly, and then asked, "Where is Nannan?"

"The maidservant didn’t know. Even in the morning, the maidservant saw Nannan enter Jingzhutang. It didn’t take long for me to hear miserable screams. The maidservant wanted to go in and have a look. Let the servants prepare breakfast for the prince."

  Yue Xin thought of those screams, and felt chills all over, and her hair was terrified.


   Ye Xiu frowned, always feeling...something has happened to the little guy.

  He drank two more mouthfuls of porridge. After he was half full, he put down his chopsticks thoughtfully and went directly to Jingzhutang.

   "Ah..." A scream suddenly sounded.

  Ye Xiu Du had just walked outside Jing Zhu Tang, he was startled, feeling that his pores opened up with this scream. He frowned suddenly, and then quickened his pace.

  A Feng was guarded at the gate of Jingzhutang, and when he saw him coming in, he hurriedly said respectfully, "Master Xiu."

   "Where is Nannan?"

  A Feng’s expression turned weird for an instant, and he hesitated to point inside and said, "Yes, in it...interrogate that surname Qi."

   "He interrogated?" Ye Xiu was surprised.

  Afeng’s face became even more strange, and he even couldn’t help but laugh, "Yes."

   Ye Xiu gave him a strange look and walked in.


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