The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 835: Tangled mother and son

  Ye Xiudu suddenly chuckled, but Nan Nan saw that smile, but felt that the hairs all over his body stood up.

  Daddy’s smile is still weird and gloomy.

"Since his purpose is to overthrow you, how about letting him do what he wants?" Ye Xiudu's eyes fell on the window sill not far away, and his voice was clear. He said every word, "Didn't he not want you to be the patriarch of the Mongolian clan? ? Then let's change him."


   "My dad." Nan Nan immediately jumped over, pointed at Ye Xiudu, and nodded vigorously.

  Meng Lu was surprised, and when he looked at Ye Xiu alone, he only gently pulled the corners of his lips and slowly nodded.

  He pondered silently for a moment, but the next moment, his eyebrows were tightened again, his expression dignified, "Xiu Independence, you should know what the consequences of doing this are."

   "I know." Ye Xiu nodded alone, "Things have reached this point, if you don't force them. They will always stay in the tortoise shell and won't come out. At that time, it will be my master who will be hurt."

  Ye Xiu Duan knew very well that once Meng Lu announced to the outside that he would inherit the position of patriarch, he would naturally become a target.

  There is one sentence but it is very reasonable. If you don’t go deep into the tiger's den, how can you win?

  Menglu still hesitated, "This way is too risky."

   "The patriarch, there are more than 20 children in that book, but you can't die in vain." Ye Xiu has always been able to pinch the weaknesses of others.

  Sure enough, the next moment, Meng Lu’s expression changed, and he glanced at Ye Xiu Duo.

   After a long time, he rubbed his eyebrows and laughed, "Finally, just do it your way."

   "I have another request. I will announce this until tomorrow morning."


Nan Nan looked around and started shaking his head.

  If my mother knew that Dad used this method to lure snakes out of the cave, she would be very angry.

  At that time, who should he be on?

  He is a man, that dad’s way, as a man, must be supported.

  However, he is his father at the same time, and his mother is the one he loves the most. He doesn't stand on the mother's side, it seems a bit unreasonable.

  Nannan is very tangled.

  However, the person who is entangled at this moment is also the mother in his mouth.

  Yu Qingluo sat in her room, propped her head and looked out the window. The wound on her arm was not completely healed. Although the knife was not drawn deeply, she also had good medicine for herself, but within such a day or two, if she wanted to heal until there were no scars, it would only be the **** who went down.

  But she agreed to Ye Xiu alone, she would go back tonight, this hurt...he is not blind, he must be able to see it.

  A slight knock on the door came from the door of "buckle buckle". Yu Qing was taken aback and heard a low voice from outside, "Miss Jade, the master invites you to go."

  The voice outside the door was familiar and clear. Since Zhenzhen was dealt with, Shangguanjin changed the pair of people she had met.

  Shuangshuang obviously knows her duty better than Zhenzhen, and is also polite to her, with a smile on her face, and never being impatient with her.

  Yu Qingluo opened the door, she really saw both sweet smiles, blessed her, and whispered softly, "Miss Jade, the time for the master's return visit has come, and the slave servants come to disturb me, Miss Jade, forgive me."

  Yu Qingluo's attitude towards such a friendly maid is naturally good.

  She nodded, walked in, took the medicine packet, and followed behind her.

  She and Shangguanjin’s room were not far away, but it was only a few steps away.

  Shuangshuang stepped forward and knocked on the door. As soon as Yu Qingluo entered, she saw Ye Xiu lying alone on the soft couch, looking Yanyan.

   "Are you here?" Shangguan Jin raised his eyes and glanced at her, then slowly closed his eyes again.

As soon as Yuqing entered the door, Shuangshuang retired obediently and closed the door.

"You have something to eat first. I heard that you didn't eat at noon. Why, no appetite?" Shangguan Jin opened his eyes, pointed to the food prepared for her on the table, and asked her, "I was still caught by those two Is the snake scared?"

  Yu Qingluo was stunned. It was not that she had no appetite, nor was she frightened by the snake, but... she simply forgot about the meal.

  She is now full of eyes, thinking about how to hide from the sky so that Ye Xiudu can't see the wound on her arm.

  I am mentioned by Shangguan Jin now, and I really feel that my belly is empty and there is nothing.

"Don't worry, I have killed the two snakes." When Shangguan Jin saw her silent and did not excuse, he continued, "As for Zhenzhen, she has also been thrown on the mass grave, which is not harmful. Human. You don’t have to worry too much. With this king, you won’t be troubled."

When Zhenzhen was dragged out of the room, both Xue Le and Xue Cheng frowned. It is said that the tragedy was terrifying.

  Yu Qingluo secretly twitched the corners of her mouth, said "Oh", and walked to the table and sat down.

  Looking at the delicious food in front of her, she did feel a little hungry. After taking a look at the Shangguan Jin, he was not at all polite and started to eat.

  Shangguan Jin liked her behavior very much, and felt that few women could be so unscrupulous in front of him.

  Most of the women he saw were pretentious and very cautious, let alone eating, I am afraid that they would not even dare to hold chopsticks in front of him.

  Yu Qingluo's behavior, even if it was gorged, he felt that it was free and easy.

  How can a woman like this be worthy of himself if he is not in his arms?

   "You eat slowly, no one here is robbing you." Shangguan Jin took a sip of water, her voice hoarse.

  Yu Qingluo trembled inexplicably, did not speak for a while, and suddenly felt that she had almost eaten. She was silent, and then put the chopsticks on the table.

  Shangguan Jin frowned, "Have you eaten?"

  Yu Qingluo nodded, wiped her mouth, and cleaned her hands. Then she walked to him and said, "I'll get your pulse."

  Actually, he is almost good, he can walk and run, there is nothing wrong with him.

  Shangguan Jin's eyebrows tightened, "It seems that your appetite is indeed very bad." He suddenly regretted it, as if he had dealt with Zhenzhen too lightly.

  Yu Qingluo did not answer. After listening to his pulse, he withdrew his hand and said softly, "You are almost injured, you don't need to take the medicine."

   She said, rubbing her eyebrows.

   "What's wrong with you? Uncomfortable?" Shangguan Jin didn't want to see her expression, so she couldn't help but straightened up and asked worriedly.

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, "I had a nightmare last night and want to go back to sleep for a while."

   "Okay, you have a good rest, I will let Shuangshuang light a soothing censer in your room, and you will feel better when you fall asleep."

  Yu Qingluo doesn’t matter. What she bothers about is how to conceal the injury on her arm when she goes back, ah ah ah ah ah ah.

   Saying goodbye to Shangguan Jin, she walked out of the room feebly.

  Shuangshuang immediately greeted him. Hearing Shangguan Jin’s instructions in the room, he immediately responded and turned around to go.

  Yu Qingluo, after walking a few steps, suddenly stopped, and looked at a figure downstairs in surprise.


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