Jiang'er was instructed by Ye Xiudu to come over. This block was home to a wealthy family, so he didn't want to come here too often.

  Now it was to send a letter to Ye Xiu alone, so I had to come here.

  It's just that his identity as a beggar is not suitable. Ye Xiudu probably also considered this, so he found him a bunch of new clothes to change into.

  Jiang'er has been sitting downstairs in the most conspicuous part of the lobby for a while, and most of the dishes he ordered, but still no people he knows come downstairs.

  Yu Qingluo thought she was wrong at first, so she rubbed her eyes and looked at it carefully before confirming that this person was indeed the little beggar she had seen earlier.

  It’s just that this outfit really scared her.

  It seems that her previous guess is correct. This Jianger must have been the son of a big family in the past.

  Looking at him in this costume, even at a young age, his elegant and handsome temperament appeared in an instant.

  Yu Qingluo looked around, and not far away was Xue Le, standing guard at the place where Shangguanjin’s room must pass.

  Since Da Zhenzhen’s accident, Xue Le’s attitude towards her can be described as respectful.

   So, this person is guilty. If there is nothing about Zhenzhen, it is estimated that the next person who will harm him is this Xue Le.

  Yu Qingluo curled his lips, and a little lazily passed by him and walked downstairs.

  When Xue Le saw her coming, he raised his head almost reflexively, his face was serious, and he respectfully saluted her, "Miss Jade."

"En." Yu Qingluo snorted coldly and noblely, and then looked at him slantingly, "Shuangshuang will come out of my room later, if you ask me, you can tell her, I am a little angry. Go and buy some pears on the street."

   "Uh, oh, okay." Xue Le immediately replied, and then as if thinking of something, he hurriedly smiled, "Miss Jade, it's hot outside, so let's buy it for you."

  Yu Qingluo almost wanted to laugh on the spot. It seems that Shangguan Jin’s method is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it can make Xue Le's attitude change so much.

She squinted at him again, and said blankly, "No, your master's safety is more important, so you should guard here. Don't let the younger generation hurt Shangguan Jin. "

   "Yes." Xue Le nodded solemnly, very obediently.

  Yu Qingluo sullen her face and walked towards the stairs with her hands behind her back.

   Xue Le just looked at her back for a short while, then immediately turned his head and continued to guard strictly.

  Yuqing fell downstairs, Jiang Er saw him immediately, her eyes lit up and she wanted to get up to meet him.

  However, thinking of Ye Xiudu's command, he immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart, sat back slowly, and even drank tea slowly.

  That one is small, but very similar.

  Yu Qingluo paused when he passed him, and said lowly, "I'm waiting for you outside the door, you will come out in a while."

  Jiang'er gave an "en" and continued to drink tea.

  He heard Ye Xiudu say, be careful not to let anyone see him meet Miss Yu, otherwise it will be harmful to him.

  Ye Xiudu was very cautious when he said this. He has always been cautious, and even more dare not careless.

Nearly a quarter of an hour after Yu Qingluo walked out of the gate of the inn, Jiang Er went to the counter to settle the bill and followed out.

  He looked around, and for a while, he realized that in a shady corner of the street, Yu Qingluo was squatting in front of a basket to pick pears.

   Jiang'er pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and chose a corner to stand.

  This place is not far from Yu Qingluo, but it is facing the back of Yu Qingluo. As long as she stands up and turns her head, she can see herself.

  Yuqing squatted there for a while, then wrapped five or six pears in cloth, and then paid the money and got up.

  Sweeping his eyes, he immediately saw Jiang'er.

  The two looked at each other, Jiang Er smiled on his face, and turned around and went into the alley.

  Yu Qingluo then slowly followed in.

  There was no one in the alley, only Jiang Er leaning there. Seeing her, Jiang Er’s face instantly lit up with a smile, "Miss Yu."

   "You came to see me, is there something wrong?" Yu Qingluo was a little strange, "How do you know that I am in this inn?"

   Jiang'er scratched his head and recounted the meeting with Ye Xiu alone.

  Yu Qingluo was very surprised when she heard it, and laughed after a while, "You are smart." Knowing to go to Bai Yifeng.

  Suddenly she admired her foresight a little, so she said, with an identity like Jiang Er, what she sees and hears is different from them, and she might be able to help someday.

  Now, isn’t it just a big help?

"Ah, by the way, Ye Gongzi asked me to give you this letter." Jiang Er took out a letter from her arms and handed it carefully to her hand, with a little shame on her face and a low smile. Said, "This dress was also made by Ye Gongzi. It is very comfortable. The money I eat in the inn is also given by Ye Gongzi.

  He wanted to express his gratitude, but these words made him really unable to express his rigorous and oppressive face of Ye Xiudu.

  Yu Qingluo laughed, and nodded in praise, "Well, it’s well-dressed, very well-fitted, good-looking, and has a very good temperament."

   "Girl Jade's son is a pink jade carving, very cute." Jiang'er and Yu Qingluo are familiar with each other, and gradually they talk more.

   Speaking of Nan Nan, Yu Qingluo's expression became softer. It's really been many days since I saw him, she was about to die him.

  I don’t know if that little guy is fat, that soft face, really want to squeeze.

   "By the way, Little Young Master Nan Nan asked me to relay a sentence to Miss Yu."

   "En? What are you talking about?" Yu Qingluo asked as she opened the envelope.

  She is a little weird. She plans to go back tonight. Why did Ye Xiudu ask Jiang Er to send her a letter? Is something wrong?

  Jiang'er thought of Nan Nan's serious appearance, so he learned how to behave. "The little boy Nan Nan said that he has a high level of martial arts, and he will protect himself, and Miss Yu will also protect himself."

  Yuqing fell for a moment, and the fingers holding the envelope stiffened.

  These words...Why are they strange and uneasy?

  Yuqing lowered her eyebrows and hurriedly pulled out the letter paper inside, staring quickly on it, almost ten lines at a glance, and quickly read it.

  After a while, her eyes darkened and her expression was a little ugly.

  Jiang'er thought that Nan Nan had said a lot, and originally wanted to relay it, but when he looked up and saw Yu Qingluo's face, he was stunned and immediately shut his mouth obediently.

  He knows how to look at people's faces, but Yu Qingluo's face at the moment is really not good.


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