The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 837: Leave in the middle of the night

   "Girl Jade...what's wrong?" Jiang Er asked hesitantly.

  Yu Qingluo pinched the envelope tightly with her fingers, changing countless expressions in an instant.

  For a long time, she often exhales, smiles and looks at Jiang'er, shook her head and said, "It's okay."

   Damn Ye Xiudu, he actually used himself as a bait, and he actually used himself as a bait? ? ?

  Yu Qingluo's finger bones creaked, and now she can't wait to rush to Ye Xiudu's face and slap him fiercely.

  Jiang'er's eyes were locked tightly on her finger bones, her eyes were uncertain, and her footsteps began to take a small step back.

  It was the first time that he saw this expression on Miss Yu's face, she looked terrifying, even more retreating than Ye Gongzi.

  After a long time, Yu Qingluo put the letter paper away and said to Jiang'er, "You go back first."

   "Oh." Jiang Er nodded in a daze, turned around and walked a few steps, suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked softly, "Then... reply..."

   "No, yes!!!" Yu Qingluo gritted his teeth.

  Jiang'er shrank her neck, said nothing, turned around and left the alley directly.

  Daddy said that sometimes women are actually very scary things. He now... sees it.

   Ye Gongzi still said that he wanted to reply, but Miss Yu didn't reply, so he should go back and say something.

  Yu Qingluo held the pear for a long time before turning back to the inn.

  She slowly woke up, looked at the pear in her hand, and patted her forehead. She still wants to give Jiang'er some pears, now...

  It's all night cultivator alone, this bastard. He even said that he didn't want to go back tonight, because his side was too dangerous.

  Knowing that you are in danger, so you still want to be a bait? Bait your sister, what's the difference between this and death?

  Yu Qingluo tugged tightly with her fingers, and almost broke the cloth covering the pears.

Shuangshuang has been waiting at the door of the inn for a while, and seeing her come in, he immediately greeted her with a big smile, "Ms. Jade, you are back. Give this pear to the maidservant. The maid will make iced pears for Miss Jade. In a while, I'll take it into the girl's room."

  There was fine sweat on both foreheads. The master explained that Miss Jade would be very dangerous if she went out without a veil.

  Although Xue Le said that Miss Yu just went to buy a few pears outside the inn and came back soon.

  But she was still worried, and now she saw Yu Qingluo coming back, and she was slowly relieved.

  Yu Qingluo had no other thoughts, handed the pear to his hand, and went back to her room.

  Shuangshuang knew that she was not in good spirits, so she didn't ask much, took the pear and asked the shopkeeper for ice cubes.

  Yuqing came in and took out the letter paper carefully to read it. The more I look at it, the worse the mood is. She regrets not going back earlier. If she is by Ye Xiudu's side, when he makes such a desperate decision, she can stop him.

  Yu Qingluo felt that her head hurts more. She put the letter with the envelope into the incense burner, and after a while, it burned into ashes.

  Fortunately, Shuangshuang burned the incense in her room, and the smell of the fire was suddenly overwhelmed.

  When Shuangshuang came in, Yu Qingluo's expression had returned to normal.

  Taking a bite of iced Sydney, a refreshing sensation caused her to wake up instantly.

  Shuangshuang watched from the side, she shook her body and couldn't help but smiled, "How does the girl feel? The girl picked a good Sydney pear, which is juicy and tender. It is just right to make iced pears, which relieves the heat and is crispy."

  Yu Qingluo smiled, took two bites, nodded and said, "Your craftsmanship is also good."

   Both laughed, cleared the table top, and left with the tray.

  Yu Qingluo took a few more mouthfuls and felt full. Moved a chair and sat by the window, holding his cheeks...and blowing.

  She was worried that the wound on her arm was discovered by Ye Xiu, but now she doesn’t have to worry about it.

   More painful things happened, making her more headache.

   Yu Qingluo sighed, looking weak.

  Perhaps the incense burner that both brought in was really useful. After Yu Qingluo sat by the window for a long time, she became a little drowsy.

   After a while, I really felt sleepy, so I went directly to bed to sleep.

   There is still some noise outside, but Yu Qingluo sleeps very sweetly.

  It was not until the evening that she was awakened by the knock on the door outside.

  Shuangshuang still came in, and gave her water to wash her face.

  Yu Qing Luohuan stood aside and said lowly, “Shuangshuang, you are not my maid, you don’t have to serve me, you just have to serve your master.”

   Both were taken aback for a moment, and laughed, "It is the master's order to take care of Miss Jade. This is the duty of a slave and maid, please don't say that."

  Yu Qingluo frowned, forget it, just wash her face with water, if Shangguan Jin asked her to do this, she wouldn't have much to say. Otherwise, if she was reprimanded by Shangguan Jin in the end, she would have committed a crime.

   wiped her face, Yu Qingluo felt a little more energetic.

  The sky slowly darkened. Yu Qingluo glanced at it twice before asking, "Where is Shangguan Jin?"

   Both frowned. She was still very unhappy when others called her master by his name.

  It's just that the master seems to like Miss Jade to call him like this, even so, she doesn't have much to say.

"The master is reading in the room and just had dinner." Shuangshuanghui said, "The master has ordered. Whatever the girl wants to eat at night, just ask the slave and maid. If the girl is not very good, she should rest in the room for a while. Whatever matter, just call a servant."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, “I’m still a little bit tired. You can find some refreshing and delicious side dishes for me in the kitchen. After eating, rest early.”

   "Yes." Both retired, but Yu Qingluo looked around and found a vulgar rope in the room.

  After finishing the dinner, Yu Qingluo lay on the bed for a long time. The censer in the room was removed by her. The contents in it had a soothing and hypnotic effect. If it smelled too much, she would go to sleep again later.

  Until the middle of the night, there was no sound even in the street.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly turned over and sat up, tying her dress tightly, feeling a lot cleaner between her actions, and then opened the window.

  The downstairs of her room is the street. Yu Qingluo hung the rope on the window sill, and slid down the window with a ‘swish’ along the window.

  After that, he raised his eyes and took a look. No one noticed himself. Then he flicked the rope, gathered it up, and hung it around his waist in several circles.

  The next moment, she disappeared from the corner of the street with some thin back, and ran in the direction of the old mansion of the Yue clan.


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