Meng Lu sighed, Yu Qingluo came so aggressively, he knew what was going on as soon as he guessed it.

   "Sit down first, I'll talk to you."

  He walked over a few steps, poured her a cup of tea himself, and pushed it in her direction.

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, did not move for half a step, still squinted, and said with a cold voice, "I want to see Ye Xiu Duo."

"He has something to do. He will be back in a while." Menglu was helpless. After saying this, watching her turn around to leave, she twisted her eyebrows and said, "I know, you are here because he wants to inherit the patriarch. ."

  Yu Qingluo stopped, turned her back to him, and looked at the moonlight outside.

   "Since Xiu Du wrote a letter to you, you should also know why he did this."

   "I know, but I don't agree with it." Yu Qing returned, and then slowly turned around to face him.

  Meng Lu naturally knew her thoughts.

  He nodded, lifted his robe and sat down, sighed slightly, and said softly, "I know, I didn't agree with it at first."

   "In that case, why did you agree to it later? There are many ways to catch the murderer."

  Yu Qingluo was a bit blamed for him. Originally, she came here with the only purpose of finding Grandma Ge. But now things are getting more and more complicated and bigger, and some are out of control.

  She is not stupid. There have been so many things in recent times, so many rumors on the street, all targeted at Menglu.

  In other words, from the very beginning, even the murder of the clan elders was to bring down one of the links in Menglu.

   And she and Ye Xiu Du Nannan were both involved inadvertently.

  On the contrary... the relationship between the clan elders and Ye Xiu independence is too deep to ignore.

  Meng Lu raised his eyes and glanced at her. Yeah, why did he agree? Knowing that Ye Xiu alone would be dangerous, why did he still agree?

  His hand was squeezed tightly, because the booklet, the names on it, made him look full of energy and blood, and he wanted to smash the murderer into pieces.

  Meng Lu glanced at Yu Qingluo again, then turned around, returned to the edge of the bed, took out the notebook under the pillow, and handed it to her hand.

   "Look at this."

  Yuqing raised her eyebrows, puzzled, but still reached out to take it, turned a few pages, but was full of doubts.

  "This is..." The time these children hoped for is a bit strange.

  Menglu took a deep breath, until now, thinking of these murdered children, he still can't calm down.

  "These are all children with flower-shaped birthmarks. My Mongolian people have never seen one for more than 20 years, and they are all folded here." Every time he saw the name on it, he felt shocked.

  These damaged children are all because of someone’s selfishness, and they all go before they are born for an hour.

  Yu Qingluo's pupils shrank suddenly, these children were all killed by others?

  Yu Qingluo can tolerate many things, and can treat many things indifferently, but...can't just watch the young and lively lives, just like that.

  A child knows how difficult it is to come into this world, she knows better than anyone.


  She squeezed her hand tightly, her heart was tumbling, and she could barely catch her breath.

  She suddenly thought of the flower-shaped birthmark on Nan Nan, how lucky she was that she had not met Ye Xiudu from the beginning and was with him.

  Otherwise, Nannan might not survive either.

  That said, Meng Luoyu, it's time to thank Meng Ke.

  "Jade girl, I know there are many ways to find the murderer. But this is the fastest, otherwise I don’t know what else this person will do if he is frantic."

  Yu Qingluo was silent, and she understood all these truths.

   But it's one thing to understand, it's another thing to let Ye Xiu go on the adventure without worry.

  Even if the night cultivating ability is good, you can be afraid of everything.

   "Miss Yu, you...I know you can't accept it for a while, you, think about it." Menglu didn't know how to persuade her.

  He understands Yu Qingluo's temperament to some extent. From the last time she poisoned herself because of the Nannan incident, she is a person who attaches great importance to her family.

  Yu Qingluo rubbed her eyebrows, but asked lowly, "Where is Ye Xiu alone?"

  "..." The corner of Menglu's mouth couldn't help but twitch, why is she thinking about this question all her heart?

  He was silent for a while before saying, "He is in Helan Courtyard."

  Yu Qingluo gave him a meaningful look, didn't he just say that he had something to go out?

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Meng Lu's face, he gave a light cough and turned his head away.

   then went out and recruited A Feng, "You take Miss Jade to Helan Courtyard."

  A Feng is a little surprised, didn't the patriarch said that she would not let Miss Yu see the Lord Xiu?

  He was suspicious, but he obediently took Yu Qingluo to meet Ye Xiudu.

  Standing in front of Helan Courtyard, Yu Qingluo took a deep breath and said to Afeng, "You go back, I will go in by myself."

   "Yes." A Feng nodded, and immediately stepped back respectfully.

  Yu Qingluo stood outside again for a long time, then took a deep breath and walked in.

  Shen Ying and Wen Tian, ​​who were guarding outside the courtyard, saw her. They froze. It took a while to react and they were about to step forward in a hurry.

  Yu Qingluo waved his hand, telling them not to come over where they were.

  The two looked at each other, thinking about what the master was doing today, they knew something in their hearts, and felt that Miss Jade was going to go crazy later.

  The two immediately stood back where they were very self-aware, and had no idea whatsoever.

  Yu Qingluo took a few steps forward, and when he passed the small arch, a rustling sound suddenly came from the flowers not far away.

  She was taken aback, then frowned and glanced over there.

   Soon there was no movement, Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows and raised her ears.

   "Someone is really here, Nan Nan, what should I do now?"

  Yuqing fell into a daze. This voice seemed to be Meng Luoyu, very soft. She heard it vaguely and didn't understand it.

   Nan Nan was very anxious, and hurriedly covered her mouth, her voice was so low that she couldn't be lower, "Sister Yu, your voice is too loud, she will hear it."

  Meng Luoyu shrank her neck hurriedly, she was only agitated for a while, and she didn't control the volume.

   looked at Nan Nan apologetically, she opened her mouth now, as if she said silently, "Then...what should I do now?"

"Wait for her to walk in a little bit, let's act." Nan Nan said softly, "I'll just say, the spies in this clan mansion must be arrested as soon as possible, otherwise it's too disturbing. Look, I just released the news. , Saying that we have grasped the clue to the murderer of my grandfather, someone will come to the door immediately in the middle of the night."

   "En, Nannan, you are so smart." Meng Luoyu nodded again and again, "Hey, the figure of that person seems to be a woman."


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