The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 840: Daddy, you're done

  The moonlight was very dim, Nan Nan and Meng Luoyu were hidden in the flowers again, far away, they couldn't see clearly, only vaguely saw a figure coming here.

  Nan Nan stretched her neck, nodded, and whispered, "It looks like a woman, and her clothes are strange, they seem to be tight."

   "Nannan, how did she stop? Did she spot us?" Could it be that she just didn't notice the loudness, which caused the other's alert?

   Nan Nan "hush", "It's okay, let's not talk now. She has all come in, and she definitely won't just stop like this."

  After that, both of them put their heads down and squeezed together again.

  Yu Qingluo could only hear the sentence Meng Luoyu said earlier, and the others were silent.

  The corners of her mouth twitched, thinking that Xiaoyu stayed in the Helan courtyard without sleeping most of the night, mostly with Nan Nan.

  The two children don’t know what they are doing here.

  Yu Qingluo still knows this son very well.

  She can't take care of it either, she should go first to find Yexiudu.

  The footsteps are getting closer and closer, Nan Nan does not look up, but the ears can hear it very clearly.

  When he was just a step away from himself, he jumped up from the flowers and sprinkled a handful of powder against Yu Qing Luo without thinking.

   "A traitor, take my palm."

  As soon as he finished sprinkling the powder, he immediately turned his palms, palms violently, and approached Yuqing at the door.

  Yu Qingluo reacted quickly and took two steps backwards hurriedly. Seeing the wind coming from the south and south palms, she suddenly bent down and avoided the past.

   She wore very neat today, but it was easy to dodge.

  Shen Ying ran up after hearing the sky, and before he could exit, Nan Nan rose into the air again.

Nan Nan missed two hits in one blow, but became even more excited, "Oh, you a traitor, I didn't expect to hide it deeply. But let me tell you, you fell into my hands today, and you can’t escape anyway. If you fall, you usually do a lot of evil and help you to be abused, and you should have ended this way a long time ago."

  He speaks a series of sets, like lines that have been memorized for a long time, like a little adult, and special slurred.

  Yu Qingluo was about to laugh angrily, and moved a few steps back, and finally couldn't bear it, and shouted at him, "Yu Qingnan, you watch too much drama. If you dare to do it again, I will **** your ass."

  Jade Qingluo’s deterrence has always been useful, and it has been around for a long time.

  Almost hearing her voice began, Nan Nan shook her body subconsciously, covering her **** without saying a word.

  But he had forgotten that he was still in mid-air and wanted to shoot Yu Qingluo. When he ignored it, he fell directly and fell into the flowers.

  The next moment, a terrible voice resounded through the entire Helan Courtyard.

   Even in the house who had been thinking about the plan for tomorrow's night cultivation, he suddenly frowned, thinking that something had happened, and quickly rushed out.

  As soon as she raised her head, she saw Yu Qingluo standing not far in front of him. Behind her, Shen Ying and Wentian were standing on the left and right carrying the lantern.

   The expressions of both of them were a little surprised, their eyes all fell on Nan Nan on the ground.

  Ye Xiu Du had no time to look at it, and his eyes were filled with Yu Qingluo not far away.

  For a long time, he took a deep breath and walked towards her step by step.

  It’s just that he didn’t want to. After seeing the person standing in front of him clearly, Nan Nan on the ground rubbed his eyes, forgetting the pain in his body.

  He jumped up suddenly, squeezed Ye Xiudu directly away, and threw himself into Yu Qingluo's arms.

"Mother, mother, I finally saw you, I want to kill you." Nan Nan whizzed and climbed onto her body, holding Yu Qingluo's neck with both hands, and holding her feet between her feet. Waist, head desperately arched into her arms.

  "..." Then came up for the night to cultivate independence.

  He has an impulse now, he wants to take Nan Nan off and throw it out, he can throw it into that corner.

  Shen Ying and Wen Tian looked at each other, silently twisting their gazes, not wanting to see their master gnashing his teeth after being squeezed aside by Nan Nan.

  The two paused, and wittily pulled Meng Luoyu from the flowers.

  Meng Luoyu was also very surprised to see Yu Qingluo, she also wanted to go up and say a few words.

  Knowing that Aunt Qing was missing these days, she was just as anxious. Later Nan Nan told her that she was okay, but she didn't see anyone, and she always kept her heart in her arms.

  But Meng Luoyu also knows that it is now midnight, I am afraid that Nan Nan alone can't say enough, she should come back another day, at least now that Aunt Qing is safe, she can rest assured.

   Therefore, when Wentian said to send her back, she nodded graciously and took Wentian's hand and left Helan Courtyard.

  Shen Ying also turned around and walked away immediately. He is an informed and witty subordinate. The master is reunited, he is not an eyesore.

  In fact, he is still afraid that the master will become angry after being angry, and he will become cannon fodder.

  When he was gone, Ye Xiudu took a few steps forward and coughed slightly.

Nan Nan didn’t hear it, and continued to cling to Yu Qingluo’s neck tightly, "Mother, during your absence, I really didn’t think about it. You see, I lost a few kilos, even my cheeks. Recessed."

  Yu Qingluo rolled her eyes, looked at Ye Xiudu, and then glanced down at Nan Nan.

  The corners of his mouth twitched, and he pulled him apart for a few minutes, and said, "Can you change the words?" Every time he "reunited for a long time" with him, he always emphasized the fact that he didn't think about eating or drinking and was losing a few pounds.

  Emotions, he thinks it’s already serious not to think about tea, right?

  Nannan blinked, want to change another word?

  He pondered for a while, and then said seriously after a while, "Mother, my current figure, maybe even the tiger will despise me as a rib when he sees me."

   "..." Ye Xiu alone.

  "..." Yuqing fell.

  What is the difference between this and saying that you have lost weight?

  She stretched out her hand and squeezed the flesh on Nan Nan's face, was indeed not as much as before. It seems that he was really worried about himself during this period of time.

   Seeing him so poor, she didn't care about him just attacking herself.

  At present, there are more important things.

  She raised her eyes to look at Ye Xiu alone, snorted coldly, turned and walked inside, "Go in and talk."

  The voice was a bit cold, Ye Xiudu's face stiffened, and finally he seemed like Yu Qingluo shouldn't be here at this moment.

  He sighed somewhat resignedly, and looked at the mother and son who were walking away in front of him.

Nan Nan lay on Yu Qingluo's shoulders, and gave him a sympathetic look, his mouth slightly tilted, as if to say something silently.

   "You are done, daddy."

  Ye Xiu Du’s face suddenly became darker.


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