Entering the house, Yu Qingluo put Nan Nan on the ground, gave him a push, and said, "Go and play."

   "..." Nan Nan choked. He is not a child of two or three years old. What does it mean to go to play? He is a grown-up, very serious.

Nan Nan took a few steps aside, sat in a chair, and watched Yu Qingluo with his round eyes.

  Well, I haven’t seen you for a long time. My mother seems to be more beautiful and doesn’t seem to be wronged. He said that he is still very satisfied.

  He actually has a lot to say to his mother, but the expression of mother...Well, let Daddy go and fight the fire for the mother first.

   Thinking, he glanced at Ye Xiudu again.

   Ye Xiu coughed softly, and sat opposite Yu Qingluo, poured her a glass of water, her voice was rare and gentle, "Why come here so late? Didn't Shangguan Jin find it?"

  Yu Qingluo didn't even look at the cup of tea, just stared at him firmly.

   Ye Xiu Du was uncomfortable when she saw her, turned her head and turned her face, and coughed heavily.

"Daddy, did you catch the cold? I have medicine here, come, hurry up and take it." Nan Nan moved quickly and ran to Ye Xiudu in twos and threes, not knowing when he took one in his hand. A black pill was directly stuffed into Ye Xiudu's mouth.

   "..." Ye Xiu glared at him alone, "I didn't suffer from the wind and cold."

   "Oh." Nan Nan nodded, "It's okay. This medicine was given to me by my mother. I'll treat the disease, stay healthy, and even take it."

   "..." But, it's very bitter.

   "Mother's stuff is very powerful, daddy is not afraid." Nan Nan said, looking at Yu Qingluo in favor, "Mother, I'm right."

  Yu Qingluo watched him sneer, now the little things start to **** up flattery? Then why didn't he know how to stop him when his father promised the bait?

  Nan Nan shrank her neck, and obediently walked to the side of the soft couch to lie down.

Ye Xiudu sighed softly, stepped forward and grabbed her hand, and said in a low voice, "I know what you're angry about, but when things have reached this point, I can only make a quick resolution. Don't worry, I have a sense , Will protect yourself."

  Yu Qingluo glared at him, but did not withdraw his hand.

  Ye Xiu saw it alone, but she was a little bit tighter, so she simply squeezed the back of her hand with two fingers.

   "Ahem." Nan Nan coughed heavily.

  Ye Xiu turned her head to look alone, and the little guy immediately looked up at the sky, indicating that he hadn't seen anything.

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corner of her mouth, and then pulled her hand back.

  Ye Xiu Du was so embarrassed that she gritted her teeth and said to Nan Nan, "It's so late, don't you go back to bed? You took Xiaoyu to prank, almost hurt your mother, I haven't settled with you yet."

  Nan Nan stared wide-eyed, looking at his dad who was telling lies with his eyes open inconceivably.

  Are there any mistakes? Father said clearly that he should catch the spies. He also said that he is smart, lively, cute, and thoughtful of various advantages. Although he sometimes messes around a little bit, he can always turn danger to a breeze. Maybe he can really catch the slenderness.

  Why do you say this kind of thing in front of your mother now, saying that he used Xiaoyu to mess around? ? ? ?

  Making a fool? ? ? ?

   Nan Nan said that he did not intend to care about his father-son relationship with his father during this period, and he wanted to... despise his father and father.

   He snorted, but when he saw Yu Qingluo's gaze, he immediately gave a flattering smile and got up and went out obediently.

  Walking to the door, he pouted aggrievedly and said, "Mother, don’t go, Nannan still has a lot to say to you."

  Yu Qingluo waved her hand, but did not return him.

  Nan Nan turned back to her house just one step at a time.

  In fact, he has been sleeping alone with Ye Xiu all this time. Although his room is next door, it has been empty.

  Now that his mother is back, he has to be alone.

  As soon as he left, Ye Xiu Duo got closer again, and whispered, "You know that's great, don't blame me for this, huh?"

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath secretly. She blamed him because she knew how good it was.

  Who does not cherish themselves so much?

   "Then I won't go, stay here." At any rate, there is one more person, one more strength.

   Ye Xiu frowned, "Qing'er..."

   "You are not allowed to object, this matter has not been discussed." Yu Qingluo interrupted his hesitation and snorted coldly, "I am a doctor anyway, even if my martial arts is not as good as you, I still have other abilities."

  Ye Xiu lowered his eyes alone, the corners of his mouth tense.

  He was silent, and Yu Qingluo's anger came up, "I tell you, even if you drive me away today, I will be back tomorrow morning."

She squeezed his arm viciously, squinted and said solemnly, "Menglu showed me the book, and I can't bear the children who were killed. Therefore, I won't stop you from your decision this time. But I want to participate."

  Yu Qingluo's voice was tense, Ye Xiu looked up at her alone, and saw her eyes firm, her lips pressed tightly, but her eyes were bright, especially moving.

  He moved closer and bit her lower lip.

  Yu Qingluo was stunned, then his face turned blue.

  The soft and numb feeling on her lips still made her feel soft, and her hand stopped.

After a long while, Ye Xiu Ducai stepped back, grabbed her hand again, and chuckled, "You come back, what about Shangguan Jin?"

"What should I do? I originally wanted to come back. If you hadn't asked Jiang'er to send me the letter today, I would already have to say goodbye to him, so he can do whatever he likes." Yu Qingluo felt hot on her lips. Yes, she sips a little.

   Ye Xiudu, who was watching this time, was angry again, and leaned in front of her again.

  Yuqing narrowed his eyes, hurriedly tilted his head back, blocking his hands, "Stop, I'll be serious with you."

  Ye Xiudu was a little reluctant, he hadn't touched her for a few days, and now he wouldn't even let him eat some sweetness, very stingy.

"Okay, then it's serious." Ye Xiu sat alone straightened up a bit, watching her blushing face, and whispered, "Since you also agreed with my idea, then you are not angry. As for. Can you stay here..."

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows, listened to what he meant, or refused?

   "Qing'er, did you forget what you said to me last time?" Ye Xiu squinted at her.

   Yuqing fell for a moment, what did you say last time?

   "Always remember your guess." Ye Xiu smiled and shook his head. "That's also a trouble, and only you can stop it."

  Speaking of this, he is still dissatisfied, "Although I don't agree, but since you want to participate, you can participate in another way. You don't have to stay with me. Shangguanjin's side..."

  Yuqing was very annoyed. After watching him for a long time, he gritted his teeth, hummed coldly, and turned and left.


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