The sky outside was pitch black, Yu Qingluo took a few steps, and was pulled back by the person behind him.

   She snorted coldly, "Don’t you want me to go back to Shangguanjin? What is it for me to come back?"

  A few days ago, she was jealous because of this incident, so she must be restricted to come back within two days.

  It's good now, I'm going to push her out. He is willing? Aren't you afraid that she won't come back after really following Shangguan Jin?

  Ye Xiu held her waist alone, rested her head on her shoulders, her thin lips crossed her cheeks, and her voice was soft, "It’s still early, take a break."

  Naturally, Ye Xiudu did not want her to go back, and Shangguan Jin was sinister and cunning. It is really not a wise move for Qinger to be by his side.

  But at present, Shangguanjin is the safest.

  Qing'er is by his side, besides letting him stare at him, at least there will be no danger, let alone being involved by him, and becoming a target of others again.

  Yu Qingluo naturally understands these principles.

  Understandable, it’s another thing to deal with it wisely. She is in a bad mood.

   "I'm going to see Nan Nan." She didn't want to face Ye Xiu Duo now, otherwise she would scratch his face impulsively.

  Ye Xiu Dudu ignored her, took her by the hand, and took her to Nan Nan's house.

  Sure enough, the little guy didn't sleep. When he saw Yu Qingluo coming in, he pushed Ye Xiu Duo away without saying a word, and climbed onto her again and again, holding her neck and refused to come down.

   "Mother, won't you leave tonight? Then accompany Nan Nan to sleep."

   "Well, don't leave, let's talk." She said, closing the door naturally... and blocking Ye Xiu from the outside.

   "..." Ye Xiu touched his nose alone, Qing'er was still annoying him.

   Forget it, when this matter is over, he will have a good chat with Qinger.

  He shook his head and turned to Jingzhutang in Menglu. He still needs to discuss some details with Menglu.

  When he came back again, the light in Nannan's room had already gone out.

  Shen Ying replied, "...The two people seemed to have said a lot. Later, Miss Yu looked at the time and yelled Nan Nan and asked him to sleep. Then she calmed down."

  Shen Ying was instructed to protect Nannan. Now it is a troubled autumn, so he is naturally close.

The roar of   yu girl was a bit loud, even if he stood outside, he could hear it clearly.

  Nannan is also strange. In this world, it seems that there are only special girls who are afraid of jade.

  唔, no, according to Nan Nan, that is respect, respect...

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, did not say anything, turned around and walked in, and put his clothes on to bed.

  In a few hours, the sky will be completely bright.

  Early in the morning, Shuangshuang knocked on Yu Qingluo's room door.

  But she waited for a while, but she didn't hear any noise inside.

  Shuangshuang felt strange. This jade girl slept all afternoon yesterday and took a rest early in the evening. How come there is no movement at this point?

  She felt that something was wrong, and it was difficult to break in directly. After thinking about it, she ran to Shangguanjin’s room and explained the situation again.

  Shangguan Jin frowned immediately, got up and went to her room in person.

  The door to the room was tightly locked, and Shangguan Jin called out a few words outside, but there was no sound.

  His face was immediately bad, and he pushed open the door without saying a word.

  There is no one in the room, not even a trace of popularity.

  Shangguan Jin’s breathing swiftly rose for a moment, and he turned back abruptly, and said to Xue Le behind him, “Hurry up and find it.”

  Xue Le froze for a moment, and then understood, hurriedly responded, and left in a hurry.

  However, not long after he went downstairs, Xue Cheng ran up again, with slight sweat on his forehead, and his expression was uncertain.

  Standing in front of Shangguanjin, but didn't even dare to take a few breaths, he hurriedly said, "Master, something has happened."

   "What's wrong with Yu Qingluo?" Shangguan Jin stepped forward abruptly, and asked without thinking.

   Xue Cheng was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Jade, what's wrong with Girl Jade?"

  Shuangshuang reacted quickly. It seemed to know that what Xue Cheng said was completely different from what the master thought. He hurriedly explained and said, "Girl Jade is gone, you just said that something went wrong? But what's the big thing?"

   Xue Cheng immediately returned to his senses, nodded, swallowed, "Master, now there is an amazing news spreading everywhere on the street."

   "The news? It's about the mess about the Mongolian patriarch again?" Shangguan Jin waved his hand, he was not interested in this.

  In this period of time, he has heard a lot of rumors about how narrow-minded and unscrupulous Meng Lu is, and is not worthy of being the head of the Mongolian clan. He has really not had the interest to continue listening.

  Now what he worries the most is where Yu Qingluo has gone.

  I never heard of her going out this morning, so she disappeared.

  Furthermore, they both touched the bedding. It was cold and cold. It was obvious that no one had been lying on it for a long time.

   Xue Cheng shook his head, and then nodded, "Yes, it's about the Mongolian patriarch, but this time...also, it's also about Lord Xiu."

  Self-cultivation at night? Shangguan Jin's attention was finally concentrated.

"what happened?"

"It is rumored on the street that the Mongolian patriarch has consciously been unable to do things well recently. There are numerous rumors in the clan. People with different opinions have conflicts and quarrels from time to time, and even cause death because of this. The Mongolian patriarch is most unwilling to see such a thing happen. , Arrived very sad. But so far he has not been able to find the murderer of the famous clan elders, making the rumors more and more intensified and out of control. He felt ashamed of the clan to protect him. Therefore, he resigned from the position of patriarch and passed it on to Ye. Cultivating independence."

  Shangguan Jin’s pupils shrank suddenly, “Naughty, Ye Xiu Du is the prince of Feng Cang Country.”

When Xue Cheng heard this rumor, his first reaction was the same.

   "The subordinates also suspected before, but later it was the Yue clan elder who posted the announcement on the bulletin board, and this was confirmed."

  Shangguan Jin’s eyebrows tightened all at once, how could this be possible? Ye Xiu Duo would actually take this position?

  Wait, could it be said that Yu Qingluo suddenly disappeared because of this? She already knows?

  Shangguan Jin’s lips pressed tightly, but his facial expression became even more unfathomable.

  At this moment, another guard came hurriedly, holding a letter in his hand.

   "Master, news from over there."

Shangguan Jin immediately opened it to look at it, and quickly tightened his eyebrows. After a while, he collected the letter and said to the guard, "You said to that side that the king can help him with the first one, but no may."

   "Yes." The guard responded, and quickly ran down and left.

   Xue Cheng glanced at the guard, then lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "Master, what are we going to do next?"

  Shangguan Jin raised the letter in his hand and said with a smile, “Naturally go to fulfill the first condition above. Xue Cheng, you go and summon all the secret guards and follow orders.”

   "Yes." Xue Cheng bowed his hand and left soon.

  Shangguan Jin only returned to the room. After changing his clothes, he found two more guards, a group of several people, and hurried downstairs and exited the back door of the inn.

  However, as soon as a few people walked to the door, two people stood in front of them.

  Yuqing sighed lowly, "The Regent, do you still want to get involved in this matter? Mengpo, what benefit has you promised?"


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