Shangguan Jin stared at the sudden appearance of Yu Qingluo, unable to recover for a long while.

  For a long time, he laughed, “Where did you go? I don’t know how to say, this king thought something happened to you, and he was going to look for you.”

   "Oh." Yu Qingluo also smiled, "Then I have already returned, so the prince doesn't have to look for it."

  Shangguan Jin frowned slightly, and glanced at her, "Where have you been this night? This king heard that there was some news on the street, did you hear it?"

  "Does the regent refer to the fact that the Mongolian patriarch passed the throne to Ye Xiudu? Well, I heard it, so I went to the clan mansion earlier." Yu Qingluo still smiled, his expression was faint, there was no ups and downs.

  Shangguanjin's anger suddenly rose when she heard it, and she really went to see Ye Xiudu.

   Anyway, they are now living in the same place, knowing that he would worry about her safety. But when she left in the middle of the night, she didn't even say a word.

   Shangguan Jin’s face sank, and he sneered, “Since such a big thing has happened, why don’t you stay with him and do you come back?”

   As he said, he glanced at the red leaves standing behind Yu Qingluo, and let out another cold snort.

   even came back with a maid, why, is the maid who disliked him is uncomfortable to serve? Or was Ye Xiudu specially sent to monitor him?

  Yuqing sighed, and asked her what to do when she came back? She just said the first sentence, didn't he hear it?

  "The prince also said that this was a major event, and the news came suddenly. Among the Mongolian people, there must be many people who will not accept it. There are too many obstacles, and I must help him to block it." She said meaningfully.

  Shangguan Jin suddenly thought of the first sentence she had said when she stopped, and her eyebrows tightened.

  She said...What benefit did Mengpo give him?

  She is fine, how could she say such things?

  Does Yu Qingluo know what, or what did Ye Xiudu say in front of her?

Shangguan Jin's eyes narrowed, staring at Yu Qing Luo thoughtfully, but when he reached his mouth, he still looked very polite, "Prince Xiu is young and promising, and he is also an aristocrat of the Mongolian nationality. He inherits the position of patriarch, of course. , It's fair to say, who else is dissatisfied, how can it hinder too much?"

   He said, and laughed again, “This king heard that some time ago, the Mongolian patriarch and the elders all preferred the son of the prince Xiu to be the heir, let alone the prince Xiu?”

  This is not true at all, it sounds like an endorsement. Yu Qingluo thought to herself.

  It’s just that she nodded in agreement, "The regent thinks so too. So, then, she won’t intervene?"

  Shangguan Jin's heart chucked, and sure enough... she knew something.

  He laughed, "What is the hand of this king? This is the Mongolian nationality, not the Jinglei country."

"What the regent said is that if that's the case, then don't stand outside." Yu Qingluo took a few steps forward, "You are not completely healed yet, go back to rest, blow the wind and bring down the root of the disease, then It hurts my reputation."

  Fame? If Shangguan Jin had heard this, he would have to snorted twice to express his dissatisfaction.

  But now, he twisted his eyebrows tightly, and there was no more words.

  Looking at Yu Qingluo staring at herself meaningfully, without saying anything, turning back to the inn.

  The two guards beside him couldn't help but glance at each other, and followed him back silently.

  Until his back moved into the inn again, Hong Ye walked to Yu Qingluo's side and said softly, "Miss, nothing will happen, right?"

  Although Prince Xiu sent her to follow the young lady, she is now facing the ruthless regent of the Thunder Country, and she is really not sure at all.

  The regent is indeed interested in their young lady, but a man’s mind changes when he says it changes. Especially for such a high-ranking person, in order to achieve his own goals, let alone a young lady, I am afraid his relatives and parents may not be able to stop him.

  If you are forced by the young lady, you might be a killer.

  Yuqing gave her a glance and hummed softly, "What are you afraid of? Does your lady do anything unprepared?"

  Hong Ye’s eyes lit up, yes, this lady is very smart and has never assured the regent. She must be fully prepared.

  Hongye felt relieved, and followed Yu Qingluo into the inn.

  Shuangshuang saw that Shangguan Jin had gone and returned, and was a little surprised. Didn’t the talented master just... go to work? Why are you back again?

  However, when he saw Yu Qingluo behind him, he was a little clear and hurriedly bowed to open the door.

  Shangguan Jin entered the door, but Yu Qingluo followed in.

  Hong Ye was a bit tangled. The Lord Xiu sent her over, of course, for the purpose of surveillance. The most important thing is to avoid the regent and the lady staying alone.

  But her identity...

  Hong Ye glanced at Shuang Shuang who was standing by the door of the room, but stopped and guarded at the door of the room.

  For a while, there was silence.

  It's just that both are curious and anxious.

  She is Shangguanjin’s confidant. She knows more or less about what Shangguanjin does.

  Just now the master went out, he was ordered to have an important thing, and now he suddenly came back, and Yu Qingluo was still behind him, it might be... the plan has changed.

  Shuangshuang thought for a while, then turned to look at Hongye.

  Seeing that her face is soft, she seems to be smiling, she is easy to get along with.

  She paused, then asked in a low voice, "The girl is Miss Yu's maid?"

  Hongye smiled and replied, "Yes, my name is Hongye, you are Shuangshuang. I saw you last time when the Shuangshuang girl sent an invitation to the lady."

   "..." Both were stunned, this girl seemed to be very talkative.

  "Isn’t the Hongye girl supposed to be in the clan’s mansion? Why did you come with Jade today?"

Hongye replied, "Well, the lady went back to the clan house last night. I haven't seen the lady for a long time, and I saw that she would come back for a follow-up consultation with the regent, so I followed along, thinking that it would be good to beat her by her side ."

As she said, she glanced at Shuangshuang, "Of course, the young lady also said that there are two girls here. Don't worry about what you want. But after all, the two girls are alone, and the regent has been injured again and must be taken care of. The lady likes to do everything by herself, so I thought it would be useful to follow it. But speaking of it, the regent really trusts the twin girls, and there is only a close maid waiting by her side."

Shuangshuang's face stiffened, and then he laughed, "Actually, it doesn't count. There was also a maid here who was waiting here before, but she was offended by Miss Jade, and the regent put the people on the spot. The regent treated her on the spot. It’s really good, the maid has been with the regent for many years, and she died terribly."

  Hong Ye nodded, thinking, this regent really seemed to value the young lady.

   "By the way, Hongye girl, over there from the clan house..."

   "Bang..." Before both of her words were finished, a sound suddenly came from the room.


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