The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 847: Seriously injured Hongye

   After that, Xue Cheng stabbed with a sword and approached Yu Qing Luo Mianmen.

  Hong Ye hurriedly drew out the soft sword from his waist, and stepped up to the front. With a ‘cang’, the tip of the sword was lifted.

  Shangguan Jin didn’t even look at it. He was breathing a little uncomfortable now. He stepped back a few steps and leaned slightly on the wall beside him.

Mengpo glanced at him, smiled secretly, and then suddenly increased his voice, "Hey, why did you start? Xue Cheng, why are you so impatient? Miss Jade didn't say no to the cure, you Why did you start the killer?"

   Xue Cheng seemed to have never heard him at all, and the sword in his hand became more and more fierce.

  It's just that he has scruples, and still doesn't dare to kill, because he is afraid that Yu Qingluo will become even more irritated by the time, and he will not give the antidote.

  So his goal at the moment is to capture Hongye alive.

  Xue Cheng knew in his heart that Yu Qingluo was actually very short-handed. She was able to break into the Mongolian people single-handedly for a grandma Ge, and naturally she could do something for this close maid.

  Shangguan Jin didn't care about how they were fighting. He just closed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

  The sound of fighting still attracted onlookers. Although it was the back door, people often walked by.

  Mengpo waved his hand, let the people he brought block everyone, don't let anyone in.

  He squinted his eyes, watching Xue Cheng fight Hongye.

  Just the more he looked, the tighter his eyebrows tightened.

  This Xue Cheng was obviously merciful, otherwise, how could he not be able to beat even a maid with the personal guard of the dignified regent.

  Meng Po looked at the time, he didn't want to continue to delay here.

  The purpose of this trip is to prevent Yu Qingluo from getting in the way, and Shangguan Jin did not keep his promise.

  Mengpo sneered immediately, raised his hand, and immediately a guard came up behind him.

  Mengpo whispered in his ear, "Go help the leader, then Guard Xue seems to be incapable of what he wants."

   "Yes." The guard responded, his eyes darkened suddenly, and he rushed forward.

  Yu Qingluo has been watching Mengpo’s every move. Seeing this, she stopped her with nothing.

  There was a soft whip hung around her waist. She hadn't used it for a long time, so she pulled it out and slammed it at the guard.

  Yuqing was also ruthless when he dropped his hand. The guard was given a whip, his clothes broke instantly, and there was a blood stain on his chest, causing him to retreat two steps in succession.

   Meng Po frowned, "Miss Yu, you should hand over the antidote, it’s good for everyone."

   "I told you to shut up, why are you so much nonsense?" Yu Qingluo sneered, shaking her wrist, and then took the whip back.

  Meng Po glanced at Shangguan Jin again, and seeing that he was still not moving at all, his eyes narrowed and the two behind him went together.

   "You go, be sure to get the antidote from her. The regent's complexion looks very bad, don't let him go wrong."

  As soon as his voice fell, he looked at Shangguan Jin again, and when he saw that he didn't respond, a smile came to the corner of his mouth.

  Mengpo waved his hand, and the two rushed towards Yu Qingluo.

  Yu Qingluo wants to deal with them, naturally there is no problem. The whip in her hand was swaying, and the movements were clean and neat, but she had a stance of golden glass.

  The two guards could only dodge, jumping up and down, but they couldn't get close.

  Don't care about Mengpo, let the original guard go to help Xue Cheng deal with Hongye.

  Yu Qingluo was able to cope with two people, but couldn't help Hongye by himself, so the eyebrows were twisted on the spot.

   "If you dare to hurt a hair of Hongye, don't even think of getting the antidote for Shangguan Jin for the rest of your life." Yu Qingluo made a sudden force, and one of them was thrown out by him.

  That direction is exactly where Shangguanjin stood.

  Shangguanjin's face turned blue, and she looked at Yu Qingluo coldly. The guard next to him hurriedly blocked him, lest the guard fell on his master.

  Meng Po laughed, and said, "Miss Jade, you are too ignorant of good and bad. Is it possible that the regent is not as good as you as a maid?"

  As soon as his voice fell, the guard over there rushed forward and handed Hong Ye over.

  Xue Cheng frowned, not wanting that person to help. Isn’t this for fear that the world will not be chaotic?

  He could hear it, and this Mengpo was clearly fighting injustices to the master, but in fact it was trying to provoke discord.

  But every word he said happened to poke the pain of the master, even if he wanted to ignore it.

While thinking about it, the guard suddenly set down the killer, holding a sword in his right hand, but not knowing when he added a dagger in his left hand, and pierced Hongye's abdomen quickly.

  Hongye dodges Xue Cheng's sword dangerously, and it is impossible to avoid it anymore, and can only take a half step back.

  It’s still too late. With a ‘pouch’, the sound of the dagger piercing into the flesh is particularly harsh.

   Xue Cheng was stunned for a moment, but the guard had a hideous look on his face, and he lifted his foot and kicked towards Hongye’s belly.

   "Hmm..." Hongye snorted, but his body was like a rag, he flew out quickly, and fell heavily in front of Yu Qingluo.

  Yu Qingluo's pupils shrank, and he drew a whip fiercely, then hurriedly stopped and stood beside Hongye, and said anxiously, "Hongye, how are you?"

  "Miss..." Hongye held her abdomen with her hand, and it was full of blood, which had dyed the back of her hand red.

  Yu Qingluo only felt as if she had focused on her breath in an instant. She hurriedly took out a medicine from her body and fed it directly into Hongye’s mouth.

   "It's okay, don't worry, it's okay." Yu Qingluo hurriedly stopped her bleeding.

  Mengpo laughed and turned to look at Shangguan Jin.

   However, he saw that his expression was still faint, and his eyes did not fluctuate at all.

  Even if Yu Qing fell into embarrassment at this moment, even if Hongye's fate was on, he was calm and expressionless.

   Xue Cheng received the sword and came to Shangguan Jin's side, his head slightly lowered.

  His original intention was not to hurt Hongye. This would only make Miss Jade hate even more.

  "Master, your poison..." Xue Cheng was a little undecided, and it might not be appropriate to step forward now.

  Shangguan Jin took a deep breath. Once the poison broke out, he didn't feel well.

   "Yu Qing falls, antidote, get it!!" His voice was very cold, and Xue Cheng was also surprised by this appearance.

  The master never had such an expression when facing Miss Yu.

The appearance of    was clearly moved to kill the mind.

  Mengpai was happy. He took a step forward and said to Shangguan Jin, "Master, why don't I get it for you, this jade girl is really not an obedient person."

  Shangguan Jin tightened her lips and said nothing.

  Meng Po raised his eyebrows and approached Yuqingluo for a few minutes. Seeing Shangguanjin without any expression, he jumped up and directly attacked Yuqingluo’s face door.

  Hong Ye was shocked, and hurriedly pushed her away, "Miss, hurry up."

  Mengpo approached, Yu Qingluo couldn't take into account the red leaves, so she could only step back.

  The whip in his hand swung out again, and it approached the door of Mengpo.


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