Mengpo sneered, but suddenly turned around and attacked Hongye again.

  Yu Qingluo's face changed drastically. It was too late to take the whip in his hand, so he could only lose the whip and rush towards Mengpo.

  Meng Po's hand did not know when there was a crossbow arrow, and turned his head to aim at Yu Qingluo.

   "Miss, Xiao...uh." Hongye stared wide and wanted to help, but the wound on her hand was suddenly stepped on by Meng Po, she gasped in pain and almost fainted.

  Yu Qingluo will not be easy, it is impossible to avoid the crossbow arrows.

  Meng Po laughed, his fingers were already on the mechanism of the crossbow arrow, the next moment, with a light release, the crossbow arrow took advantage of the breaking wind, and attacked Yuqing fiercely.

  However, before the smile on Meng Po's face was put away, Yu Qingluo's body suddenly rose up and fell behind him abruptly.

   Meng Po turned his head abruptly, and saw Shangguan Jin holding Yu Qingluo's waist in his hands.

  It seemed that he had just been lucky, and his chest was suddenly painful. As soon as he bent over, he spit out a mouthful of black blood again.

  Yu Qingluo was surprised, "You..."

  "Give me the antidote." Shangguan Jin raised his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

  Yu Qingluo tightened her lips, and then felt the strength of her waist suddenly increased.

   "Do you want your maid's life?" Shangguan Jin sneered.

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and looked at the red leaf stepped on by Mengpo. She seemed to have been unable to bear the pain and passed out.

  She took a breath, but Shangguan Jin’s voice rang in a low voice in her ears, “I’m not going to destroy Ye Xiu Du’s plan. Give me the antidote.”

  Yu Qingluo looked at him abruptly, a little disbelief.

   "You woman... if you don't believe me, it is always possible to give me an antidote that can relieve the toxins on my body."

  Yuqing trembled, but this time he moved quickly and gave him a black pill by express delivery.

Shangguan Jin didn't even think about it, so he swallowed it directly.

  Mengpo's pupils shrank, feeling a little weird. This Shangguan Jin is really a ghost, and it's impossible to know what to do, and when it comes to this point, he still wants to save Yu Qingluo.

  He said so much before, he didn't even listen to a word?

  Mengpao's mind turned around, and laughed after a moment, "The Regent, do you still have illusions about Miss Jade?"

  After taking the medicine, Shangguan Jin felt relieved all over, and the feeling of suffocation was wiped out, and in an instant he felt as if he had come back to life again.

  He slowly raised his head and glanced at Mengpo.

  The next moment, he got up abruptly and slammed toward Mengpo to attack.

   was shocked and hurriedly raised his hand to block it, "What is the regent? Are you going to ruin the agreement between us?"

"Agreement? Did you forget what our agreement is? My condition for helping you is to want Yuqingluo. Now that she doesn't belong to me, the agreement won't hold. If you want to kill her, can I spare you? "

   Shangguan Jin made a very heavy shot.

  Mengpai only felt the blood surge, he was originally injured by Ye Xiudu, and his internal injuries were quite serious.

  Where is the opponent of Shangguanjin now? With a palm of his hand, Mengpo couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, spurting out blood.

  He looked at Shangguan Jin busy and vigilant, waved his hand, and said to the dozen or so guards behind him, "Take them down."

   There was noisy at the entrance of the narrow alley. Xue Cheng and the other two guards of Shangguan Jin immediately stood on guard and hurriedly protected Shangguan Jin.

  Mengpo wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Shangguan Jin had already stared at him.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly ran over, dragged the red leaf over and placed it in a corner to the side. She didn't dare to delay for a moment, and got her pulse.

  Hongye’s situation is a bit serious, and Yu Qingluo is anxious.

   At this moment, a person suddenly hurried over not far away. Yu Qingluo only raised his head and glanced, and couldn't help being surprised.

The man swung away the guards who were in the way, and his hands were also very heavy. When he ran to Yu Qingluo, his pupils suddenly shrank, looking at the fallen red leaves on the ground, his eyes changed suddenly, "Hongye... "

   "Peng Ying, why are you here?"

"...The master is not worried about Miss Jade, let me come and have a look. As soon as I got here, I found... Miss Jade, what happened to Hongye? Is there anything wrong with her? She..." Peng Ying's eyes were still locked tightly. On Hong Ye's body, she felt her breathing stopped.

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, and said hurriedly, “Her condition is a bit serious. Since you are here, please help me guard. I will give Hongye first aid. Don’t let anyone come close.”

  She wanted to bring Hongye back to the inn, but now it is a mess, and the back door is also blocked by people. It is impossible to go past, maybe it will hurt Hongye, and it will be more serious.

  At any rate, Peng Ying is here, and with him, Yu Qingluo's heart finally fell to the ground.

  Peng Ying nodded and hurriedly stood up and turned his back to them.

   just stayed silent, suddenly turned around, and said to Yu Qingluo cautiously, "Miss Yu...In any case, please save her, don't let her have trouble, I...grateful."

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, she knew what Peng Ying was thinking. Last time and Ye Xiudu accidentally heard what he said, they also knew that he had an idea about Hongye.

  It's just Hongye but with Wentian in his heart. The two are happy in love, which will inevitably make Peng Ying feel sad.

   During this period, I did not see any actions by Peng Ying. That day, I heard Yuexin said that Wen Tian and Peng Ying are cousins, and Peng Ying should have thought of fulfilling them.

  It's just that he can't stand it when he sees the red leaves like this now.

  She nodded to Peng Ying, and said with great caution, “Don’t worry, Hongye treats me so well, and I will try my best to save her.”

  Peng Ying nodded, took a deep breath, and turned around to protect them.

  The situation is a bit grim. Shangguan Jin’s secret guards have already taken over and ordered them to stand by and are not in the inn.

  There are only three people on his side, but fortunately they are all very skilled.

   But even so, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and one person was injured very quickly.

   Although Mengpo is not Shangguanjin’s opponent, there are people around him, who can block a little bit.

  So how many times have you come to visit me, Shangguan Jin only hurt a little bit.

  Meng Po has already moved more and more outside the battle, and it seems that she will soon be able to escape from Shangguan Jin’s poisonous hands.

  Peng Ying frowned and looked at it for a while. Although he didn't know the situation, it was obvious that Shangguan Jin should be on his side.

   His eyes were cautious, someone was close, and he shot the person flying without hesitation.

  Yu Qing falls quickly, and can't care about anything at the moment, only to stabilize Hongye's injury as soon as possible.

  She gave Hongye several medicines one after another, and she finally took her life back.

  However, she just breathed a sigh of relief, and Peng Ying, who was guarding them, suddenly whispered.

   Yu Qing fell for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "What's wrong?"


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