As soon as Yu Qing finished speaking, he subconsciously followed Peng Ying's line of sight.

  I saw the crowd not far away, Shangguan Jinzheng stabbed Mengpao's chest with a sword, awe-inspiring.

  Almost all the voices faded from the ears, and blood began to gush out of Meng Po's mouth, and the gray-white clothes were dyed red and white.

  He stared, his face was full of disbelief, his eyes staring at Shangguan Jin almost burst into sharp edges.

  For a long time, Mengpo seemed to find his own voice, "We...but, there is an agreement...we are an alliance."

   "Agreement? Alliance?" Shangguan Jin laughed, and the arrow handle in his hand rushed in again.

Mengpo snorted and heard Shangguan Jin's voice like hell, "If you really form an alliance with me, how can you reveal so many flaws to her. Let her know that all this is just our plan." , You know, she is not a stupid person."

   "You..." Mengpo's pupils shrank.

   "Do you think this king is the one you can play between applause? What do you think is the basis of this king being able to sit in this position?"

  If he has no brains, can he still do well on this?

  What does Mengpo really think of himself, and even play with him? How can he be worthy of himself if he does not kill him?

Mengpo held the blade with his fingers, and suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Since the prince is a wise man, why should he always follow our plan? Haha, it is not that the prince is unwilling and hopeful, hoping that the woman can do Be stupid, are you moved by you? Haha, the prince has been so planted in his entire life. What qualifications do you have to say that you are in that position? Sooner or later, you will be pulled down."

"To shut up."

  Meng Po still wants to continue to say, "This is the case for the prince in this life. The former regent believed in a non-toxic husband and was vicious and cold-blooded. Now he is so indecisive. I think the Thunder Country is over."

  "My king, call you, shut up!!"

  Shangguan Jin’s breathing heavier for an instant, and with a strong hand, he yanked the sword out.

  The sharp tip of the sword brought out a long string of bloodshot eyes, and the sprinkling of Mengpo's clothes was even more bright red.

  "You will...regret...will regret..."

"Regret?" Shangguan Jin laughed, "How can you regret it? A person like you is doomed to fail. You are not Ye Xiudu's opponent yet, I know this from the beginning. You are not worthy of the same thing. I cooperate."

   "You..." So, from the beginning, what protocol alliance he said was not sincere?

  Meng Po only felt that the last breath seemed to have disappeared. He looked at Shangguan Jin, very unwilling, very unwilling.

  His end shouldn’t be like this. He should help Concubine Meng and Ye Haoting to reach a high position. From then on, he is powerful and the pinnacle of life.

  How can he fold it here? He is dead, what should she do? Who can help her? So dedicated, so fearless to help her.

   With a "bang", Mengpo's body leaned back, straight, and landed heavily. There was no longer Shangguanjin's figure in front of him, and his vision became blurred. In a trance, as if someone was walking towards him.

  The figure is soft and boneless, and the face is gorgeous, especially good-looking.

  I was still fifteen or sixteen years old, with shyness on his face, and he spoke softly and softly.

  Later, she gradually became more stunning and stunning, her temperament became noble and self-confident, and almost attracted everyone's attention.

  That’s right, the eldest lady in the clan’s old mansion is really unique and beautiful.

  She seemed to be smiling at him, calling his name softly.

  Mengpo suddenly laughed at himself. He said that Shangguan Jin was indecisive and fell into the hands of a woman. But is he himself?

  If it's not an idiot, why bother to do such a rebellious thing? He is also a member of the Mongolian nationality, and once... a Mongolian person who has a good relationship with the Mongolian patriarch.

  Mengpo exhaled slightly from the corner of his mouth, whispering in a low voice.

  Shangguan Jin looked at him condescendingly. He could only see that the corners of his mouth were open and closed, but he didn't know what he wanted to say.

  For a long time, the opening and closing movements of Mengpo stopped, his eyes widened, looking at the blue sky above his head.

  After that, I don’t know who shouted, "Master Po is dead."

   Just four words, like a thunder on the ground, instantly disrupted the rhythm of more than a dozen guards brought by Mengpo.

  They stopped for a while, and when they wanted to retreat, it was too late.

  Xue Cheng released the contact signal, and Shangguan Jin’s dark guards had arrived. At this moment, he did not hesitate to join the battle, just like cutting a carrot, slashing those who stand in the way.

  Not long after, in the alley at the back door of the inn, blood ran into a river for a while, and the smell of blood was permeated.

  No one in the vicinity dared to take a step closer, and even went to the clan who administers the capital and the old mansion of each clan to report, but no one came back.

  Everyone only felt that this day was about to change, as if it were gloomy and indescribable.

  At the moment, everyone hid in the house, and no one dared to come out.

All the people brought by Mengpo had been killed, and none of them were left. Only then did Xue Cheng collect the blood-stained sword and walked to Shangguan Jin's side.


  Shangguan Jin looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking, and did not say anything for a long time.

  When Xue Cheng saw this, he was silent, but he was a little worried.

  For a while, there was no sound in the whole alley. As if the previous fighting and killing sounds were all hallucinations, they never happened.

  Shangguan Jin’s dark guards were well-trained and skillfully started to deal with the corpse.

  It was Yu Qingluo. After seeing that there was no threat, he began to deal with Hongye's wound with peace of mind.

  Fortunately, her life was saved, and she temporarily relieved her heart. But he still didn't dare to neglect the slightest, the movements of his hands kept oozing out of his forehead.

  Peng Ying looked back several times, frowned and looked at Hongye worriedly, and then at Yu Qingluo, always feeling anxious.

  When he turned his head for the third time, he saw Shangguan Jin walking towards this side with a few hidden guards.

  His face is not good, it can even be said to be gloomy and terrible.

  Peng Ying's heart twitched, his whole body tense instantly, and he became nervous.

  The regent of the Shocking Lei Country, his temperament is also incomprehensible.

  Although she was helping Miss Yu just now, who knows if she will suddenly turn her face right now and have to deal with them again?

   Thinking of this, Peng Ying did not dare to slack in the slightest, and whispered, "Jade girl, be careful."

  As soon as his voice fell, Shangguan Jin had already walked up to him, suddenly raised his hand, gave Peng Ying abruptly, and threw him to the ground.


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