Xue Cheng was shocked and gasped suddenly.

  I almost rushed out to find Yu Qingluo without even thinking about it, but she was no longer visible outside.

  He cursed fiercely, thinking of what the master had said before he fell into a coma, and hurriedly went to the inn where he had been staying to find Dr. Lu again.

  Fortunately, Dr. Lu said that it was not a serious illness, but... was previously poisoned, and then was injured again.

  The inn fell into a panic again for an instant, and Shuangshuang, Xue Cheng and others were also busy sweating profusely.

  But the shopkeeper Xiaoer and the guests in the inn, because of the **** brawl at the back door, all ran away without a trace, for fear of getting tired.

   Therefore, you have to do everything yourself, which is a bit troublesome.

  Yu Qingluo didn't know anything about these things.

  When she saw Shangguan Jin and the others enter, she quickly asked Peng Ying to bring Hongye and go back first.

  Peng Ying originally came here in a carriage, and immediately left without saying a word, holding the red leaves.

  A few of them did not have the Hui Mansion, and went to the inn where Yu Qingluo had left.

Hongye was still in a coma. Although Yu Qingluo had taken care of her injuries, she was still very worried.

  But she was thinking about Ye Xiudu's affairs in her heart.

  Therefore, I was in a dilemma, very entangled.

  As soon as the time was delayed, it was dragged into the evening, and there was still no news from Ye Xiudu.

  Yu Qingluo began to be unable to sit still, and after a simple meal, he explained to Peng Ying, “You are here to guard the red leaves, I will go to the clan’s mansion to take a look.”

   "No." Peng Ying frowned, "Miss Jade, the master told her subordinates to protect Miss Jade well, and she must not leave Miss Jade alone. Wherever Miss Jade is going, her subordinates must follow."

  Yuqing sighed, glanced at the red leaves on the bed, and asked in a low voice, "Then you are willing to leave the red leaves?"

  Peng Ying is naturally reluctant, because she is afraid that she has a long and two short ones. When Hongye wakes up, it will need something. It is not good for no one to be around.

  He is also in a dilemma.

   "You will stay and take care of her. I have a sense of measure. Besides, Mengpo is dead, and Shangguanjin has no threat. What are you worried about?"


  Yu Qingluo waved her hand, not allowing him to say more, "If you are a mother-in-law, be careful that I poison you, and I will leave when the time comes."

  Peng Ying shut his mouth obediently. He knew that Yu Qingluo had done what he said, and it was not the first time that she had done this kind of thing.

  At the moment, he could only sighed, nodded, and Yu Qingluo left the house alone.

  The sky outside was already dark. Yu Qingluo walked on the road wearing a veil, but felt quiet and a little desolate.

  The bustling streets on weekdays, but there is no sound at this moment, and passers-by are also coming and going in a hurry.

  It seems that even people who don’t care about current affairs on weekdays know that the atmosphere in the city is a bit different today.

  Yu Qingluo found an ordinary carriage, and just about to get in, a person hurriedly walked over in front of him.

  She glanced intently, but it was the little beggar Jianger.

   Seeing her, Jiang'er's eyes were also bright, and she hurried over.

  The coachman on the side saw him, and was afraid that he would bump into his guest, so he hurriedly stopped.

  Yu Qingluo waved his hand and recruited Jiang Er.

   "Girl Jade."

  Yu Qingluo laughed, "I wear a hat, do you recognize me?"

  Jiang'er touched her head, and then laughed, "Girl Jade has a special temperament in her body. If you see it a few times, you will know."

  Yuqing raised his eyebrows, and he seemed to have become more sleek and talkative.

  Yes, if you want to get mixed up in this kind of market, you have to be flexible. What's more, he is still Menglu's undercover undercover.

   "Miss Jade, are you going to the clan residence?"

   "En." Yuqing got into the carriage and also led him up.

  Jiang'er sat beside her and said softly, "But now the clan mansion can't enter."

   Yuqing turned his head in surprise, "What's the matter?"

  Jiang'er shook his head, "I don’t know, I went to look ahead and found that the entire clan mansion was heavily guarded, with guards outside. Not only the clan mansion, but also several clan old mansions."

  Yu Qing frowned, wondering what Meng Lu and Ye Xiudu were paying attention to.

Since    is to lead the snake out of the cave, it must not be so tightly guarded.

   was thinking, a thunder suddenly sounded above his head, with a straight rumbling sound.

  Jiang'er was taken aback, almost covering her ears and hiding.

  The next moment, a heavy rain fell in an instant, accompanied by a rumbling sound, making the entire sky dark.

  The coachman couldn’t avoid it. He was soaked in his face. He hurriedly turned around and said, “Girl, it’s raining too much, please hide first.”

  Jiang'er also said, “This rain should stop soon. I am afraid that this kind of weather will be over.”

   "En." Yu Qing Luo took a look outside, feeling a little flustered, but still nodded, letting the coachman drive the car to shelter from the rain under the eaves on the side.

  Sure enough, the rain stopped just as Jiang'er said.

  Yuqing let out a sigh of relief, and let the driver continue on his way.

  Who knows that the coachman just got on the shaft, and a group of well-trained soldiers suddenly walked in the distance.

  The person in the lead was holding a gong and drum in his hand and it banged very loudly.

   "What's wrong with this? Girl, let's wait a moment, when they pass, let's pass again." The coachman is a honest and timid, looking at this situation, thinking about it is backing down.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, looking at the group of soldiers, her eyebrows tightened, and the anxiety in her heart became even greater.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard the leading soldier knock on the gongs and drums, and said loudly, "The Mongolian patriarch Menglu went against the sky, framed Zhongliang, killed the respected and respected elders, and imprisoned the righteous and loyal elders. It's really intolerable."

   "At the mansion today, the crime was revealed, and even the heavens would not allow him to be in the world. Finally, the heavens struck by thunder and it was impossible to die."

   Yu Qingluo's eyes widened suddenly, and the sky thundered?

  She quickly glanced at Jiang Er, and before thinking about it, she beat the gongs and drums over there again.

"The king of Fengcang cultivated independence at night, and was embarrassed with Menglu, and committed many evils. He can kill his close relatives. He is unkind and unfilial, and everyone can be blamed and he is not worthy to be called the heir of the Mong patriarch. The Yue clan is old and Xiang Xiang. The elders of the tribe who helped torment him have all been detained."

  Yu Qingluo's pupils shrank suddenly, almost jumping up.

  "Now through the decision of the old Li, Bu, and Sheng, the son of the famous clan will become the patriarch of Mengzhi, and he will be the patriarch. In the future, I will choose another talent to restore my Mongol."

  Yu Qingluo's hands shook. How did things develop to this point?


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