Yu Qingluo did not dare to delay immediately, and hurriedly said to the driver, "Go to the clan house."

  The coachman became a little embarrassed, and said carefully, "Girl, you just heard it, over there now...it's not stable, let's..."

   "Let you go, hurry up." Yu Qingluo's voice suddenly sank for a few minutes.

  Ye Xiu was arrested alone? No, it's impossible. How could Ye Xiu Duo get caught in such a simple way?

  Also, what day thunder strikes, this is really ridiculous.

   Even if the thundering thunder was a bit more powerful, how could it be impossible to avoid a person like Menglu?

  All of this is probably a conspiracy of others, and being struck by lightning is just an excuse.

  She was afraid that Menglu and the others were murdered.

   Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo became more anxious, and her voice became colder, "Hurry up."

  The coachman was taken aback for a moment, his body shook, and he was a little afraid of her.

  Dang, even if he didn't dare to say anything, he drove the car in the direction of the clan house.

  I ran into a pair of soldiers on the road, and they said the same with gongs and drums.

   Although there are few people on the street, these words can be heard even if they are nestled in their own homes.

  Many people even opened the door, leaned their necks and looked out, with surprises and fears on their faces, but no one dared to come forward and ask them to understand.

  Yu Qingluo squeezed her fingers tightly, hoping that the carriage would be faster and faster.

However, the carriage stopped two or three hundred meters away from the clan mansion. The coachman's face turned pale for a moment, and he hurriedly drove the curtain and said, "Girl, the clan mansion is full of guards. We are already full. Let's If you just pass by, you will definitely be arrested."

  The coachman also knew in his heart that something big was about to happen in this capital.

  Although I heard those on the road just now, I thought it was a bit strange, but it was not difficult to understand.

  He knew very well that the clan house at this moment was a place of right and wrong.

  The coachman was timid and didn't dare to go any further, so he said to Yu Qingluo, "Girl, I won't charge you anymore. This really can't be done. This business is still not going on."

  Yu Qingluo looked at him like this, then glanced at the clan mansion not far away and the guards who had surrounded the two circles, and his eyebrows jumped fiercely.

   Jiang'er held her hand carefully and whispered, "Aunt Qing, what should I do?"

  "Get out of the car first." She didn't make it difficult for the driver. Since she didn't dare to pass, she let him go back.

  After she finished speaking, she took Jiang Er and jumped out of the carriage. The coachman didn't say anything, and hurriedly drove the carriage around and ran away, not even the hand that Yu Qingluo took out the fare and handed it out.

   Jiang'er looked at it and laughed, "How courageous..."

  He said a word, and suddenly paused again. He raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Qingluo, and saw that there was worry between her eyebrows, as if he hadn't heard what he said at all.

  Jiang'er is also worried. He is a smart man. He has been with the Mongolian patriarch these days, and he knows how he is.

  The sound of gongs and drums on the street is clearly arranged by someone who wants to seek power to usurp the throne.

  The Mongolian sky has really changed.

   "Stay back." Yu Qingluo was silent for a moment, but suddenly pulled Jiang'er to hide under the shade of the trees on the side.

  Jiang'er was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously stepped back.

  When he raised his eyes again, he saw a man not far away, talking to the guards, who seemed not to be of low status.

  Yu Qingluo took a sigh of relief. She recognized that person, she had seen it in the old mansion of the clan, that is to say... an enemy.

  In this way, the people around here are also enemies.

  Yuqing's eyebrows twisted slightly, so Menglu and Ye Xiudu are all trapped in the mansion now, and they have become turtles in the urn?

  Is it true that the news that Menglu was dead on the street?

  Yu Qingluo is worried now, lest things change.

   After a pause, she still bent down and took out the porcelain bottle and poured out the little scorpion inside.

  Jiang'er watched her behavior on the sidelines, a little confused, "Aunt Qing..."

  "Let’s wait for the news here first." Yu Qingluo took a deep breath. Now things are still not clear, and she doesn't know what's going on, so she should explore first.

   Even if I feel anxious at the moment, I can’t wait to fly in with wings.

  Yu Qingluo also desperately suppressed that emotion, calmed himself down, don't be impulsive.

  Jiang'er can only nod her head, but her heart keeps holding on for fear that something will really happen.

The guards over there looked cold, and just a sudden heavy rain had already caught them all by surprise. Although they are now wearing their clothes, the clothes inside seem to have not changed. Even if they are very uncomfortable, they still stick to their posts. No one moves half a point.

  In this way, the situation is even more serious.

  There is also the person who just came to speak, with a confident and arrogant appearance, obviously very sure.

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, thinking about the future.

  Jiang'er pursed his lips, stared at the scorpion crawling forward, and tilted his head.

   Sayuri swishes, moves extremely fast, and disappears into Yu Qingluo's and Jiang'er's sights in a short while.

  It is small, flexible, and specializes in drilling into those small seams.

  The guards who guarded the gate naturally did not see it and no one paid attention to it.

  So, when Sayuri appeared in the clan mansion with her tail wagging, her attitude was still swaggering.

  He moved quickly, swinging his tail left and right, and then decisively moved to the left.

  There is the direction of Jingzhutang. Just outside of Jingzhutang, many people have already been surrounded.

  The person in the lead is the Li clan elder who was rescued earlier.

  He stood outside a stone, staring at the door coldly, with a gloomy expression, "Menglu, at this point, what are you hiding inside?"

   "Just you broke the formation, do you think you can stop it for a lifetime?"

   "Even if we can't get in, don't even think about coming out. This is already full of archers. Once you come out, you will be shot into a hornet's nest."

   "I advise you to come out obediently, lest your entire clan house suffer."

   "But it's okay. There has been news that you were struck by lightning. I believe that soon, we will have another patriarch. When the time passes, no one will remember you."

  The voice of the elder of the Li clan always contained a chill. He was talking outside for a long time, but he didn't hear a response, and he was a little annoyed.

  But he couldn't get in this formation, just a few people had already folded in this formation, and their deaths were very miserable.

   Therefore, even if he scolded no matter how fierce he was, he did not dare to move forward.

  At this moment, there are quite a few people in Jingzhutang.

  Ye Xiu sat alone in the middle, drinking tea slowly, without any sense of urgency.


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