Mengzhi became shocked, took two steps backwards suddenly, and shouted in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

  The soldiers didn’t answer, and Meng Lu also waved his hand suddenly and said loudly, "Let's release an arrow."

   "Swish, swish," the arrow rain came fiercely, but they all avoided the Menglu Yexiu Duyue clan elders and others.

  The elders of the Yue Clan and others were still on guard before, but those arrow rain seemed to turn around, and they didn't greet them at all.

  On the contrary, it was the guards around Meng Zhicheng, who were stunned, but they were directly penetrated through the neck, with wide-eyed eyes and shocked faces, and they lay straight on the ground.

  Mengzhi dilated his pupils, hurriedly lifted his sword to separate the rain of arrows that swarmed, and hid behind the big stone.

   "You betrayed me?" He watched the guards he had brought with him being shot into a sieve, but he couldn't even stop calling him.

  The soldiers were still pulling arrows in their hands, aiming straight at Mengzhicheng and the old Li who had avoided the past, without saying anything.

  Yue Clan Lao Xiang Clan Lao and others are also full of surprise, some can't believe it.

  Why was he a hostile person before suddenly becoming his own?

  They all looked at Menglu who stood aside and looked indifferent.

  Meng Zhicheng also looked at him, but the palms of his hands were full of sweat, his expression was dark, "When did you change you?"

  "Substitution?" Menglu sneered, "You think too much. From the beginning, they are your people, but they have nothing to do with me."

   " instigated them?" Meng Zhicheng asked.

At this moment, a man suddenly walked out from behind the archer, with scorching eyes and a burly figure. He walked directly behind Menglu and looked at Mengzhi Enlightenment, "Who would give your life to a ruthless and unrighteous person like you," We don’t need the patriarch to instigate rebellion at all. Everyone under my command is only to the patriarch.

   As he said, he nodded slightly at Menglu, showing his respectful attitude.

  Mengzhi turned pale, how could this be? These are clearly his people, who have sworn allegiance to him to the death.

Ye Xiudu slowly walked towards Mengzhicheng for a few minutes, seeing him still full of surprise and suspicion. Even though he laughed, "Uncle, your soldier and your guard are all from the Mongol ethnic group." "

   "What do you mean?"

"In the hearts of the Mongols, some concepts are originally deeply ingrained. For example... the children who support flower-shaped birthmarks as heirs are the ideas passed down by their ancestors and ancestors. You think it is only a few years, but you give These advantages will enable them to betray the Mongols and fight against the patriarch?"

Ye Xiu smiled alone and shook his head. "Although they are your subordinates and are forced to obey orders, this unwilling mind can easily be shaken. Besides, you have killed so many Mongolian children. The Mongols regard it as something condemned by the heavens, who will be willing to obey you?"

  Meng Zhicheng wants to be the patriarch of the Mongols, which is really fantastic.

  The belief of the Mongolian people has been tempered for hundreds of years. Who would easily abandon it?

  If Meng Zhicheng’s subordinates are not from the Mongolian ethnic group, he may still have a half chance of success, but it is a pity that the Mongolian personnel have always been strict in and out, and his soldiers cannot be outsiders who do not care about the Mongolian beliefs.

  Mengzhicheng felt that the sky was spinning around. Yes, the Mongols have always had a backbone. A small amount of power, status and money can shake their hearts for decades.

  He suddenly regretted it, and seemed to think things too smoothly.

  Meng Zhicheng began to retreat, there is no more of his people here, and if he stays, there is only one dead word.

  But it’s okay. There are also Mengpo accompaniment outside, and people brought by Shangguan Jin. Even if these soldiers betray him, he can make a comeback. Yes, it’s okay.

  He didn't give up and started to move step by step.

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at him with a smile.

   Suddenly, a person hurriedly ran up outside, standing in front of Meng Zhicheng panting, "No, no, patriarch."

  He didn't seem to have time to pay attention to the situation in front of him, and his name for Meng Zhicheng had also been changed.

  Meng Zhicheng looked back and saw that it was the old man of the Sheng clan. His heart was dazzling and he couldn't help but frown.

"Patriarch, the rumors on the street suddenly changed. Originally, all our soldiers were arrested. A group of people beat the gongs and drums again, saying that the patriarch you murdered dozens of children with flower-shaped birthmarks, and that you assassinated the elders of the famous clan. Stakes piece by piece, everywhere you are known for your crimes, the voices of the people are downside-down, which is very detrimental to us, we..."

  His voice hadn't finished yet, when he suddenly looked up, he saw Menglu Yexiudu and others standing not far away, looking at him coldly.

The old Sheng clan took a breath and looked around, only to find that the atmosphere was not right.

  His body instantly stiffened, and his footsteps subconsciously took a step back.

  Mengzhi was completely blank in his mind. Before he had time to say anything, he suddenly saw another person running here.

  The man's expression was even more flustered, and he staggered when he ran over. He had fallen a few times, his face was pale, his body was messy, and he didn't have the solemnity of being a clan elder.

As soon as he ran to Meng Zhicheng, he panted and said anxiously, "Patriarch, it's not good, the soldiers surrounding the clan mansion...all, all reversed, they suddenly surrounded After Tong Ye and Shan Ye and the dozens of people they brought, the leader He has already taken the people into the clan residence. What should I do?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and was also shocked.

  Xiang clan elder is now proud, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Bo clan elder, how did you escape so fast? Are you not a high martial artist? How can you still be afraid of a small leader?"

  The Bu clan elder took two steps backwards, his skill is not weak, but so many soldiers suddenly attacked him side by side. Even if he breaks through the siege, sooner or later he will be exhausted.

  Furthermore, things are developing too fast and he is completely caught off guard. Where can he take care of so much?

  Meng Zhicheng heard the report from the two elders, his expression was even more ugly, knowing that there was no room for return now.

  Ye Xiudu was right. Although these soldiers obeyed him on the surface, deep down, they were still loyal to Menglu.

  No wonder, he felt that things were very strange, how could it be so simple that he surrounded the clan mansion and the old mansions of each clan, and Menglu was so smart at night, how could he not have a little preparation.

  It turned out that from the beginning, he jumped into their trap, and they were inviting you to enter the urn.

  Meng Zhicheng did not dare to delay, "Go." Now he can only escape first, and there are Mengpo and Shangguanjin outside, and he can only use them to escape the Mongols first.

  He said that he turned around and ran away. A group of soldiers suddenly hooted in front of him. It was Commander He who took the lead, and Yu Qingluo with a cold expression on his face.


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