Yu Qingluo smiled, "Where are you going?"

Nan Nan couldn’t see clearly from a distance, but he also vaguely felt a familiar figure and aura, and immediately waved his hand and shouted, “Mother, mother, I’m here, I’m very good today, I Listening to Daddy's words is protecting Sister Yu and Qiu'er, please praise me quickly."

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, and she decided that she didn't hear him or saw him, and that's it.

  Meng Zhicheng looked around and found that the surrounding area was full of people, completely surrounded.

  The two clan elders next to him were also blue-faced, their pupils dilated, and they looked at everyone guardedly.

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, staring at Yu Qingluo with a gentle expression.

  The entire yard seems to have entered a twisted state.

  Meng Lu stared at Meng Zhicheng coldly, and said coldly, "Do you think you can escape?"

   "Heh." Meng Zhicheng sneered. At this point, he also raised his head and chest.

  Even if things are very unfavorable to him, his face is not half embarrassed. This is probably the momentum of the old descendants of the clan.

  He is looking for a breakthrough, even if this breakthrough is very difficult to find.

After a while, he looked at Commander He, who was holding many soldiers in front of him, and said coldly, "You also betrayed me. You are also ungrateful. If it weren't for me, you were just a beggar at the bottom. Gao Zhi?"

  He commander was expressionless. Hearing his words, his eyes became sharp in an instant, but his eyes were full of hatred.

   "Why should Master Cheng say such things? You killed my child and caused my wife to die in childbirth. It made me experience life pain. How could I forget this kindness? Ingrate is not counted."

  "You..." Mengzhicheng's eyes condensed, staring at him in surprise.

He Tongling sneered, "The parents of the children with flower-shaped birthmarks you killed were all powerful and powerful. Even if the child dies, he will naturally have to investigate one or two, and the child will be found at that time. You have this birthmark on your body. Master Cheng, you can only get a newborn child from elsewhere to reverse it in order to get through."

"When the old son of the Xiang clan was born, you searched for a lot of places, but you couldn't find a suitable one. It happened that my wife was pregnant with a child, but it was not yet the time for the child to be born. You ordered someone to give my wife an injection. Oxytocin has killed my wife and killed two lives. How can I turn a blind eye to this deep hatred?"

  Meng Zhicheng couldn't help but step back, "You, how do you know?"

Commander He's eyes fell on Meng Lu's body, but there was a hint of gratitude.

  He always felt that his wife died of dystocia because he was so busy with his career that he ignored her, so that she lost all the children in her stomach. He didn't even have time to see her for the last time, so he let her be buried with the child.

   But in the end it was discovered that a family that could be happy and happy was calculated by others just to fulfill the ambitions of others.

  And that person turned out to be someone he wanted to be loyal to.

  If it weren’t for Ye Xiudu to put the evidence in front of him, if it wasn’t for the woman who gave birth to her wife who had been found to tell the truth, he might not have known that he had been played with applause until he died.

  I am afraid that even if you go to hell, you will not have the face to see your wife and children.

  He commander’s complaint was cold and sad, and everyone present was shocked.

  Although they had just heard of Menluo's mention, they didn't expect such a twist in the middle.

  This Mengzhicheng...It's really not as good as a beast. He has murdered more than 20 children with flower-shaped birthmarks. If it is connected to the children who died, there are more than forty Mongolian children folded in his hands.

  What is the difference between a person like him and a devil who cannibalize?

  The eyes of everyone looking at Meng Zhicheng were full of hatred and resentment, and the soldiers looked at each other even more, suddenly rejoicing that they had not sacrificed their lives for such a person.

  How can a person who is so cruel and desperate to be the head of the Mongolian clan? Perhaps among them, there are children who were murdered by him.

  Mengzhi became pale, knowing that he was indeed over, and he couldn’t stay in the Mongols anymore.

  He didn't hesitate anymore, looked left and right, then he narrowed his eyes, aimed at Yu Qingluo, and grabbed it.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly cursed in her heart, is there any mistake, there are so many people here, just bully her who can’t fly, right? Are there any points of interest?

  She looked like she had stepped on her stool, and her whole expression was distorted.

  However, before Meng Zhicheng's hand touched her, Yu Qingluo was surrounded by another person. One hand stopped her waist, and the other suddenly lifted up to make a palm with Meng Zhi.

  Meng Zhicheng took two steps backwards violently, and fell into Meng Lu’s hands suddenly, with a pain in his shoulder, he felt that his shoulders seemed to be taken off.

  He snorted abruptly, and couldn't lift a bit of strength anymore.

When    looked up again, Ye Xiu didn't even look at him alone, holding Yu Qingluo's waist steadily to the ground.

  "Is there anything wrong?" Ye Xiudu asked her softly in a gentle voice.

  Yu Qingluo shook his head and looked up at him.

  Ye Xiu smiled alone, "Why did you come in? Are you worried about me?"

  Yu Qingluo heard that he still dared to make fun of him, so the probing hand squeezed his waist fiercely, "You still dare to say? Why didn't you tell me there is such a plan?"

  She was already sweating profusely while looking at the besieged clan mansion outside.

  If she hadn't seen the green powder on Sayuri's body, she had already begun planning how to break into the clan residence.

  He is good, but he still laughs at her.

  Ye Xiu Du is very innocent, “It’s not me who made the soldiers besie the clan mansion and clan old mansion. How would I know that my'uncle' would give such an order? This is indeed not our plan, nor can it be planned."

  When he talked about the word uncle, his tone was extremely heavy, and his eyes were dull and difficult to distinguish.

  Yu Qingluo knew that he was upset, and that he was surrounded by relatives with him by blood. Even if the attitudes are different, they are called uncles and mothers in the end, but they are so cruel and hurt the clan who he cares most about.

  Yu Qingluo patted his hand. Before he had time to say anything, Nannan over there saw that the alarm was lifted, and ran to this side very excitedly.

As soon as    got close, he squeezed Ye Xiudu directly away, threw himself into Yu Qingluo’s arms, smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Mother, you haven’t praised me yet."

  "Well, Nannan is very good, Nannan is great, Nannan is the smartest person in the world." Yu Qingluo rolled her eyes and said lazily.

   "Mother, you perfunct me." He muttered dissatisfiedly, but the next moment he raised his head with joy, "But it doesn't matter, it's from my mother's mouth, I will forgive you."

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth, and then took the time to raise her eyes to Meng Zhicheng who was not far away.

  The latter's hands had been removed by Meng Lu. At this moment, he opened his eyes and stared at Yu Qingluo, asking word by word, "Where is Mengpo?"


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