The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 859: You won't end well

  Mengpo is the person who went to find Shangguanjin to discuss the plan and deal with Yuqingluo.

   But now Yu Qingluo appeared here intact, and there was no news outside, and Meng Zhicheng suddenly became a little desperate.

  Sure enough, the next moment, he saw Yu Qing Luoxiao's unusually beautiful and gentle charm. At first glance, it appeared to be full of amorous feelings.

   Ye Xiudu's face turned dark, and he pulled her face with his hands, and whispered, "If you have something to say, why don't you laugh?"

  There are so many men here, just she is a young and beautiful woman, she doesn't know how to constrain.

  Yu Qingluo's face turned black, and he glared at Ye Xiu for a single look, then looked at Meng Zhicheng, and said lowly, "Mengpo...dead."

  Mengzhi shook his body and his mind went blank. Sure enough, Mengpo also failed...

  For a while, he took a deep breath, staring at Yu Qingluo and sneered, "Did you kill?"

   "You really look up to me, I am a woman who has no power to bind chickens..."



  Yu Qingluo hadn't finished speaking, but Yue Clan Lao Xiang Clan Lao and others suddenly laughed with a dull head.

  Yu Qingluo looked blank, where did she make a mistake? She glanced back at Ye Xiu Duo.

   Ye Xiu smiled alone, "Well, Nan Nan just said something like this, you mother and son are both pretty and weak. Don't worry, I will protect you."

Yu Qingluo gave him a vicious look, then glanced at the other people warningly, and snorted, "I can't even fly. Compared with you, I am a woman with no hands to bind a chicken. What is wrong? ?"

  Looking at her annoyed, everyone immediately expressed serious expressions and nodded cautiously, "Yes, yes, you need our protection the most. What you said is right."

  He is a ghost doctor, with a strange temperament, and a woman, so let's go, let's go.

Yu Qingluo lightly hummed, then raised his head satisfied, looked at Meng Zhicheng again, and then said, "How can I, a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, deal with such a master of martial arts? Well, although he has suffered previously. He was injured, but the skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Besides, there were so many guards around him. I was alone. How could I kill him."

  Mengzhicheng tightened her lips, and after talking for a long time, she didn't see the real murderer coming.

  Wait...wait, the real...murderer.

  Meng Zhicheng suddenly took a breath, looked at Yu Qingluo, and asked with some difficulty, "Is it... the regent?"

  Yuqing stared at him with an expression of ‘you are so smart, I adore you’.

  Meng Zhicheng felt that the general situation was gone, and he was full of resentment, "The beauty of beauty is a disaster, ha, Shangguan Jin Mingming I was also planted in the hands of a woman, ha ha."

  He now has no chance to escape from the Mongolian people.

  There are wolves in front and tigers behind, Mengpo is dead, Shangguan Jin believes that he has no retreat.

Mengzhicheng took a deep breath and stared at Ye Xiudu fiercely. He laughed loudly, "You will not end well, you will deal with your own uncle, and you will also deal with your own mother in the future. Doomed to betray their relatives, I see how you will deal with yourself in the future, hahaha, I see how you deal with yourself."

  After he finished speaking, he suddenly became ruthless and his eyes burst. When everyone was caught off guard, he slammed into the stone beside him.

  Broken head, staring wide-eyed, never staring at him.

  He knew his sins, killed so many Mongolian children, killed famous clan elders, and planned to usurp the throne. Menglu would definitely die without a place to bury himself. He has no chance to rise again.

  Everyone was a little startled, and the old Bu and Sheng took a breath. Without Mengzhicheng, they suddenly panicked.

  The two looked at each other and knelt down to Menglu suddenly.

   "Patriarch, we are also compelled. It is Mengzhi who threatens us. He uses our family to threaten us to do things for him, otherwise it will destroy us. There is nothing we can do. Patriarch, you forgive us."

  Meng Lu turned his head, very chilling.

  At the beginning, what did he value them to make them sit in the position of the clan elder?

  This kind of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, people who have no standards and backbone, what did he value them in the first place?

  Menglu didn’t want to listen to them. He just waved his hand and said to Commander He, “Lock them up and deal with them after listening.”

  This time, he will definitely not tolerate it, and he will not go back to the mountain.

Commander He nodded his head, recruited the soldiers behind him and took a chain to tie the two together.

  The old Bu and Sheng originally wanted to resist, but they immediately stopped struggling with the cold eyes of Shangmenglu and Yexiudu.

  Their martial arts are inferior to them, and there is no chance even if they want to escape.

  He led the people, but the next moment he frowned and said, "Where is the old Li?"

  Everyone was shocked, only to realize that just now, all of their attention was on Meng Zhicheng, but the sullen old Li clan was ignored.

  Meng Lu's face changed, and he waved his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and find no corners."

   "Yes." Everyone shuddered, regretting in their hearts.

  Victory is in sight, but they made such a big mistake.

Although the old man of the Li clan is already at the end of the battle, it is still a disaster if he does not get rid of it.

   "Please rest assured, the clan chief, this clan mansion is surrounded by soldiers, and the Li clan elder may not be able to escape."

  However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard a scream.

  Everyone followed the sound and saw a soldier with a pale face, pointing to the back of the stone and saying, "Dead..."

  Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo hurriedly walked out, looking in the direction of the man's fingers, and saw a soldier lying on the ground with a pale face and his coat had been stripped.

  Yuqing squatted down and put his fingers on his wrist, no longer feeling the pulse.

   Her face was slightly heavy, she stood up and shook her head and said, "It's dead."

   "Mother, the old man of the Li clan, he must have gone along with the soldier's clothes. He might have been dressed as a soldier and mixed out of the clan house." Nan Nan said nervously.

   then felt something was wrong again, and hurriedly said to Yuqing Luo Yexiu, "Daddy, mother, I'm afraid he will hurt sister Yu and Qiu'er. I'm back to Jingzhutang. I want to protect them."

   "Well, let's go." Ye Xiu nodded alone, and Nan Nan ran back anxiously.

  He commanded a fist at Menglu, "Patriarch, I will send someone to arrest him immediately."

   "Well, be careful."

  Mengzhicheng and Mengpao have been eliminated, this matter can be regarded as an end, and now, the little fish and shrimps continue to jump.

  Menglu turned his head, and ordered the elders of the Yue clan and Xiang clan. The rumors on the street, the remaining forces of Mengzhicheng, and the later integration need to be carefully discussed and dealt with.

  Ye Xiu Du also said goodbye to Menglu, "I'm going to the old mansion of the famous clan."

  Meng Lu nodded, "I will leave it to you over there."

  "Nannan will stay in Jingzhutang for the time being. I will look for him again when I turn around." Ye Xiudu took Yu Qingluo and left the clan mansion and went straight to the mansion of the old clan.

  However, just halfway through, a soldier under He commander came to report, "...someone saw the Li clan enter the old mansion of the famous clan."


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