Behind her soon followed He commander and the others. Seeing Yu Qingluo standing there unscathed, He commander breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward.


   "Hush." ​​Yu Qingluo raised his hand, asking him to silence, still locked on the low door inside.

  He led him for a moment, and hurriedly shut his mouth, giving Yu Qing a weird look.

  He didn't know why Miss Jade came here suddenly, or what she was doing just standing outside the door.

  He wants to go back earlier, after all, Ye Xiu Duo is the top priority.

   Ke Yuqing didn't move, he couldn't help it, opened his mouth, He Tongling still swallowed the words from his mouth after all.

  A long time passed, and the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and there was faint sunlight shining in through the gaps in the outer eaves, hitting Yu Qingluo's body, and it felt a little scorching.

   The storm was surging this night, and the Mongolian rebellion had mostly subsided.

  Mengzhicheng and Mengpai are both dead, but there are always some missing fish that make the heart irritable.

  The leader of He saw that Yu Qingluo still remained motionless for a long time, and finally couldn’t help it. “Girl Jade, Lord Xiu is still taking the lead. The old Li family is fierce and cruel, I don’t know..."

   "Bang..." Before he could finish his whisper, a violent crash suddenly came from inside.

  He commander stunned suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the low door in front of him.

  There... somebody?

   "Girl Jade?" Commander He immediately stood on guard, beckoning to let the two soldiers behind him come forward, and the three of them surrounded him, guarding Yu Qing in the middle.

  Yu Qing Luo squinted her eyes slightly, and glanced aside.

  The terrain is low, and there are no guards around it, and there are no windows, so people who enter can only come out through the door in front of them.

  She was not afraid of the secret passage inside, after all, if the person inside wanted to escape, she would have escaped long ago, and she wouldn't be in this mansion right now, so stupid.

Really thinking, a low voice suddenly came from inside, "Have you heard me honestly? I tell you, if you dare not listen to me, I will kill you. I don't have as many worries as my father. ."

  He commander looked at Yu Qingluo in amazement. His eyes were astonished. After a long while, he said with some uncertainty, "This is...Meng Ziyao's voice?"

  He wasn't sure, after all, he didn't have much contact with Meng Ziyao, and his voice was unfamiliar. He just had this kind of guess.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, "It's him."

  He just saw him sneaking past the garden, and felt very strange, so he followed.

  After all, he is also considered to be a leaking fish, who knows if he will also follow the troubles.

  He commander's eyebrows frowned, and said strangely, "This Meng Ziyao, wasn't this Meng Ziyao captured by the patriarch? How could he appear here?"

   "Probably Mengzhicheng rescued people from the chaos."

  Meng Ziyao is not an important person, and Menglu’s supervision of him is not as strict as the old Li clan.

  Furthermore, there are traitors in the family house, and the son of Mengzhicheng has always favored him. It is not difficult to rescue him.

  She estimated that Mengzhi didn't show up for a long time last night, so she went to save him, but she didn't expect that he sent the person directly to the old man's house.

  Yuqing did not understand when he realized that the man Mengzhicheng valued Meng Ziyao so much. This man obviously only knows how to fake it. Without the slightest skill, it will be difficult for him to become a master in the future.

  Mengzhi is good, abandon the modest gentleman like Meng Ziqian, and value a waste in this way.

  But after a moment, after another thought, Yu Qingluo was relieved again.

   After all, Meng Zhicheng and Meng Guifei are brothers and sisters after all, and it is not surprising that the two people have the same strange ideas. Concubine Meng was the seventh prince with mediocre aptitude, and abandoned Ye Xiudu, a smart, restrained, steady, self-sufficient, open-minded, talented, majestic, handsome, and handsome black-bellied man like Ye Xiudu?

  En, seriously speaking, she is more discerning.

  Yu Qingluo was very proud of thinking of this.

  He does not know what is beautiful in her heart, but thinks that the smile on Yu Qingluo's face is very... Well, it seems that you shouldn't talk about women like that, anyway, it's very weird.

  Ghost Doctor is still as rumored, his temperament is unpredictable.

   He took a tentative step forward and asked in a low voice, "Miss Jade, what should we do now? Let's... rush in?"

  "I don't know what's going on inside, wait a minute." Yu Qingluo's expression converged, her ears pricked up, and she began to listen carefully to the movement inside.

  Since Meng Ziyao said that sentence, there has been no movement.

  After a while, she felt itchy in her ears, as if there was a slight noise in her ears, very soft.

  Yuqing frowned, glanced at the leader He next to him, and asked him, "What's said inside?"

  He commander's ears should be more sensitive, and he whispered softly, "It seems that someone has cursed Meng Ziyao with a ‘idiot’, saying that he is not going to die."

   As he said, he paused before continuing, "I hear the voice very weak, and I can't hear it very clearly, but it should be a woman."

  Woman? Scolding Meng Ziyao for an idiot? weak?

"If you dare to say one more word, I will send you to death immediately." Meng Ziyao's excited voice came from inside. "If it weren't for Dad who said you might be my last amulet, I would have just walked in. Killed you."

As he said, he sneered again, "But don't be proud of you, my mother has already gone to catch the celebrity old man. As long as you catch him, he is the most powerful amulet. It’s you. So you'd better be honest, or even if you don’t die at this moment, I can peel off half of your skin."

  Yuqing fell, his pupils shrank suddenly, amulet? In that case, there should be very important people inside.

  And... is a person who has a great influence on them, otherwise Meng Zhicheng would not tell Meng Ziyao like that.

who is it? Who the **** is it?

  Yu Qingluo's face was uncertain, and suddenly there was a very bad premonition.

   Without waiting for her to think too much, there was a movement in the room, and the low door was suddenly opened from inside.

However, the next moment, I heard Meng Ziyao's screams, he took a step back with some horror, pointed at Yu Qingluo in front of him, and squatted, "You, you, you, why are you here? "

   "Why can't I be here?" Yu Qingluo sneered at him, looked over him, and looked at the person behind him.

Meng Ziyao followed her gaze and reacted abruptly. He hurriedly picked up the dagger in his hand and pressed it against the man's neck. He smiled sullenly, "Don't come over, or I will kill her. "


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