The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 865: Finally met Grandma Ge

  Yuqing lowered her eyebrows, and her lips were gently pursed.

  This man is ragged and unkempt, with blood stains on his arms, and seems to be very miserable by the whip. He is still dragging an iron chain on his leg, and he looks very heavy.

  Yuqing's eyebrows tightened, almost without blinking, just staring at her fixedly.

  The next moment, the person who was grasped by Meng Ziyao seemed to feel her gaze, and slowly raised his head.

   Seeing her, her eyes suddenly brightened, a smile came to the corner of her mouth, and she said in a low voice, "This voice...really is you."

  Yu Qingluo only felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning, even his breathing became weak, and the whole person took a step back uncontrollably.

  The leader of He is unknown, so he looked at her with some worry.

   "Miss, I look like this, so you don't recognize it..." Her words stopped abruptly, watching Yu Qingluo burst into tears suddenly, and the tip of her nose became sour.

   "Well, why did you cry? You have always been strong. With so many people here, can you make a joke?"

  Yu Qingluo's throat seemed to be blocked, opened her mouth, and even trembled with her lips, but she couldn't make a sound.

  He commander is a little frightened, the ghost doctor...Isn't that different from ordinary women, isn't it that the gangsters are very angry and can't... cry?

  So now, crying like a child, this, this, this makes people feel pity.

Commander He swallowed and whispered, "Miss Yu, you, what's the matter? Is it hurting somewhere? It hurts? Don't cry, otherwise, when the time comes, the prince will see it and think it's us. I bullied you..."

Yu Qingluo didn’t hear what he said, her eyes locked tightly to the woman who was held in her hand by Meng Ziyao. After a long time, she finally took a deep breath and found her voice, but the tears in her eyes, But there is no way to stop.

  She choked up and said, "I have been looking for you for a long time."

   "...makes you suffer." She knows that since her disappearance, she and Nan Nan will definitely come to look for her.

  "From Tianyu Country, to Fengcang Country, from Jiangcheng to Imperial Capital..."

   "...Why is this?"

   "As long as you have a little bit of news, whether it is true or not, Nan Nan and I will go together."

   "...Miss." She felt guilty, "I'm just a slave. It's not worth the effort to spend so much."

  Yu Qingluo shook her lower lip and swallowed the choking from her mouth fiercely, but the tip of her nose was still sour and the taste was so complicated that she couldn't help it. "Nan Nan and I have never regarded you as a servant. You are the person our mother and son respect and like."

  If it weren't for her, how could she survive? How could Nan Nan be born safely and grow up to what he is now?

  In the past few years, Grandma Ge has worked hard for her mother and her son, and she only wants to do her best.

  Several years of getting along day and night, there is not only kindness between them, but also family affection that is more inseparable than blood relationship.

  Thinking of the past, she finally couldn't control it anymore.

  "Grandma Ge..." Yu Qingluo suddenly raised her hand and covered her mouth.

  There was a blur in front of my eyes, and all the scenery in my line of sight was indistinct.

Until... Meng Ziyao's arrogant laughter sounded, "Hahaha, I was worried before, whether this amulet was a little too weak. Now seeing this scene, it seems that what Dad said is indeed correct, this woman, It’s your weakness."

   Hearing this, Commander He cried out inwardly, and immediately locked it tightly on the dagger.

  He also noticed that Miss Jade attached great importance to this woman, and she was afraid that she would be rescued if she tried her best.

   Meng Ziyao's face showed a complacent look, "Yu Qingluo, if you want her to survive, you can do it with your hands obediently."

  Yuqing frowned, then raised her hand and rubbed her eyes to make her vision clearer.

  However, when her eyes touched the dagger that Meng Ziyao hung on Mother Ge's neck, her face instantly turned green and stern.

  I saw that Grandma Ge was hurt all over her body, and even more so, her whole body exuded hostility and coldness.

  It is a man like He Tongling, who feels that at this moment, the jade is clear, it is best not to get close to anger, otherwise, he will inevitably die without a place to bury him.

  Meng Ziyao's breathing became tight all of a sudden, he looked at her face, he felt a sense of pressure inexplicably, and subconsciously stepped back.

However, thinking that there are still hostages in his hand, he raised his chin again, slightly proud, "Why, do you want to deal with me? Then let's see if it is your fast action or my dagger fast, I just want to be this light Lightly, even if you are a ghost doctor, you can't be saved."

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, even if she wanted to give Meng Ziyao a thousand swords and cuts in her heart at this moment, she also temporarily endured it.

With a smile, Yu Qingluo's expression was quite soft, "Grandma Ge has injuries on her body and is inconvenient to move. You take her as a hostage, but you just want to escape from here. But her appearance must be a burden to you, maybe On the contrary, it will drag you down and put you at your fingertips. Why don't you change with Madam Ge and I?"

  He commanded him for a moment, and hurriedly stopped, "Girl Jade, I can’t make it."

  In case something happened to her, to repair the prince’s temper, she would definitely die miserably.

Meng Ziyao only hesitated for a moment, and immediately sneered, "You treat me as stupid, you are not hurt, you are easy to move, but you have good skills and tricks, you are a hostage... I still don’t worry. It."

   He said, glanced at Grandma Ge and snorted coldly, “Well, she, although she is slow, she is not a threat to me and can’t escape. With her in your hands, you also have to listen to me.”

Yu Qingluo frowned again, Meng Ziyao was not stupid, but stupid at all.

   "Quickly get out of the way, I have to go to my mother, don't get in the way." Meng Ziyao still remembers Rusi at this moment. Although he is stupid, there are some things that can still be thought of.

  For example...Yu Qingluo suddenly appeared here, indicating that the night cultivating independence has also come, and the plan of Niang and Li clan elders to kidnap the clan elders may not go well.

  Yu Qingluo moved a step aside, watching Meng Ziyao grabbing Madam Ge to leave, and finally sighed and said, "Are you really sure... Madam Ge poses no threat to you?"

  Meng Ziyao stopped for a while, "You, what do you mean?"

  Yu cleared her eyes, but said nothing.

  Meng Ziyao was a little anxious by her, turned her head and stared at her, and asked fiercely, "What are you selling, what are you playing, what conspiracy and tricks are there, hurry up, otherwise, I will kill her."

  Yu Qingluo glanced at Grandma Ge, the latter’s eyes lit up, and the two people’s tacit understanding over the years was not fake at all.

Almost at the moment when Meng Ziyao focused her entire attention on Yu Qing, Mother Ge suddenly deflected her head, avoiding the position where the knife could cut the aorta, and lifting her right foot, it was heavy. The iron chain seemed to have no influence on her, and soon kicked him to the point.


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