Ye Xiu was surprised to see that she had been silent all the time.

   turned her head and saw that her face was a little weird.

  Did the guy Shangguan Jin wrote something that shouldn’t be written in it?

  Ye Xiu Du Du’s heart is itchy, I want to know, but I feel embarrassed that I was too full of words just now.

After a while, he coughed heavily. Seeing Yu Qingluo looking over, he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Yu Qingluo pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Shangguan Jin said, Concubine Meng should soon know about the affairs of the Mongolian people. There should be some fluctuations in Feng Cang Country, and we should go back soon. And... "

  Frowning at night, he naturally knows this. No one knows the mind of Concubine Meng better than him.

  Now it seems that she originally wanted to help Mengzhi become the patriarch of the Mongolian people, and then borrow the power of the Mongolian people to let Ye Haoting sit on the throne of the emperor.

   Ke Mengcheng failed, and Concubine Meng seemed to have been cut off from her right hand. Then her strategy must have changed drastically.

  It’s just this change, and it may develop in a very bad direction.

   "What else?" Shangguan Jin asked.

  "Shangguan Jin said that Yu Zuorin took refuge in the Seventh Prince. Under the recommendation of the Seventh Prince, the official position was upgraded step by step, and the promotion was very fast."

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, and pulled out the letter in her hand.

  Only one glance, his face turned dark. Nearly a page of letter paper in front of the Shangguan Jin was written in a mess of words about Yu Qingluo's care, and he couldn't wait to tear it apart when he saw it.

  On the next page of letter paper, did he mention his original intention of cooperating with Concubine Meng and others, and some news he learned after cooperating with Concubine Meng.

  Yu Zuorin’s things are not very secretive. On the side of the imperial capital, Ye Xiudu also sent someone to stare at him, so he naturally knew his condition.

  What annoyed him was the last sentence Shangguan Jin mentioned.

  He said, Concubine Meng is sending people... to chase and kill Ye Haoran and Jin Liuli.

  Damn, he has been demoted to a civilian, and he has left the imperial capital, not to mention that ambition. The mother and concubine did not let them go.

   "What's wrong with you?" Yu Qingluo glanced at his face strangely.

   Ye Xiu alone put away the letter paper, took a deep breath and said, "It's nothing." Looking at Qing'er's expression, he probably hasn't seen the last sentence yet. I don't know how Jin Liuli was hunted down.

  He should keep it secret first, lest she worry about it.

   Ye Haoran and Jin Liuli are not simple skills. What's more, there are many dead men left behind by the concubine Wan, and those dead men are more than enough to deal with the people sent by the imperial concubine Meng.

   "Although Shangguan Jin's letter is not of much use, he is still right when he says that we must return to Feng Cang Nation as soon as possible." Ye Xiu dug away the letter.

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips and nodded. After a moment of silence, she suddenly turned her head and said, "I want to see the veteran of the famous clan, and try to discuss the way to treat him with Qiongshan medical veteran."

  Ye Xiu's eyes lit up, "Okay." He was about to leave, and the most uneasy thing was the clan elder who had not yet woken up.

  Although there is no life worry, the current situation is extremely bad.

  It's too late. Now that it has been decided to return to Feng Cang Country, the things that should be done are naturally done as soon as possible.

  It’s not too late. She should have gone to the house of the famous celebrity together with Xiu that night.

  The Qiongshan medical veteran is still there. These days, he mostly rests in the house of the famous clan veteran.

   Seeing her, the doctor Qiongshan smiled meaningfully, "I heard you slept for a day?" So he couldn't discuss things with her.

  Yu Qingluo thought of the lack of restraint in the day, her face turned red, and she glared at him, "I was too tired the last two days and slept too much, do you have any opinions?"

   "...Luoluo is the real murderer." Doctor Qiongshan wanted to say a few more words, but he saw a light eye knife from Ye Xiu Duo coming over.

  The corners of his mouth stiffened. At any rate, he was the elder of two people, and he didn't respect him at all.

  Yu Qingluo squeezed the Qiongshan medical elder directly, sat on the bedside of the clan elder, put a hand on his wrist, and was silent for a moment.

The doctor Qiongshan saw that she had retracted her hand, so he told her his diagnosis these days, "...I didn't mean to be in a coma all the time, but I was poisoned when I was injured. In order to prevent the toxins from running around, I Putting needles on several large acupuncture points on his body, just this, it also caused him to suffocate for a short time, the blood supply was insufficient, and his brain was damaged, so he was unconscious."

  Yu Qingluo stood up and gritted his teeth as he watched the pale clan elder who was quickly losing weight.

   "Assassinate assassin, but he still smeared the knife with poison. This is his biological father, how can he put such a vicious hand? This is cured, and the death is too simple."

Ye Xiu nodded alone, his gaze fell on the bed, and his voice was low, "Master would be considered merciful to his subordinates. Otherwise, even if he was injured and poisoned at the time, it would not be a big problem to deal with uncle. ."

  Just, that is his son, the only son. He never thought that his son would be so frantic and cruel to himself.

  Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he was still cruel and lost his conscience just like him.

  But he hesitated so much, on the contrary, he let himself fall to where he is now.

  Ye Xiudu's hand tightened tightly. Every time he saw such a clan elder, his hatred for the imperial concubine Meng Zhicheng ignited in his heart.

Yu Qingluo walked to him, tugged his hand gently, and said softly, "Fortunately, not everyone in this mansion is as bad as him. Ziqianziqi and you are all filial piety. The elder of the clan. He understands in his heart, and there is comfort."

   said, patted his hand lightly again, then turned around, and went to discuss the condition of the famous old man with Qiongshan medical veteran.

At midnight, Yu Qingluo walked out of the house alone with Ye Xiu with a heavy expression.

   "Is there no way?" Ye Xiu asked alone.

   Yu Qingluo sighed for a long time, and whispered, "For the time" Vegetatives, even in modern times, would be helpless, let alone now.

  I just hope that the clan elders can survive by themselves and wake up sooner.

  Ye Xiu squeezed her hand tightly, her breath tightened suddenly.

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyes with some worry and looked at him, "Wait a minute, the old clan has good health, and people are optimistic, I believe..."

   "Needless to say, I understand." Ye Xiudu didn't want her to be under too much pressure. His voice was low and very soft, but he never looked at her. Just fixedly staring at the front, not knowing what he was thinking.

  It is rare for two people to walk in the garden so quietly under the night, listening to the calls of insects and birds, no one spoke.

  "Mother, mother..." Suddenly, a bright voice came from the front, which suddenly interrupted the silence between the two.


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