The corners of Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, and she saw that Nan Nan had rushed to the two of them, with great momentum, and suddenly squeezed into the middle of the two, one hand each, holding their hands tightly, grinning. of.

"Mother, I have been looking for you for a long time. I thought you were missing." Nan Nan started chattering as soon as he arrived. Don't worry so much, the little heart is always beating."

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and glanced at the same black line Ye Xiu alone.

  With this little thing, the heavy aura around the two of them disappeared in an instant.

   "Mother, Grandma Ge asked about you several times, saying why you haven't appeared, I don't think her face is very good."

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, and then patted her forehead. She really...has been so busy, she has forgotten to see Grandma Ge.

When she let go of her hand, she let go of Nan Nan's little hand, and said to Ye Xiudu, "I'll go see Grandma Ge, and talk slowly."

  As soon as the voice fell, she was already a few steps away.

  Nannan stared blankly at the empty little hand, and then climbed up to his father's back somewhat aggrievedly, and whispered, "Daddy, I think my mother has paid less and less attention to me now."


   "It will be." Nan Nan nodded vigorously, "Since you appeared next to my mother, my mother always sleeps until three poles in the sun before getting up, and I have lost a lot of time with me."

  Ye Xiu Du has a guilty conscience, this question...he really can’t answer.

   "Look, I have found Grandma Ge now. My mother threw me to you without saying a word. I don't value me too much."

   Ye Xiu's mouth twitched, "Why, you don't want to stay with Daddy?"

   "..." As if he had said something wrong, Nan Nan shrank his neck and shook his head immediately, "How come? Daddy, don't think like a woman."

  Ye Xiudu directly knocked on his brain and snorted, "If you talk nonsense, I will leave you behind."

  "..." It made him cry out of fright when he was alone here. If he left it, he would leave it, and he could still find something to eat.

  I feel nervous and busy some time ago, and I don’t have much appetite. Now that I have rested, I suddenly have an appetite, and I want to fill my bag with food.

   By the way, and his little wolf pup.

  Father and son were talking, and they also came to Grandma Ge’s courtyard.

  Yu Qingluo's low comforting sound came from inside, Ye Xiu went in alone, and Grandma Ge's eyes immediately fell on him, her expression...a little uneasy.

  Ye Xiudu suddenly regained consciousness. Thinking of what the South and South had said, he said that Grandma Ge had found Yu Qingluo several times.

  Today Qing'er didn't show up all day, I'm afraid it was Grandma Ge who felt that Qing'er already knew those things and was no longer willing to take care of her, so she was so worried.

   Thinking of this, Ye Xiudu shook his head slightly at her.

  Grandma Ge then withdrew her gaze, and turned her head to talk to Yu Qingluo.

   "I already know what happened during this period, and Grandma Xiao and Nan Nan have also told me all. Miss, now the situation in Feng Cang Country is severe, you should go back as soon as possible."

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, "But you and Hongye both have injuries..."

   "It doesn't matter, we will go back later. As long as Hongye and I are well prepared, it will heal quickly. There is no shortage of doctors to eat here. Miss, don't worry about us."

  Yu Qingluo still reluctant to bear it, she finally reunited with Grandma Ge, and looked at her so weak, really not at ease.

   But what Grandma Ge said was right. Concubine Meng should have been pressed tight at this moment, and she didn’t know what she would do.

Yu Qingluo was silent for a long time, frowned and tangled for a while, then let out a sigh of relief, put her hand on the back of Grandma Ge's hand, reluctantly, "Then you must take good care of yourself, and I will be with Meng The madam said, if you have any needs, tell her and it will be done. I still have some medicine on my body, and I will leave it to you when the time comes..."

  She paused, then suddenly turned to ask Ye Xiudu, "How long will Qiongshan doctor stay here?"

   "...I don't know." I haven't asked this.

  It’s just that no matter how long you stay, you won’t stay in the Mongolian people all the time.

  Yu Qingluo gritted his teeth and talked to him tomorrow, anyway, leave it until Hongye is healed.

  Thinking, she put her gaze on Nan Nan, who was shaken by a jealous spirit she was looking at, and hurriedly hid behind Ye Xiudu.

  Yu Qingluo then looked at Grandma Ge, and gave a detailed explanation for a while.

  I haven't seen it for a long time, and I feel reluctant to let it go, holding her hand.

  She also has a lot of things to say to her. This mother, who is like her mother, always gives her a lot of warmth.

  Look at her appearance, Nursing Ge and Ye Xiudu are both in a complicated mood. If they get to their lips, they always swallow them unconsciously.

  Looking at it's getting late, Yu Qingluo didn't want to leave, but she also worried about the injuries to Grandma Ge. She didn't leave too much, so she took care of her and went to bed. He and Ye Xiu went back to the room alone.

  Nannan had been making trouble all day, and now she was so sleepy that she fell asleep on Ye Xiudu's body.

   Ye Xiudu sent him back to his own house, and when he came back, he found that Yu Qingluo was actually asleep.

  He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. Didn’t he sleep for almost a whole day? Why is it so easy and sleepy again?

  He shook his head, opened the quilt and got in.

   Yu Qingluo felt the warmth, moved to his side, pressed her face to his chest, mumbled something, and fell asleep again.

   Ye Xiu Duo gently held her, her voice low, "If you are awake, you have always been so dependent on me."

   "Hmm..." As if hearing his words, Yu Qingluo responded in a low voice, and there was no more movement.

   Ye Xiu smiled alone, took out the letter written by Shangguan Jin, and his eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, his fingers tightened, and the letter slowly shattered into fragments under his exertion and spilled on the ground...

  Early the next morning, before Yu Qingluo got up, Nan Nan broke into the room of the two alive and straight into their bed.

   "Mother, I just had a terrible and terrifying nightmare, I want to comfort." He said, his hands and feet were like octopus, holding Yu Qingluo tightly.

  Ye Xiu Du saw a burst of irritation, and lifted him up and put him on the ground, "Didn’t you say that you are a man? Are you afraid of nightmares?"

   "..." Nan Nan stared at his father puffingly, his eyes rolled, and he thought about drilling into the bed.

   Suddenly there was a low knock on the door. He was taken aback and heard Shen Ying's anxious voice sound outside, "Master, there is a very important thing."


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