Ye Xiu was taken aback for a while, Nan Nan saw him being distracted, and got into the bed without saying ‘chuck’, and hid directly inside Yuqingluo.

Ye Xiu squinted his eyes, and suddenly reached out his hand and pinched his small face fiercely, feeling soft and tender, and then he took back his hand contentedly, put the bed tent, put on his clothes and walked out of the inner room. .

  Nan Nan rubbed her little cheek vigorously, pouting angrily.

   "Mother, I found a very serious matter."

Yu Qingluo lay on the bed lazily, and gestured to him, "Press my shoulder." Watching Nannan skillfully tap her small fist on her shoulder, she asked softly, "What is serious? Thing?"

"Let’s find out. You and Daddy both like to pinch my face. It’s not good. Although my face is a little cute and slippery and comfortable to the touch, I can’t always pinch, isn’t it? What to do?" Especially if it affects his beautiful face, if it becomes a pig's head, he will cry to death.

  Yu Qingluo raised his eyes and glanced at him, beckoning him to get closer, "What's wrong? Let me see? Your mother, I'm a doctor, so I'll show you what's wrong with you."

As    said, his finger touched his cheek again and pinched a little.

  This feel is really nothing to say. Eating more has the benefit of eating more, isn’t it? At least he won't be thin enough to touch someone's bones, right.

  "Mother!!!" Nan Nan glared back at her angrily.

  "Don't stop your hands."

   "Oh." Nan Nan's small fist clenched again, knocking his mother... on the back.

After knocking for a moment, I couldn't help but said again, "Mother, we are talking about a very serious question. If you pinch my face again in the future, I will, I will... I will lose weight so that you can't pinch. "

   "Puff..." Yu Qingluo couldn't help but snorted, and then replied solemnly, "Well, ambitious."

  This little thing made it as if she pinched his face many times, only so many times a year.

  Nan Nan looked at her mother-in-law as if she had compromised, nodded in satisfaction, and the strength in her hand became more dedicated. "Also, mother, you must remember to love me well in the future. It is okay to touch me more. After all, my face is slippery and tender. Sometimes I can't help but appreciate myself..."

   "What?" Before Nan Nan finished speaking, Ye Xiudu's low voice suddenly came from outside.

  The mother and son on the bed were taken aback at the same time, looking at the source of the sound together.

   Nan Nan retracted his hand, “Mother, I’m going to see what happened.”

  Speaking, the little thing has jumped off the bed agilely and rushed outside.

  Even after seeing Ye Xiudu and Shen Ying's serious faces, their expressions seemed very strange. On their table, there was a small note that seemed to be tied to the leg of a pigeon, the note curled up slightly.

Nan Nan touched it cautiously, looked at his father's face, and stretched out his little hand towards the note little by little.

   Seeing that Ye Xiudu did not respond, and Shen Ying did not stop it, only then did he boldly draw the note and pinch it in the palm of his hand.

After swallowing, Nan Nan looked at the words on it.

   was just a few words, but Nan Nan also took a deep breath.

  "The prince was deposed!!!"

  The prince was abolished, the prince was actually abolished, this, this,...

   Nan Nan hurriedly reached out to grab Shen Ying’s sleeves, and asked anxiously, "What about Xiao Shengsheng? Is there anything wrong with Xiao Shengsheng?"

The prince    is Xiao Shengsheng’s father. He has been the prince for so many years, and he has done a lot of silly things before, but the emperor has never abolished him.

   is now abolished suddenly, he must have made a big mistake.

  Will the mistake he made hurt Ye Lansheng?

  This is what Nan Nan is worried about.

  Shen Ying shook his head apologetically, and said, “I don’t know, these four words are on the note. Other specific information will not be known until the investigation is clear.”

  This is the news from the imperial capital. The prince was abolished. Most people don't understand the curves, but it is certain that some of them must have used means.

  Ye Xiu let out a sigh of relief and looked down at Nan Nan. Then he turned to Shen Ying and said, "Prepare, leave tomorrow and return to the imperial capital."

   "Yes." Shen Ying replied and turned to leave.

  Nan Nan was very worried, until the note in the palm of his hand was taken away by Ye Xiudu and burned into ashes in the candlelight, and he came back to his senses.


   "It seems that Concubine Meng can't wait." Yu Qingluo, already dressed neatly, walked out slowly.

  What they said just now has also passed into her ears.

  Yu Qingluo didn't expect that after they had been away for a few months, such a big thing would happen to the emperor.

  The prince was abolished...mostly the masterpiece of the Meng imperial concubine.

  It's just that there is a queen mother in the palace, and the queen is supporting it. How can we let this matter go on?

  Nannan ran to her and hugged her legs and whispered, "Mother, what if something happens to Xiao Shengsheng too?"

"No, your dad who stayed in the imperial capital knows that you care about him. If he has something to do, he will surely tell us about it." Yu Qingluo hugged him and sat on a chair by the side, watching him little There was almost a knot between his eyebrows, and he couldn't help rubbing it with his hands. "Furthermore, there are princes and princesses in the imperial capital, as well as the queen dowager. Lan Sheng himself is also very smart. How could something go wrong?"

   Nan Nan was so comforted, but calmed down a lot.

  It’s right to think about it, Xiao Shengsheng is so smart, and Grandpa Huang likes him very much. Even if the prince is abolished, there should be...nothing will happen.

   Nan Nan stroked her chest and pressed down the beating heart, and then slowly exhaled.

  Yu Qingluo raised her head and looked at Ye Xiu Duo. Although she said that, she didn't dare to be too optimistic.

  The royal family has been ruthless since ancient times. Even if the emperor liked Ye Lansheng at first, if the prince made a big mistake, he would definitely be affected.

  The worst thing is that I don’t know what Meng Guifei’s next plan is.

  Yuqing didn't think there was anything before, and she didn't care who was the emperor. But not right now. If the throne falls into Ye Haoting's hands, then the first person he will deal with will be Ye Xiu independence.

  And...the Mongolian nationality.

   Just for my own consideration, it is impossible to let such a scourge ascend the throne.

  Yu Qingluo thought fiercely that when necessary, she would castrate him as a **** even if she couldn't kill him, to see how he succeeded the emperor.

  With all kinds of torture in her mind, she was thinking about it, but suddenly an anxious voice came from outside, "Luoluo, Luoluo, where are you?"


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