Just standing still, an angry voice came over there, "Did you take her to heart? Is this your attitude?"

   Yuqing fell for a moment, the voice seemed to be Peng Ying.

  She looked down, and she saw two figures hitting the bluestone slab obliquely under the sun's rays.

  Peng seemed to pause for a moment in response to the person facing him, and then said in a low voice, "I naturally take her to my heart, but..."

"It's just, just what?" Peng Ying snorted coldly. "She is seriously injured now, and she has been groggy all day, and she is always in danger at any time. Now is the time for you to comfort her and take care of her, do you know? Knowing what she looked like when she was injured and dying, that kind of feeling... that kind of feeling..."

  Peng Ying suddenly paused, and turned his head away, "Anyway, I think you should stay. She will be very happy to see you by her side."

  Yuqing squinted his eyes, and then suddenly realized that what Peng Ying and Wentian said was Hongye.

  How? Is this to Wentian staying to take care of the rhythm of the red leaves?

  Wen Tian stiffened and remained silent for a long time before he whispered, "But I am the prince's guard, and I have the responsibility to stay with the master and protect the master."

   "I..." Peng Ying was blocked by him for a moment and was speechless.

  As guards, their first responsibility is to protect the master.

   Ke was also worried about Hongye, who was seriously injured, so she couldn't feel at ease just leaving her behind.

"... Protecting the master is naturally our unshirkable responsibility. But, hey, I will talk to the prince about this matter. The masters around the prince are like clouds, and you are not necessarily the one behind. Besides, you will be back a few days later. It makes no difference."

   "Peng Ying!!" Wen Tian was annoyed, and snorted, "Now the imperial capital is stern, don't you know it, maybe a few days later, it might be a farewell thing."

"Then you don't worry about Hongye? You didn't see her standing on the ground safely, running and jumping. Are you not anxious? If you have worries all day long, even if you stay with the master, you will be distracted. , Maybe it will drag the master."

   "I..." Wen Tian bit his lip, the corners of his mouth were tight, and he said for a long time, "I won't."

   "Hmph, you have no confidence in what you said."

   Wentian was also annoyed, "Anyway, I will go back and pack my things, and I will be on the road with the prince tomorrow."

   "You are simply unreasonable." Peng Ying was really anxious, stepped forward and hit him on the shoulder severely, and slammed away.

  It was too late for Yu Qingluo to hide. Just stepping back, Peng Ying had already turned the corner and almost collided with her.

  Seeing her, Peng Ying's expression was slightly surprised. The next moment, his face flushed slightly, and he stepped back embarrassedly, "Jade, Miss Jade, why are you here?"

   Hearing the sound from the sky, he ran over in a hurry. There was also a trace of confidence on his face, and he coughed slightly, "Girl Jade."

"That...what, I just passed by, ah, no, I came to Hongye for a follow-up consultation, I didn't listen to anything..." Yuqing shut her mouth quickly, well, she seems to have no silver in this place. Up.

  Sure enough, Wen Tian and Peng Ying were full of black lines, but they still gave her a way out and invited her in.

  It’s just that they seemed to be embarrassed. Even when they entered the house, they turned their heads and looked away, but they did not dare to cast their eyes on her.

  Yu Qingluo chuckled secretly, then looked at the red leaves lying on the bed.

  Her face was still very pale, she lost too much blood that day, it was a blessing to be able to save her life. Breathing is fairly steady now, which is a lot more reassuring in the end.

  Yu Qingluo put her wrist in silence for a while, and for a while, nodded lowly.

   When I turned around, I saw two men looking at them at the same time, and they seemed to want to see something from her face.

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, she really didn't know how to deal with this triangle relationship.

   Ignoring the sight of the two people, she coughed lightly and said, "Just take care of it. Did she drink the medicine prescribed by Qiongshan doctor before?"

   "En." Wentian hurriedly responded.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, "The medicine used to treat the elderly is still very effective. I have two bottles of good medicine here for her to keep."

   As she said, she took out the two porcelain bottles from her sleeves and placed them on the table.

   Looking back to see Hongye was not awake, he pursed her lips and said, "If she wakes up, come over and tell me."

   "Yes." Wen Tian glanced at Hong Ye and nodded.

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, especially when the corner of her eyes curled up with Peng Ying's expression, her head was big.

   But then I thought that this was Ye Xiudu's guard, so let Ye Xiudu take care of this matter.

  After all, the triangle relationship is more complicated, and they are all Yexiudu's personal guards. If one is not handled properly, it will definitely not be good for Yexiudu.

  Yu Qingluo thought for a moment, then gave a few low words, then got up and left.

  Wentian sent her to the door, and saw that Peng Ying hadn't followed up, and she seemed to stop talking.

  Yu Qingluo deliberately waited for him for a while with raised eyebrows, but when he saw that he kept silent, the corners of her mouth twitched and her eyes rolled.

   Forget it, he left without telling her.

   "Hey, Miss Yu..." But when she turned around, Wen Tian became anxious again, and quickly stepped forward to stop her.

   "What are you going to tell me?" Yu Qing dropped her hands around her chest.

Wentian finally let out a long breath, scratched his head, and said in a low voice, "I know, Miss Jade just heard what I said with Peng Ying. On Hongye, Miss Jade, please speak with Mrs. Meng. Arrange for a diligent and careful person to take care of her. Although Hongye is a maid, she has suffered such a serious injury. If she is not taken care of, I am afraid that the injury will increase. I am afraid that ordinary people will look down on her and neglect her. "

  Yuqing laughed. In fact, Peng Ying was right. The Hongye is now like this, Wentian must be uneasy.

   "Okay, I get it."

  Wen Tian let out a sigh of relief, and laughed, "Then thank Miss Yu."

"What are you thanking me for?" Yu Qingluo said funnyly, "Hongye was originally my maid, and she was injured for me. Besides, she is still my person now, you want to...and With her, I have to ask me if I want, right?"

   Wen Tian's mouth twitched, and he secretly held his forehead, he had forgotten this.

   "Go back and take care of her. Remember to come and tell me when she wakes up."


  Wen Tian nodded, then turned around and returned to the house. Only after he entered, Peng Ying was no longer visible.

  Yu Qingluo only walked a few steps, and found a tail behind him.

  She was very weak, turned around and said, "You have something to tell me, too?"


  [Author's digression]: There is one more update, which will be updated before 8 pm


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