Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows, "Just tell me."

  Peng Ying looked back at the yard, Yu Qingluo understood, and walked a few steps forward.

  Wait after the corner, make sure that Wentian can't hear him at all, then stop.

  Peng Ying also looked like he wanted to say something but stopped. Yu Qingluo couldn't help but roll his eyes again, raised an eyebrow and asked him, "You told me that Wentian left no questions?"

  Peng Ying was taken aback, and then thought that she should have heard it, so he nodded.

"Girl Yu, Hong Ye looks like this. I must really hope Wentian stay with her." He was silent for a while, and hurriedly said, "Of course, I know Hong Ye is a good girl. If she knows Hong Ye is a good girl, she will definitely not agree. I also hope that Wen Tian stays with the master and Miss Jade, which is a bit more help anyway."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, "Indeed."

"But..." He frowned, and his voice suddenly fell low. "But I really want to say something hurtful, after all, Wentian's legs are not complete. Now although he can use force, I can see that he In fact, he has been deliberately reducing the burden on his feet. He is unwilling to concentrate all his strength on his legs for fear of leaving more injuries on his legs."

  This Yu Qingluo understands that Wentian is under pressure and that he has hurt his legs, so he will subconsciously protect him.

  Although... his legs are actually much better.

As Peng Ying said, he sighed slightly, "Now that the situation in the imperial capital is so tense, we all know that Wentian misses the red leaves in his heart, plus his legs have been injured, and he may indeed become someone who is unacceptable. drag."

   "Now Hongye is seriously injured. If Wentian is beside her and takes care of her with all his strength, she will definitely get better and faster."

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows, suddenly chuckled, and whispered, "You also like red leaves, don't you?"

  Peng Ying stiffened, and then turned his head away, his face was very unnatural. After a long time, he stammered, "Yu, girl, you, did you see it?"

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, she didn't see it, she had heard what he said to Hongye a long time ago.

  Furthermore, his actions can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

  Ah, no, it seems Wentian is still confused, he is probably a little blind.

   "Since you like it, why not fight for it?" Yu Qingluo asked, "I thought you would not want Wentian to stay here, but rather want to stay by yourself."

Peng Ying was stunned again, raised his eyes to look at Yu Qingluo in surprise, and then smiled bitterly, "Girl Jade’s guess is right...If I can, I really want to stay by myself. I haven’t fought for it, but fate. It's impossible to say. Hongye doesn't like me, I can't force her, and I can't bear it either."

  Yu Qingluo nodded. She felt that Wen Tian, ​​Peng Ying Moxian and even Shen Ying were more gentlemen with regard to feelings.

  Compared with them, Ye Xiu Duo is obviously...a lot more overbearing.

  Thinking that at the beginning, he had taken her to the treasury in order to keep her in the Palace of Xiu, and exchanged all the silver bills for cash, and asked her to take away all the cash.

  If this were not the case, Nan Nan would not take off her clothes and show him the flower-shaped birthmark, exposing the secret she tried to hide.

  Yu Qingluo gritted her teeth when she thought of this.

  So for the more gentleman Peng Ying, he has more patience, "I can understand your mood."

Peng Ying couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Furthermore, Wentian is my cousin, and I know him well. Hongye will not suffer from following him. At the worst, when Hongye is bullied by him, I can beat him up. ?"

   "Furthermore, Wen Tian has saved me many times, and I have saved him many times. I don't know who owes someone more. It's just this relationship between life and death that I don't want to destroy."

  "Jade girl, when the affairs of the imperial capital are settled, can I ask for personal affection from you, so that...the two of them will get married as soon as possible?"

  Yuqing was surprised, she did not expect Peng Ying to think of this step, "You..."

   "This way at least my heart will die, I now... still have unrealistic fantasies, always..." Peng Ying said, his face still a little stiff.

  Yuqing cleared, "I understand, I'll talk about it later." Anyway, if you want to marry Hongye, you must let Wentian do it himself.

  "The matter about Wentian's stay..." Peng Ying asked again.

  Yuqing lowered her eyes for a moment, and thought for a while with her finger on her chin, "I will talk to Ye Xiu alone, after all, he is your prince's person, and I can't be the master."


  Peng Ying smiled, turned and left.

  Yu Qingluo looked at his back and shook his head unbearably.

  I can't bear it, I have to give in.

  But this one is the woman I like, and the other is my brother of life and death.

  Moreover, the two of them are affectionate, and others can't get in.

  What he can do, he can only bless.

  Yu Qingluo felt that the emotional matter was really annoying, she curled her lips, thinking that fortunately, she and Ye Xiudu did not have such troubles. But he completely forgot the fact that a certain regent used various methods to keep her by his side not long ago.

  She can't take care of Wentian's affairs. Of course, she still agrees with Peng Ying.

  Hongye was injured, and he must have hoped that the one he likes will be guarded by his side.

  At least, she would feel this way. Even if the overall situation is important, there is always such a good wish.

  Yuqing fell back to the yard, and Yue Xin was packing her up.

  She just stared at her busy back and fell silent.

  Yuexin turned her head, she looked at her thoughtful appearance, and she couldn't help but startled, "Miss, what are you looking at me for? Hmm, is there something behind me?"

  As she said, she turned her head desperately to look behind.

  But her small body and inflexible body can be seen nowhere.

  After tossing like this for a while, Yue Xin became a little annoyed, "Did Mo Xian put a note on my back again? Miss, isn't it?"

  Mo Xian played with her like that last time, and even teased her badly at the back. She had a lesson, so every time she saw Mo Xian's nervous smile, she would subconsciously look back.

  Yuqing twitched his forehead, shook his head, and walked into the room.

  Silly and pleasant, but there is no such trouble, she and Mo Xian seem to be going smoothly.

  At night, when Ye Xiudu came back from the clan residence, and just had a sip of tea, Yu Qingluo stood behind him while knocking on his shoulders, while telling him about Peng Ying and Wentian.

  Ye Xiu heard this and remained silent for a long time, and did not speak for a long time.

  Just when Yu Qing was sore and about to let go, he slowly raised his eyebrows.


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