Yu Qingluo was shocked, jumped directly from the bed, and looked towards Nannan in surprise.

   "You, what are you doing?"

   "Mother, come and help me, I found it in the backyard of the inn, he..." Nan Nan was struggling.

  The man who was still pressing on his little shoulders raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Qingluo, as if he was relieved, then he fell into a coma completely, and directly pressed Nan Nan to the ground.

  Nannan almost squirted out a mouthful of blood, and coughed twice, and then said with tears, "Mother, it’s so heavy."

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly turned the man over, the little guy was finally able to gasp, and then sat up, seeing that he was also stained with a lot of blood, and he couldn't help but sigh.

  Yu Qingluo gave him a patted eyebrow, and quickly ran to the closet to find him a new set of clothes, changing him while asking, "What the **** is going on? How about your father?"

  Only when Nan Nan said it was picked up in the backyard, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she felt that she was not an important person, so naturally she would not care about him.

  It is more important for his son to change his clothes, because he is afraid that it will be troublesome for Nan Nan to pick it up.

"I just saw a swing in the backyard of the inn and I was going to sway it. I didn't expect someone to rush out. I didn't intend to save him, but I looked familiar, and saw that he was seriously injured, so I hurried to take the person with him. Come here." If it wasn't for familiarity, he turned around and ran away, "Daddy seems to have gone to the kitchen to reserve a few dishes for you, I..."

Before Nan Nan's voice fell, Ye Xiu appeared alone at the door.

  When he saw the person who fell on the ground, he was also taken aback, and then tightened his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong in his heart, and quickly turned and closed the door.

   "What's going on?" He just left for a while, why suddenly there was a person covered in blood in Qing'er's room?

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, suddenly thinking of what the South and South had said.

  He said he was a familiar person?

  Yuqing lowered his eyebrows, and then stretched out his hand and pulled the hair of the man lying on his back to one side, revealing his pale...but familiar face.

  The next moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Ye Xiu alone, taking a breath of cold air together.

"How could it be him?"

Yu Qingluo was also startled, Ye Xiudu quickly got up and helped him up, and put it on the bed not far away.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly instructed Nan Nan, "Hurry up and get my medical kit from Mother Xiao."

   "Oh." Nan Nan had just breathed out his breath, and was called upon by his own mother again.

  He sighed silently, and ran out of the room resigning.

  Grandma Xiao’s house is next door, and He Yuexin is packing up her things at the moment, ready to come and take care of Nan Nan.

  Unexpectedly, before he had time to go out, he was hit by the little guy.

  She backed away a few steps, and was held back by Yue Xin behind her.

  "Why are you so violent? Didn't I tell you, to be prudent, prudent?" Grandma Xiao looked at Nan Nan, and couldn't help but confess.

  Nan Nan can't control much anymore, just said anxiously, "Mother, where's my mother's medicine kit?"

   "Hmm?" Grandma Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously pointed to Yuexin aside.

  Nannan looked towards Yue Xin, and she saw Yue Xin holding her mother’s medicine kit in her hand.

  He didn't even have time to explain, he took the medicine kit over, then turned around and ran.

  Grandma Xiao and Yue Xin were stunned and looked at each other.

After a long while, Yue Xin swallowed and couldn't help asking, "Are we robbed?"

Mother Xiao frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Look at Nan Nan's expression as if something is going on, let's go and see. If you need a medical kit, maybe...who suffers? hurt."

  Yue's heart beat violently. She was really afraid of being hurt by Mo Xian.

  The two hurried to Yuqingluo’s house, but when they reached the door, they found that the door was closed tightly.

  Grandma Xiao raised her hand and knocked, "Miss, do you need help from the old slave?"

  It was silent for a while before Nan Nan's soft footsteps sounded.

  After a while, the door of the room was opened by him. Nan Nan stuck out a small head and looked around in the corridor outside the door. No one else was seen, and then the two of them were pulled in.

  Grandma Xiao He Yuexin was stunned for a moment, and then she saw the bed not far away, she was shocked, and walked forward together.

  Yu Qingluo was treating the wounds of the person on the bed, Ye Xiu stood alone, her eyebrows twisted tightly.

  Grandma Xiao originally wanted to ask, but depending on the situation, she immediately closed her mouth.

  She is also experienced, turned around and fetched water on the spot, and found a very quick and clean veil.

   Then he sat silently and wiped all the blood that oozes outside for the man on the bed.

  I was sitting close now, and I looked carefully, only to find that there were quite a few stab wounds on this person. Some wounds were few, some wounds were many, he should have treated it himself, and he looked pretty good.

  Yu Qingluo moved quickly, and after taking care of the most serious wound on his chest, he breathed a sigh of relief silently.

  Ye Xiudu was silent for a long time, then asked in a low voice, "How is he?"

  "Fortunately, there is no life worry, but the injuries are more serious, and there is too much blood loss, and there are internal injuries. I need to take care of it."

  Yu Qingluo washed her hands, took the veil that Yue Xin handed over, and said to Yue Xin, "Go and ask Mo Xian to come in and help him change into clean clothes."

  It is obviously impossible for Ye Xiu to wait for someone to change his clothes, but he is covered in blood, so he can't look at him.

  Yuexin nodded and turned to go out.

  Ye Xiudu looked at Nannan, "What's the matter?"

"I went to the backyard. I originally went on a swing, but when I was on the swing stand, I noticed movement behind the firewood pile over there. I thought it was a cat or puppy, so I went to check it, but I didn't expect to see it. He was covered in blood and leaned there to breathe to rest. He was stunned when he saw me, then called me Nan Nan, and he leaped over, almost before throwing me to the ground. I saw his breath was weak, so Hurry up and help me find my mother."

Nan Nan solemnly repeated the situation at that time.

  Ye Xiudu's mouth snapped, and when he turned his head, he just saw Mo Xian coming in.

  He immediately ordered, "Mo Xian, you ask Shen Ying to erase the blood stains in the backyard of the inn, and all the traces of his presence on the road have been removed."

  Looking at the wound on this body, he knew that he was hunted down.

  Mo Xian froze for a moment, glanced in the direction of Ye Xiu's finger, then opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise, "This, isn't this... isn't it Dr. Jiang Yunsheng from Xingsheng Medical Center?"

  [Author's digression]: There is one more before six o’clock


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