The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 890: Who the **** is chasing you

  Ye Xiu pursed his lips alone, Mo Xian immediately withdrew his surprise and turned to look for Shen Ying.

When    came back again, he already had a clean shirt on his hand, which belonged to him.

  He is slightly longer than Jiang Yunsheng, and his clothes are just loose and comfortable.

"The blood stains in the backyard have been removed. Looking at the traces over there, Doctor Jiang should have come in from the back wall, and there is a carriage parked outside. The subordinates have checked, it is the carriage of a merchant on the first floor of this inn, Doctor Jiang. It may have been hidden in the carriage with the goods coming in."

  Ye Xiu nodded alone, "What about that carriage?"

   "Shen Ying and Peng Ying have replaced all the blood-stained things in the carriage."

  Ye Xiu Duo gave an "en" and didn't speak any more.

  Mo Xian took Mother Xiao and Yue Xin out, leaving only Yuqing Luo Ye Xiu Du and Nan Nan in the room.

Looking at the person lying on the bed, Yu Qingluo couldn't help frowning and was puzzled, "Why did Jiang Yunsheng appear here? He is not an ordinary doctor in the medical hall of the Imperial Capital. How could he get offended if he did well? The big trouble of chasing and killing?"

   "It's not ordinary. His master used to be the head of the hospital and was killed." Ye Xiudu said in a low voice.

  Yuqing sighed, yes, his master was killed, and they all knew that his master must have mastered some kind of secret.

  But Jiang Yunsheng took them to the place where his master had collected things during his lifetime. They had been looking for clues, but they had not found anything.

  It seems that Jiang Yunsheng was also targeted because of this incident. and……

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyes and looked at Ye Xiu Duo at each other, and there was a dignified look on their faces.

   "What the **** is going on, I won't know until he wakes up." Ye Xiudu said, "You are tired, go to the next room to rest."

  Yu Qingluo shook her head. After such a toss, she was completely awake, and she was still a little sleepy.

  Looking at Jiang Yunsheng's current situation, they are going to stay here for one more day.

  Yu Qingluo touched her stomach, "Let’s go, go to eat, I’m hungry."

   Nan Nan immediately followed, "Wait, wait, I'm starving to death." He is the most tired person, okay?

  Dr. Jiang, he helped him from the backyard all the way up to the second floor with a little carelessness, and he had to be careful not to be found walking sneaking around.

  This kind of exhaustion of heart and body, can't be described in words, okay?

   Ye Xiudu picked him up, and then walked out of the room with Yu Qingluo.

   asked Xiao Er to bring dinner to the room, Ye Xiudu told Mo Xianhe Yuexin again, "You two will guard him tonight, pay more attention."

   "Yes." Mo Xian knew in his heart that Doctor Jiang was in big trouble.

  And this big trouble, it is very possible to come to your door at any time.

  Fortunately, he was lucky and stayed all night without incident.

  Under Yuexin’s care, Jiang Yunsheng’s condition is fairly stable, and there is no fever.

  The next morning, when Yu Qing came over, Jiang Yunsheng's face had improved slightly.

  It’s just that his situation is not suitable for moving. The blood flow will not stop as soon as I move, and the wound will open again. Otherwise, according to Ye Xiu's idea, it would be more complete to leave here as soon as possible.

  Yuqing pursed her lips and showed Jiang Yunsheng the situation.

  Fortunately, after one night, the wounds she sewed have healed well. After another day, it will be okay to move carefully.

  Yuexin didn’t sleep all night, Yu Qingluo drove her down to rest. Mother Xiao stood aside and sighed slightly, “Miss, we are on the road, are we going to bring Doctor Jiang?”

   "It's estimated to be." It depends on him waking up. If the situation is as she and Ye Xiu thought, then they definitely can't ignore him.

  However, she felt that she should take him with her.

  Grandma Xiao frowned slightly, and brought an injured patient, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

  The two were talking, but Jiang Yunsheng on the bed suddenly frowned.

  Yu Qing stopped for a moment, hurriedly raised her hand to prevent Grandma Xiao from speaking, and sat a few minutes closer to Jiang Yunsheng.

   "Doctor Jiang? Doctor Jiang?"

   Jiang Yunsheng groaned a little uncomfortably, his eyebrows were twisted tightly, and he snorted, as if he was a little bit painful.

  After a while, he turned his head slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

  Ye Xiu entered the door alone, just in time to see him staring at the top of his head blankly. With a bright eye, she walked to Yu Qingluo's side and asked, "Are you awake?"

  His voice was deep and strong, and it slammed into Jiang Yunsheng's ears.

   He twisted his head khaka, and when he saw the person standing on the edge of the bed, his expression immediately became excited. "Master Xiu, Miss Jade, I...uh..."

   Jiang Yunsheng wanted to sit up, but he pulled the wound when he moved, and lay back in pain.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, Doctor Jiang, don't move, you are seriously injured and have lost too much blood. Don't increase your condition."

   "Huh..." Jiang Yun grew up and let out a long breath. Then he pulled the corner of his mouth, looking pale and weak at Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu.

  He looked relaxed, his eyes moved slightly, and tears seemed to flash.

   "Lord Xiu, Miss Yu, I didn't expect to... meet you. Without you, I'm afraid... I can't support it and go." Jiang Yunsheng is a doctor, and he knows his injuries well.

  It is not that he is incapable of healing himself, but he has been on the run, without time, and without the conditions.

  He didn't even have time to rest, and he was frightened and wary all day long.

   Therefore, when he saw Nan Nan appear in front of him earlier, he even thought he had read the wrong person and admitted the wrong person. Had Nan Nan uttered a "Huh" sound, he would have despaired.

  Fortunately, now he is saved. He has never been so grateful to God as he is now.

Yu Qingluo asked Mother Xiao to bring a bowl of medicine, "Your injury is still a bit serious. Although I sutured you, you shouldn’t get too excited. Drink the medicine first, and then tell us the truth. What's the matter?"

  Jiang Yunsheng looked at Ye Xiudu, who nodded, and he gave an ‘en’, and drank all the dark medicine in mouthfuls with the spoon that Grandma Ge stretched over.

  Nan Nan didn't know when he walked in, tilted his head and leaned on the edge of the bed to look at him.

  He felt that Jiang Yunsheng really had perseverance. The medicine looked bitter. He didn't even eat a candied fruit after drinking it, and he could still laugh out of it.

  Jiang Yunsheng looked towards Nannan and said with a smile, "Nannan, thank you very much."

Nan Nan was embarrassed by him. He scratched his head and squeezed, "No need, it's my advantage to help others."

  Yu Qingluo glanced at him contemptuously, and then asked Jiang Yunsheng, "What the **** is going on? Why are you here? Who is chasing you down?"


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