Ye Xiudu’s voice was very cold, and as he stood there, everyone felt a pressure that made people sweat.

   Nan Nan jumped up from Qin Catou’s back, and happily ran to Ye Xiudu’s side, "Daddy."

  Ye Xiu Du's expression was slightly soft, touched his head and picked him up.

Shen Ying, Mo Xian, and Peng Ying slammed away the few people who had entangled them. They all stood up beside Ye Xiudu, respectfully but powerfully arched their hands, and said in unison, "Lord! !"


  Lord? ? ? ?

  Everyone raised their heads in amazement, looking at the straight figure standing at the door, somewhat overwhelmed.

Ye Xiudu just nodded slightly, and then walked slowly in front of Qin Catou, stepping on the back of his hand before he could get up, still lying on the ground, and smashed it hard. "What did you just say, say it again."

His feet were so strong, and just so hard, Qin Catou felt the sharp pain spread from the back of the hand to the arm, spreading across the limbs, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he screamed, "Ah... pain. , Pain, pain..."

Nan Nan hugged Ye Xiu Du's neck, seeing that he was already speechless, and was very clever to help him answer, "Daddy, he just said don't say a hair loss, Nan Nan, I died here today. Now, he will be fine, but there is still credit to be taken."

  His memory is very good, every word is the same, even the tone is exactly the same.

  Ye Xiu Duo's feet exerted a little force, "Do you dare to let my son die here?"

   "You...ah, who are you, you are so brave." Qin catches his head in a cold sweat, but still does not lose his momentum, yelling at his neck.

Nan Nan said kindly from the side, "Hey, didn't you hear it just now? My Uncle Shen, Uncle Mo, Uncle Peng and they all call me Dad, Prince. Don’t you know that Prince? It’s just that the official rank is very big, very powerful, and others see it. When you arrive, you have to be respectful and bow down to salute. Um... I think about it, what else is there, yes, there is a princess... Hey, daddy, then, my mother is the princess? "

   Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and he let out an "en".

  Qin Cattou was originally shocked by his aura when he came out, thinking that he was a bit of a superior posture.

  Now when I hear Nan Nan's description like this, I feel that...this prince is a pretender, what kind of official position is very big and powerful, and he still doesn’t know that his mother is the princess? This is clearly the story that the hillbilly heard, so put it on your own head.

  Qin catching head thought of this, and then looking at Ye Xiudu's side, except for the three seemingly casual guards, they did not look at all, that is, the nursing home next to the governor he had seen before was much more respectful and rigorous than them.

  He even more determined that these people are just people who are daring to fake their reputations.

  He previously resisted arrest and violated the emperor’s order, but now he dared to pretend to be the prince, beat him like this, and still speaks with his hand. If he doesn't kill them, his surname will not be Qin.

   "You unruly people, still dare to pretend to be the prince, old seventh, what are you still doing? Hurry up."

Old Qi and others are even more vulgar. Qin catching the head is their head, and he said that it is a pretend. Naturally, they will not really regard Ye Xiudu as a prince, even if they rushed up, they said nothing. Ye Xiudu attacked.

  Ye Xiu sneered, "Shen Ying, take it all down, and you won’t die."

"Yes." With Ye Xiudu's order, Shen Ying and the others were no longer tied up. Everyone didn't have time to see where their swords were drawn. In an instant, the three of Shen Ying picked a dozen. An officer and soldier put their swords on the heads of the seven people.

  Old Qi was completely stunned, and he couldn't even react to this fast speed.

  Although he has great strength, he is not as flexible as Shen Ying and the others. The cold and sharp sword tip pressed against his neck, causing the cold sweat on his back to drop instantly.

  Qin's head was also stunned, and the other people stood motionless, not knowing what to do.

Nan Nan tilted his head and stared at Qin Catou, "Why do you say that my dad is an impersonator? You can tell by the temperament of my dad that he is bleeding from royal blood."

  As he spoke, Ye Xiudu's feet gained a little strength again.

  The blue veins on the door of Qin Cat's mind began to jump, and he bit his lip with a scream.

  Lao Qi saw that Shen Ying's eyes were not on him, and felt that he was distracted, so he wanted to attack.

  But when he moved, a sword was struck on his arm, and the bright red blood instantly stained the ground.

  He was stunned, but Shen Ying sneered, "Do you think I will be as stupid as you?"

  Lao Qi sat down on the ground, before he had time to retort, a loud noise suddenly came from the next room.

  Everyone followed the sound, and saw two officers and soldiers escorting one person towards this side.

  Mo Xian shook his whole body, his face changed, "Let go of her."

  Qin Catcher turned his head and glanced, his face flashed with triumph, and admired the two clever officers and soldiers, "Well done, **** people up."

   Yueyue's mind and body were a little trembling, although I have experienced a lot of things with Mo Xian these days, but it is still rare to be carried on the neck with a knife...

  Mo Xian told her to stay in the house and not to come out. She was also obedient. She didn't expect two people to sneak in from outside the window, holding her away.

  She doesn't have the skills of a young lady, where is the opponent of two tall officers and soldiers, at this moment can only hope that it will not add trouble to Mo Xian.

  Nan Nan also looked over, her little hand clenched a point, "Daddy, they are too bad."

   "Don't worry, it's okay." Ye Xiudu didn't put the two officers and soldiers in his eyes at all. He just glanced coldly, and the two of them sweated and dared not meet his eyes.

   just put Qin's eyes on Qin's head for help, but Qin's head was still trampled under his feet by Ye Xiu alone.

  He became furious for a moment, raised his head and stared at Ye Xiudu fiercely, and said, "You still want to take your feet back? You better behave me a bit, otherwise I want that woman to pay for it."

  Ye Xiu squinted his eyes alone. In this world, no one really dares to talk to him like this.

   With a violent force on his feet, Qin Catou only felt that he heard a ‘click’ in his ears.

The next moment, a pig-killing scream suddenly sounded, "Ah, it's broken, it's broken... ah... it hurts... you, the bone is broken... ah, you two killed the woman, killed her , Kill her. They are anti-thief, they are anti-thief, and there is a reward for killing them."

  The two officers and soldiers looked at each other. It was one thing to arrest people, but it was another moment to kill people on the spot.

  While hesitating, an officer from outside suddenly ran in, "Boss, outside, outside..."


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