The officers and soldiers’ faces were full of surprises. Before they ran to Qin’s head, a person suddenly passed over his head. After that person passed him, he directly faced Ye Xiudu’s respectful one knee and said, “Lord, people bring coming."

   "En." Ye Xiudu just nodded and told the dark guard to retreat.

  Qin Catou endured the pain, still clamoring that people would kill Yuexin.

  The stumbling officers and soldiers ran up to him, and said anxiously, "Boss, the governor is here."

"What are you talking about?" Qin Cattle was stunned. He couldn't even care about the pain. He hurriedly remembered, but Ye Xiudu still stepped on him. He wanted to lift his legs, but he couldn't make it. Shang Jin couldn't shake him at all.

While    was talking, I heard the sound of kicking footsteps from downstairs. After a while, I saw a pair of officers and soldiers coming in, lined up on both sides, with solemn expressions and respectful expressions.

   followed closely, and a middle-aged man wearing a scarlet official uniform in a black gauze hat came in outside the door hurriedly.

  His gaze patrolled the entire inn, and finally landed on the straight figure in the corridor on the second floor. He didn't even catch his breath, so he hurried up.

As soon as    approached, he saluted Ye Xiu alone, “Luo Shengyou, the governor of Zhaocheng City, has seen Lord Xiu. I don’t know if the Lord is driving, he is so negligent. I also ask the Lord to forgive him.”

  Luo Shengyou met to cultivate independence overnight. Although he didn't say anything and didn't get in love, the emperor's most valued prince, they all had a spectrum in their hearts.

  He didn't expect Ye Xiu Duo to be here, and what was more unexpected was that Ye Xiu Du's secret guard found himself and said that someone was shouting and killing the lord in the inn.

  When he heard it, he let out a cold sweat. Although his official position here is high, no matter how high he is, he can’t compare with the prince and grandson, isn’t it?

   What's more, he is the emperor’s favorite prince. Recently, the prince was abolished, and everyone's hearts were even more like a mirror. Standing in front of him, he might be the future prince, the future emperor. How could he dare to have the slightest slack?

When   Ke Luo Shengyou's words came out, everyone present was startled.

  Especially Qin Catu, who was still lying on the ground, his eyes were round and his face was incredible.

  Master...Master Xiu...Master Xiu, Wang, Lord?

Ye Xiudu slowly took his feet off the back of Qin Catou’s hands, glanced at him coldly, and said, “Master Luo doesn’t need to be polite. This king is just passing by Zhaocheng and doesn’t like it. Only when the teacher moves the crowd will drive low-key. I didn't expect...someone would not let this Wang Ansheng."

Luo Shengyou followed his line of sight, and saw that Qin Takutou was in a trance, and he was furious on the spot, "Come here, let these people who do not know what is good or bad and disturb the prince's quietness, all be pulled down by the official and locked up. . Turn around and tell Prefect Qin what stupid things his subordinates have done."

   Luo Shengyou also indirectly dismissed the relationship, explaining that none of these people belonged to him, and asked Ye Xiu to keep the account in his hands.

  Soon a guard came over and lifted Qin's head from the ground.

  Qin Catou then reacted, and instantly his whole body was cold, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He had already been picked up and walked a few steps, suddenly recovered, knocked away the two people, and knelt in front of Ye Xiudu with a'poof', "The prince, the prince, it's a small damn, a small one. I don’t know Mount Tai, my lord, beg my lord to spare my life, the little one **** it."

Ye Xiu glanced at him condescendingly, and sneered, "How come you don’t know Mount Tai? You are doing your duty, what’s wrong with you? It’s the king’s son that’s wrong, you’re right, and you’re right. Kill this king’s son, you will not lose a hair, you can still get promoted and make a fortune. There is also this king’s maid, who does not know what is good or bad, since you have been arrested, you should be more acquainted with yourself, where Excuse your subordinates to kill people themselves? Didn’t they dirty your hands?"

"Also, there may be the prisoner you are looking for in this king's room. Go in and search for a bit. It's okay to disturb the king's wife to rest, so that you don't say that the king and the prisoner are in the same group. This king cannot bear the charge."

  Luo Shengyou's pupils couldn't help but shrink when he heard it, and the cold sweat came out. Did this Qin head catcher really say such things that I don't know good or bad? I have to deal with the son of Lord Xiu...

  He looked in the direction of Yuexin and shouted at the two officers and soldiers, "What are you still doing? Let go."

  The two people who were still driving their swords around Yuexin’s neck were completely stupid. At this moment, they heard Luo Shengyou’s voice, and they were shocked. They hurriedly threw their swords to the ground and knelt on the ground tremblingly.

  They knelt, and the other officers and soldiers finally came back to their senses. They knelt down a lot, "see the prince."

   Ye Xiu chuckled alone, "Don't dare."

  He was talking yin and yang weird, and Yu Qingluo inside the door laughed. It was really rare for Ye Xiudu to say so many things in one breath, and it was really embarrassing for him.

Jiang Yunsheng on the side of    naturally heard it too, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, "It's really causing trouble to the prince."

   Yuqing fell for a moment, smiled and said, "It doesn't count."

   Jiang Yunsheng sighed, the wound was aching again, and he closed his eyes and rested for a while.

  Yu Qingluo was just drinking tea quietly, listening to the movement outside.

  Luo Shengyou hates these officers and soldiers. Seeing Qin catching his head, he knows that Lord Xiu is definitely not going to spare him lightly.

   On the spot, they were dragged down to fight for a while, and then thrown into the cell.

  Other officers and soldiers still knelt on the ground and shivered, not daring to speak much.

  Luo Shengyou had everyone dragged down, waiting to be dealt with.

  After he finished the order, he looked back at Ye Xiudu's face and saw that he was not unhappy, so he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly apologized.

   said that Ye Xiu would be alone in the dust, so he prepared a banquet in the restaurant. Ye Xiu Du had no interest, but Nan Nan's eyes lit up, and he hugged his neck with a pitiful appearance.

  Ye Xiu alone thought that during this period of time, she had been on the way, and the small things were not as good as before, so she couldn't bear it.

  But there is still Jiang Yunsheng in the house. After thinking about it, he still refused.

  Ke Luo Shengyou is a shrewd person. Seeing Nan Nan’s gluttonous appearance, although Ye Xiu does not go to the banquet alone, he still asks the chef of the restaurant to make a delicious meal and send it over.

  Yuqing fell in the room and heard their conversation, a little speechless.

  In fact, it is a bit troublesome to be known by others.

  Jiang Yunsheng pursed his lips. In his heart...actually, there was another thing pretending.

  He raised his eyes and looked at Yu Qingluo on the side, opened his mouth several times, but swallowed it back, a bit hesitant to speak.

  Yu Qingluo took aim, and asked him strangely, "What's the matter?"


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