The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 903: Ye Xiu Du's laughter

  Yu Qingluo frowned slightly, Ye Xiudu in front had already stopped the carriage, turned the horse's head, and looked at the leading Guards coldly.

  A trace of fear flashed across the guard's face, but he could only respectfully salute, then took the reins and walked to the carriage behind, "My lord."

  The car curtain was lifted, revealing Yu Zuolin's pale face of resentment.

However, he still smiled lowly at Ye Xiudu, and said, "The prince is setting off. This is where you are going to the imperial capital. Since the official has met, he can't ignore it. It should be escorted to the prince back to Beijing. "

Ye Xiudu sneered, "If this king remembers correctly, Master Yu seems to be carrying the emperor's life and wants to arrest the prisoner. Master Yu throws his father's handwriting aside, but comes to pester the king. In Father's ears, Lord Yu is afraid that he might be negligent in his duties."

  Yu Zuorin also sneered, but he had been tossed very badly these days, his face looked very permeable when he laughed, his cheeks were sunken, and he looked like a hell.

  He still looked very uncomfortable, but he said word by word with his neck, "The lower official has found that the prisoner he is chasing is also heading towards the imperial capital. Now, he is just on the same road with the prince..."

  The same way?

   Ye Xiu glanced at him expressionlessly, and said, “In this case, this king may also send a letter to his father, lest outsiders think that it is the king’s responsibility that he can’t catch criminals.”

  After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head, reluctant to even look at them, and returned to the front of the team.

  Instead, he had prepared a bunch of manuscripts a long time ago to silence Yu Zuorin, who was stunned at night. He was stunned and raised his eyebrows.

The Guards beside    also found it strange. Although Lord Xiu’s temperament did not know the ten points, he also knew a general idea.

  He will never allow anyone behind him to follow, nor will he allow others to intervene in his journey at will.

  What's more, this person has always been at odds with him. Yu Zuo is an adult. The reaction of Lord Xiu is really strange.

   "My lord, look at..."

Yu Zuolin squinted his eyes slightly, feeling that his stomach hurts again, so he loosened the curtain of the car and hummed coldly. A voice of disdain came out through the heavy curtain, "Don't care about him, just follow. That Jiang Yunsheng was mostly in their carriage. We stared all the way like this, and there is always a chance. Well, **** Yu Qingluo..."

The words behind    began to blur, and the Guards couldn’t hear it clearly, but they could guess it.

  Yu Zuorin is like this, mostly by the active hand of Tianfugong, known as the ghost doctor.

  After all, since he moved into the inn, he hasn't stopped having a stomachache, and the doctor came over and said that he had eaten something bad.

  But they always ate and lived together. They were all fine. How could it be possible that they were alone with adults for so many days?

  In the middle of this, it is estimated that she was drugged, and the only one who has this weird thing is the jade girl.

  The carriage grumbled on the road again, but Yu Zuolin was out of strength.

  Ye Xiudu returned to the front of the car again, the curtain of the car was lifted, and people had already swept into Yuqingluo's carriage.

   "How?" Yu Qingluo leaned on the soft pillow and was playing chess with Nan Nan.

  The little thing has won her two sets, and she doesn't know how to give her the honor of the old and the young. She is about to do some tricks secretly, and see Ye Xiu alone come in. As soon as the eyeball turned, he simply lost the chess piece, moved the chessboard aside, and broke up all the chess games on it.

Nan Nan was still clinging to Baizi in his hand, and immediately stopped doing it when he saw it, "Mother, how can you do this? I'm about to win." Then, he quickly took the chessboard over, frowned and scratched his head. Guazi, based on memory, put the chess pieces on again one by one.

  Yu Qingluo let out a cold snoring, anyway, even if he was put back in place, she would not recognize him, um, this is not shameless, she just took the opportunity to educate Nan Nan to protect the board at any time and increase his vigilance.

  Ye Xiu glanced at the mother and the son alone, couldn't help but smiled, squeezed in lazily, and whispered, "Let him follow."

   "Huh..." Yu Qing was puzzled, and then frowned, "Let him follow, wouldn't it be inconvenient for us? Otherwise... I will let Nan Nan give him medicine again?"

   "No need." Ye Xiu chuckled softly, but lay down slowly.

  When he lay down like this, Nan Nan finally broke up most of the chess game.

  The little guy was dumbfounded, then looked at his parents angrily, turned around and went to sleep.

  When two people are embarrassed, they know that they are bullying a child and ignore them.

  Ye Xiu Duo grabbed a few chess pieces and rubbed them in his hands, somewhat inscrutable, "It won't be inconvenient."

  Yu Qingluo couldn't understand, but seeing him like this, I was a little excited, I always felt that there would be a good show soon.

  Ye Xiu lay alone for a while, then took a pen and paper from the back seat of the carriage and spread it on the small table to write.

  Yu Qingluo tilted her head and looked, as if nothing was unusual, just to tell the emperor his own situation.

  A very simple and concise statement. On the way back, he happened to meet Yu Zuorin who was pursuing the prisoner. Yu Zuorin said he was on the same road, so he set off for the imperial capital. A sentence was added afterwards, saying that with Yu Zuolin's protection, he would surely be able to return to the imperial capital peacefully along the way.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't see anything, Ye Xiudu had already sealed the envelope, lifted the car curtain and handed it to Shen Ying outside.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't figure out what he was thinking about, but didn't want to ask. He always felt that it was more exciting to look forward to the unknown. For a while, itchy, he raised his hand to touch Nan Nan's head.

  The little guy just fell asleep, she woke up after being touched twice, suddenly jumped up, and looked around blankly.

  Yu Qingluo immediately took it back with a guilty conscience, coughed lightly, and talked to Ye Xiudu if nothing had happened.

Nan Nan scratched his head, "Mother, I seem to have a nightmare."

  Yu Qingluo asked very concerned, "What did you do?"

   "I don't know, anyway, I felt a pain in my scalp, and I suddenly woke up." Nan Nan blinked and frowned.

  Ye Xiu watched alone and laughed, and the pleasant voice suddenly spread far away.

  Even Yu Zuolin, who had been following, heard it, his face turned ugly for an instant, and he felt a little worried.

  They followed Ye Xiu Duo. Not only was he not annoyed, but he was in such a good mood?

  Even Shen Ying, Mo Xian, and Peng Ying couldn’t help being surprised. Although the master smiled a lot since she met Miss Yu, he has never laughed out of control like this.

  Mother Xiao and Yuexin, who had been sitting in the carriage behind to take care of Jiang Yunsheng, were still frustrated because Yu Zuolin followed them. Now, after hearing Ye Xiudu’s voice, they can't help but look at each other, and they are miraculously settled down. <

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