Compared with the jealousy of the Guards, Ye Xiu was alone in his party, but relaxed, and headed towards the imperial capital with ease.

  When I arrived at the inn where I was staying at night, a few people from Ye Xiu Du had already had experience and found an inn. Shen Ying directly wrapped up the entire inn.

  Yu Zuorin was annoyed, but this was in his expectation, so people could only find an inn on the opposite side.

  But because of this, without the laxative that Yu Qingluo gave him, this whole day, although he had been bumping on the carriage, he felt a lot more relaxed and comfortable.

  It’s just that in his heart, he gritted his teeth even more towards Yu Qingluo, loving and hating it.

  Yu Qingluo didn't even notice it. She was under the same roof without Yu Zuo Lin, and she felt a special smell even when she ate.

  Waiting to wash up at night, he lay on the bed lazily, fanning himself with a fan.

  After a while, the corner of his eyes glanced at Ye Xiudu who was sitting on the chair beside him, and when he saw what he was still writing, he couldn't help but wonder, "What are your plans?"

   "What?" Ye Xiu stopped writing alone, raising her eyebrows and smiling at her, "I'm finally going to ask me? I thought you didn't plan to know."

  Yu Qingluo was choked for a while, after thinking about it, she turned her back to him.

  A moment later, she heard her muttering low voice, "Don't tell me, don't tell me, I don't want to know. You have to behave in front of me again and again, it's obviously intentional."

  Ye Xiu snorted, turned around and stuffed the note in his hand into the small bamboo tube, and then tied it to the leg of the homing pigeon who had been waiting wisely.

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips and turned around when she heard the sound of ‘puzzling’.

  Ye Xiu Du also took the opportunity to press it down, a little restlessly up and down.

  "What are you doing?"

   "Without that disgusting thing, I am in a good mood."

  If you are in a good mood, what do you do to have a relationship with her?

  Yu Qingluo secretly slandered in her heart, and in a blink of an eye, the clothes on her body had been stripped clean, and his hand followed in.

   "...outside, you pay attention."

   "I have been paying attention for many days." Ye Xiu bowed his head alone and blocked her mouth suddenly.

  It’s inconvenient to do anything outside these days, and now I have a whole inn. That little thing Nan Nan went to bed early again, and what he said he wanted to ask for his own welfare.

  Yu Qingluo only felt that her body was very hot, and the fan in her hand had long been thrown under the bed. His hands were pressed on top of his head, but his body was in a soft mess.

  By the time Ye Xiu was satisfied, she had already shrunk into his arms with all her strength, and muttered, "It's so hot."

  Ye Xiu Duduo's mouth was filled with a satisfying smile, and she held her tightly again, and then whispered, "When will you give me another baby? Nannan is so big, it's time."

  Yu Qingluo slanted her eyes and glanced at him with a smile.

  Ye Xiu sighed alone, "I know what your concerns are. When we return to the imperial capital, we will get married immediately, so that no one will tell when the child is born. You can stop taking your medicine, and it won’t be good if you take too much."

  Because he has seen her take medicine once, he has been restraining himself, and will touch her whenever he can't control it. This is really helpless. Once he touches her, his self-control will always be out of control.

  Yu Qingluo snorted softly, "As if it is rare for me to marry you and give birth to children."

   Ye Xiu turned around abruptly, pressing on her, "Why, do you still want to regret it?"

  He looked like he wanted to strangle her, as if she would nod her head unceremoniously.

  Yu Qingluo only felt that her neck was cold, and she gave a dry laugh, "No, absolutely nothing."

  Ye Xiudu was satisfied, and put her in her arms again, “I have ordered people to prepare for the marriage, and I won’t be in a hurry when I go back.”

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, how do you feel...When she returned to the imperial capital, she would be put on a wedding gown?

  She shook her head, closed her eyes and went to sleep. These things are not urgent, she is more concerned about them now. Instead, what Grandma Ge said is to make things at home. Now she should return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and deal with all the messy things. She is really afraid of outlaws.

  Yu Qingluo was noisy in her mind and fell asleep slowly.

  However, what she didn't expect was that the extra-junctions happened really quickly.

  In the next few days, the weather became a lot cooler for a while, and the speed of Yuqing's few people was also a little faster.

  They passed through several towns in a row, and Yu Zuorin followed along.

  Without Yu Qingluo's laxatives, Yu Zuo got better, and soon he was able to get on his way.

  Jiang Yunsheng was arranged behind. Although the carriage was walking all the way, he was considered very well taken care of. With Yu Qingluo watching, he gradually became more energetic these days.

  Yu Zuo's eyes became deeper and deeper. Although he was already very careful and meticulous, Ye Xiudu's defense was even more impeccable. He wanted to find out, but he could not find a chance.

  Watching the carriage in front of him gradually go away, Yu Zuolin's speed slowly slowed down.

  After a while, he recruited a guard, lowered his voice and asked, "When will the empress come?" Although the imperial concubine empress received the news of Yexiu's return to the imperial capital, he did not expect that he would take such a path.

  I thought he was anxious and would choose the closest route. Therefore, the imperial concubine Meng sent out halfway to intercept the snipers, all on other routes.

   Now that he received the news from Yu Zuo Lin, he responded quickly and sent a killer over.

   "Looking at the time, it's probably these two days."

The corners of Yu Zuolin's mouth slowly raised, and he sneered, "Well, when the time comes, we can just step back. Isn't the Lord Xiu very capable and skilled? Then he faces the sudden unexpected Robbers, there should be no problem either."

   "Then Jiang Yunsheng..." the Guards whispered.

  Yu Zuo Lin hummed, "Anyway, our purpose is to kill him. Whether he is in the carriage or not, it will be dead, don't care about him."

   "Yes." The guard nodded.

At the same time, Shen Ying also attached to Ye Xiudu's ear, and said lowly, "Yu Zuorin's expression is a bit wrong in these two days. It seems that he has been keeping a distance from us if there is something like nothing. I don't want to I followed so closely a few days ago, I'm afraid something will come out."

   "Let him out." Ye Xiu didn't care, and sneered.

  Shen Ying heard this and fell behind again.

  Who knows that the horseshoe just settled, and a group of people in black covered with black cloth scarves came out of the jungle not far away, each with awe-inspiring aura, holding swords in their hands and blocking them in front of them. <

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