The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 907: Ye Xiu Du and others are missing

More than a dozen guards were lying on the avenue. The blood on the ground was twisted and twisted, but it was very shocking.

  Yu Zuorin took a breath, hurriedly jumped off the horse, and hurried forward.

  I only brought more than 20 guards with him, and now he has lost half of it, and five or six people have also been injured.

When    saw him, the guards rushed forward and surrounded them, "My lord."

   "In the end, what is going on?" Yu Zuo Linqiang calmed himself, but his expression was ashen.

One of the Guards had a dejected face, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and said weakly, "There are a large number of people in black, and they are fierce. One by one, Lord Xiu was forced to flee without a trace. We...we thought that the man in black was a maiden, so we stayed on the sidelines and retreated, waiting for the return of the lord."

When    said this, his voice couldn't help but fell a little bit, Yu Zuorin felt it.

  The corners of his lips were pressed tightly, and he said coldly, "What happened later?"

"Later... the remaining black men who pretended to fight with us suddenly changed their eyes and shot at us. We were unprepared, we were successfully attacked by them, and killed more than a dozen people in one breath. When we reacted. , They ran away again."

  Yu Zuorin violently punched like a tree beside him, trembling all over, "What does the empress mean?"

  The remaining guards looked at each other, but they felt a little chilly in their hearts.

  In this matter, it is really necessary to talk about responsibility, and Yu Zuolin can never escape the relationship.

  If he hadn't thrown all the guards here for a woman, how could they have lost half of the people?


  In any case, Yu Zuolin is their leader, and even if they have big opinions in their hearts, they dare not express it directly.

He was silent for a moment, and guessed, "Will it be the empress who thinks this is more convincing to the emperor? After all, we are now responsible for protecting the prince. If the prince dies, our guards will be safe and sound, without any injuries. Accept, the emperor will surely punish us for our sins."

  Yu Zuolin's face changed, so it is not unreasonable to say this.

Concubine Meng was originally a cruel person. Their mission this time was to kill Jiang Yunsheng, if Jiang Yunsheng died in this incident. Then there is no need for them to exist, and the people who killed half of him are very likely to be really what Menggui will do.

   "My lord..." Some guards covered the upper arm and said in a low voice, "What shall we do now?"

   "The prince is in trouble." Yu Zuolin took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his breathing. He cast a blank expression at the corpse on the ground, quickly turned his eyes away, and slowly said, "It is natural that we have a responsibility to save people. Everyone is looking for the corpse of the prince..."

  Several guards made a grimace and nodded immediately.

   Just when she ran away, she looked at the unattended guards on the ground, her eyes darkened.

  Yu Zuolin shook off the messy thoughts in his mind, and shook off the emotion that Yu Qingluo might be killed, and quickly ran in the direction in which Ye Xiudu disappeared as pointed out by the Guards.

  However, the group of people searched for most of the day in the nearby woods, but they did not find a half figure.

  Don't even mention Ye Xiudu, those of his subordinates, even the body of the man in black, didn't see one.

  Yu Zuolin's face became a little strange, and his eyebrows were almost knotted.

  He felt that he seemed to have overlooked a very important thing, but it was only for a while, his mind was a little confused, and he couldn't figure it out.

  However, just when they were looking for a group of people around.

   Ye Xiu was alone at this moment, but he twitched the corners of his mouth lightly and sat on the chair calmly. Behind him, there were two maids who kept fanning him.

  Yuqing fell through the door, and what she saw was such a scene.

  She immediately sneered, and sneered, "Oh, Lord Xiu is a great blessing. Just after getting out of danger, there is a beautiful lady waiting for you. Seeing that the prince is reluctant to think about Shu, do you plan to live here in the future?"

Sitting in the first place and drinking tea, a man who seemed to be about the same age as Ye Xiudu was taken aback. He raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Qingluo. After hearing this, his face sank and he put the teacup aside. On the table, he indifferently ordered the human being on one side, "Show the girl a seat."

  As soon as his voice fell, a maid came forward, led Yu Qingluo to sit down, and soon had tea.

Yu Qingluo's eyes were still locked on Ye Xiudu's body, staring at him coldly.

  The man's eyebrows tightened, and the pitch fell a little bit lower. "It's hot. It's not a big deal for me to let the prince fan. The girl doesn't need to hold on to this matter."

   When he said this, looking at Yu Qingluo's expression, he was a bit disgusted.

  In and out of words, they all reflect that Yu Qingluo is a jealous woman who doesn't distinguish right from wrong and doesn't look at the occasion.

   "..." Yu Qingluo glanced at him obliquely and looked at Ye Xiudu, "Introduce it."

   "Bow brother."

  Yu Qingluo was taking a sip of the tea, and she almost squirted it out when she heard the words, she hurriedly covered her mouth and coughed twice, "You, do you also have a brother?"

After she finished speaking, she felt wrong again, as if hurting others’ self-esteem. She hurriedly raised her hand and said to the first man, “Sorry, sorry, I mean, Ye Xiudu is alone, it’s really not like that. It’s someone who will worship with others. It doesn’t mean that the two of you are too different in personalities, and your outlook on life and world values ​​are different. Really, I didn’t mean it.”

   Ye Xiu Du was helpless, stood up and walked to her, patted her on the back, and said, "My righteous brother Fan Xiuyun, he is relatively straightforward. Don't bully him."

   said, and whispered, "You are still embarrassed to ridicule me, huh? Yu Zuorin was worried about your comfort, so he left his men and ran into the woods to save you. Who should give me an explanation?"

Yu Qingluo only didn't hear the latter sentence, but frowned and looked at the man sitting on the top of the head, and said in a low voice, "Fan Xiujun...because you have a Xiu in both of your names, you formed a worship Brother?"

   "..." Ye Xiudu's face was a little unnatural, she really guessed it right.

  At the beginning, Fan Xiuyun wanted to worship him. This was the most ‘strong and powerful’ reason.

  The first Fan Xiuyun saw them muttering and didn't know what they were talking about, but you could see Ye Xiudu's face that he had compromised in front of Yu Qingluo.

  He was dissatisfied all of a sudden, "Ye Xiu Duo, when have you been such a mother-in-law? It's just a woman, I will give you that, what are you doing in front of her? Is it embarrassing?"

  He was yelling, and suddenly a man who was somewhat similar to him ran into the door, but he looked younger, and he yelled profusely, "Big brother, that little thing is too powerful." <

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