The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 908: Mother said she was a person

  The bright voice of the man interrupted the atmosphere in the room for an instant.

   Before Fan Xiuyun had time to question, a sweaty man came running outside. He was a small man with a blushing face, and it was Nan Nan who rushed in with a short sword.

  He took a look at the hall, and then put the short sword into the scabbard in a good manner, and then rushed towards Yu Qingluo, "Mother..."

   Nan Nan screamed softly, and the sweat on her face was rubbed all over her body.

  Yu Qingluo immediately disgusted him, grabbed him and threw it into Ye Xiudu’s arms, "You wipe him."

  Fan Xiuyun looked at the agile little guy, curious eyes fell on him. Then he frowned again, he called that woman's mother? She is married? What does that have to do with Ye Xiu independence?

  Fan Xiuyun's head was a little knotted, but he hadn’t heard that Xiu Duo had been married overnight.

  Looking at Ye Xiudu again, he really squatted down and wiped the sweat from Nan Nan's face. He almost didn't know him with his soft eyes, and he really looked like a father.

  Fan Xiuyun was taken aback by his own thoughts, and shook his body in an instant.

Nan Nan hummed, turned to see the **** the opposite side with a fan, hurriedly thrown away Ye Xiudu's hand, ran to the girl, smiled and said, "Pretty sister, can you lend me the fan? Nannan is so hot."

   Before he could finish his words, the young man who had broken in had already grabbed two fans and left none of them for Nan Nan. Then he stared at Nan Nan and smiled triumphantly, fanning the wind vigorously.

Nan Nan turned his head and glared at him, "Are you provoking me?"

   "Oh, the little thing still knows what provocation is?"

  Nan Nan's dagger was out of its sheath again, the man's face became stiff, and he backed away anxiously.

  In a moment, two people, one big and one small, fought in this hall.

  The two fans fell to the ground, Ye Xiu picked them up slowly, and handed them to Yu Qingluo.

Fan Xiujun, who was sitting in the first place, frowned at first, but as the two of them fought more and more fiercely, his eyes brightened, and he suddenly stood up from the chair and said loudly, "Okay, so handsome. Kung Fu, good."

   Yuqing Luo slapped the wind twice, and asked Ye Xiudu, "Whose two people have better skills?"

Ye Xiu laughed alone, "I didn't use all my strength, I just discussed it. Nan Nan is smart, but he is young and has insufficient experience with the enemy. Fan Qiyun has rich experience with the enemy, but his physical strength is not good, so he has just fought with Nan Nan all the way. A bit exhausted."

  Nan Nan can’t feel tired...Well, it’s good to eat more. At least he’s energetic, and he has the opportunity to fight protracted battles with others.

  Yu Qingluo touched her chin, and whispered, "So, this Fan Qiyun just stopped on the avenue and clamored in front to rob the head of the man in black who was going to rob gold and silver wealth and women?"


  Yu Qingluo glanced at him, of course she could recognize it.

   Even if you don’t see your face, you can hear the tone of your voice.

   Let’s talk about it, and Nan Nan came in all the way, only the man in black is the leader, isn’t he asking nonsense?

  Yu Qingluo rubbed her eyebrows, and when she raised her eyes, she just saw Fan Xiuyun in front of him watching the fight, his face flushed and he seemed to want to go up for a fight.

  The corners of her mouth can't help but twitch, she is a lot older, can we not join in the fun? Isn't it the master here? Why didn't you lead by example at all?

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, raised her hand and pulled Ye Xiudu's sleeve, whispered, "Go and separate them."

   "Okay." Ye Xiu raised his breath swiftly and joined the battle between the two, with one hand to fend off the two. Then he hugged Nan Nan and fell by Yu Qingluo's side, and put the fan in his arms into his arms, "Fan."

Nan Nan's eyes brightened, and then she shook the fan in her hand and said to Fan Qiyun, "Look, I have it, you don't have it." After finishing speaking, after learning how he was just now, she fanned it vigorously and placed it next to her cheek. His hair was blown up.

  Fan Qiyun glanced at him, then at Yu Qingluo, sitting on the chair beside him coldly, and shouting to the maid behind him, "Why don't you get another fan for the young master?"

   "Yes, yes, Third Young Master." The maid hurried back.

Fan Qiyun took a sip of tea with Erlang's legs upright, and said to Fan Xiuyun, "Big Brother, fortunately, I brought Lord Xiu, and they didn't hurt a single strand of hair. We have no shortage of people, all of them. He came back peacefully."

   "That's because I'm being merciful." Nan Nan took Yu Qingluo's hand and took a sip of water, and then said in a clear voice, "Otherwise, I'll cut you down, and you won't be safe."

   "Hey, little guy, don't be silly, although your skill is very good, I also appreciate it. But if you want to cut me down, it is not so easy." Fan Qiyun suddenly put down Erlang's legs and stood up suddenly.

  Yu Qingluo stroked his forehead again. Although this one seems to be seventeen or eighteen years old, how does it look like the five-year-old Nan Nan's temperament?

Nan Nan tilted his head and snorted again, "Easy, if you are really a bandit and really want to grab my silver, I will definitely put you down in a quarter of an hour, huh, I am more than martial arts. It's great, and I'm also great in other aspects." For example, hidden weapons, poison, he was full of them.

  If this person wants to take away his precious silver, he will first release the poison and then the hidden weapon, and then kill him like this, like this.

As he said, he took another sip of water before he glanced at Yuqing and said slowly, "But mother said you are your own, let me play with you, don't really hurt you, otherwise You will lose face. I don't know how disappointed I was after listening."

  Ye Xiu was stunned, and looked at Yu Qingluo in surprise, "How do you know that Fan Qiyun is your own?"

  Fan Xiuyun and Fan Qiyun couldn't help being stunned when he said this.

  Fan Xiuyun frowned, "Why, you didn't tell her, is the man in black your own?"

"No." Ye Xiu smiled alone. "Only she and Nan Nan didn't know, and she didn't ask along the way. I thought it was Shen Ying who said it when he took her into the woods. I knew it from the beginning. Qing'er, you guessed it yourself?"

  The two brothers Fan Xiuyun are even more weird. Ye Xiudu said nothing, so how did this woman know about it?

   Did someone else say it? Not right, right, right, Ye Xiudu, they still know that his subordinates will definitely not chew their tongues.

  Yu Qingluo took a sip of tea, glanced at the faces of all three of them, shrugged and said, "It's easy." <

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