The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 909: The rightful concubine Xiu

  Yu Qingluo had stood up, looked at Nan Nan, who was fanning a fan, and smiled, "Ye Xiu Du said a word while Nan Nan was about to take action."

  A sentence?

  Ye Xiu paused alone and remembered.

Fan Qiyun felt that there was nothing wrong with that sentence, "He just said,'Then use his blood to open the seal, play slowly, don't kill it all at once'? Is there any problem? "

Yu Qingluo rolled his eyes, "Of course there is a problem. The large number of people in black surrounded us. What we had to do at that time was to make quick decisions. If we can cut one, we can quickly rush out of the encirclement. Or they took you as a hostage. After all, we still have a few people who don’t know how to work, and some who have been injured. But Ye Xiu Independence asked Nan Nan to take it easy and don’t kill you. It’s weird. ."

  Fan Qiyun twitched the corners of his mouth. Hearing what she said, there seemed to be a little bit of truth.

"Moreover, why is Ye Xiu so sure that it is not Nan Nan who is hurt. He is such a person who loves Nan Nan, even if they really have to fight each other, he won't let Nan Nan go to fight the boss, let alone let him. Take such a risk. So all the signs show that the man in black is his own."

  Ye Xiu glanced at her alone, and laughed, she could still think so much at that moment.

  Fan Xiuyun and his brother looked at each other, his eyes brightened, and then he looked at Yuqing and said, “I don’t think you are a smart woman, but she has a bad temper.”

   "..." I'll stop you, you have a bad temper, and your whole family has a bad temper.

  She didn't want to pay attention to Fan Xiuyun, this man looked young, but the male chauvinism was so swollen.

  Looking at him in a few short words, it sounds like he is looking down on women.

Fan Xiuyun saw that her expression was not good, her face sank again, and she stopped talking to him, but got up from her seat, walked to Ye Xiudu's side, pulled him aside, and whispered, "Hey, you Where did you find such a woman? The shelf is bigger than you, let me tell you, a man must look like a man, how can a woman climb on top of his head? Look at her, even me, such a big man I know, a woman must be reserved, shy and timid, and her husband must be her heaven. What about her? She rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes at me. Which woman would dare to be so presumptuous in front of me? I've long been rude to her."

  Ye Xiu knew his temper. When he said these things before, he at best regarded him as if he hadn’t heard him. He went in on the left and went out on the right.

  But now that he has such a big opinion on Yu Qingluo, I feel a little dissatisfied.

   "I would like her to climb on top of me. If you say her is not, I will leave."

Fan Xiuyun choked on him, and shook his hand fiercely, and his voice became louder, "I think you have changed. We haven't seen each other for a year. Look at you, for a woman, we talked to my elder brother like this It's brother, I advise you, will it still harm you?"

  I think you have changed...

  Yu Qingluo felt unkind when she heard this sentence.

  She is a little hard to imagine, how could someone like Ye Xiudu be brothers with this temperamental person.

  Fan Qiyun on the side was a little more flexible, moved towards Yuqingluo, and winked at Nannan, "Hey, who are you, Lord Xiu?"

  Nannan is very strange, their interaction is so obvious, so close, and the fact that Lord Feng Cangguo Xiu has a child should be known to everyone, why does he have an expression that doesn't associate it at all?

  He took the fan and slapped it twice. Just about to reply, Yu Qingluo suddenly grabbed him and sat directly on Yu Qingluo's thigh.

  Nannan turned her head swiftly, and smiled at Yuqing, "Mother, what's the matter?"

  Yu Qingluo did not return to him, but fixedly looked at Fan Qiyun, and asked with a smile, "What do you think we are related to?"

   "..." Fan Qiyun blinked, touching his head and said with some uncertainty, "I see Lord Xiu's attitude towards Miss Jade, it seems, it seems..."

He hasn’t got married yet, so he’s really hard to say anything, so he can only vaguely say, "It seems to have a very close relationship... But Nan Nan is also called the girl’s mother, but Lord Xiu hasn’t Getting married. This... I didn't expect that Lord Xiu still has this hobby, like women with children..."

  The words behind him are getting lower and lower, getting more and more confused.

  At the end, she secretly took a look at Yu Qingluo.

   Nan Nan was startled, and suddenly became unhappy, "What do you mean? Are you saying that my mother is not good?"

   "No no." Fan Qiyun didn't expect Nan Nan would suddenly explode his hair, and hurriedly waved his hand to deny.

   Nan Nan snorted coldly, “Don’t bully me when I’m young and don’t understand anything. I heard it out. You mean my mother has a child and is still restless, messing up with other men.”

  Not far away, Ye Xiuduo, who was called the ‘other man’, couldn’t help but twitched fiercely. Little thing, I’m your father.

  Fan Qiyun couldn't think of what he said so bluntly, quite like his elder brother. But he didn't know that Nan Nan would easily explode when encountering Yu Qingluo.

  Especially this kind of words in front of him, which also obviously implied that her mother was not observing women's way, he wanted to strangle him after hearing this.

   "Um... Nannan, you misunderstood, I really didn't mean it, I just think..."

   "Why doesn't it mean this?" Fan Xiuyun, who heard the movement here, suddenly said, interrupting Fan Qiyun's explanation, and regardless of Ye Xiu's independence, he rushed in front of a few people.

  It was only then that Ye Xiudu talked to him so unceremoniously that he had already annoyed him, so he wanted to stab the jade Qingluo, and it would not make her feel better.

  Your brother is against himself for a woman. Isn’t this a confession of trouble?

He repeated it again, "Why doesn't it mean that? I think so in my heart, girl, it's not that I said you, your children are so old, Ye Xiu is so solemn and honorable, she can't marry you. You If you are a sensible person, you should know that there will be no good results following him. I know that you are going back to the imperial capital this time. You have to know that there is a father in the imperial capital. Can the emperor agree with you as a woman with a son? Concubine has nothing to do."

  Yuqing's eyebrows trembled, and he secretly sighed, and said helplessly, "The emperor agreed."

"Even if you agree? What if you take out your identity, you can't look at it. Before the emperor knows your existence, you just..." Fan Xiuyun paused, blinked, blinked again, "You What did you say? You said... You said the emperor agreed?"

  He couldn't help screaming, looking at each other like Fan Qiyun.

  "The emperor not only agreed, but he personally gave the marriage." A slender and elegant figure suddenly walked into the door and slowly said, "Girl Jade is a well-known concubine Xiu."

  [Author's digression]: Please forgive my procrastination... The next update is around six o'clock. I uploaded it in a hurry yesterday, and I forgot to say Happy Qixi Festival to everyone<

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