The well-known concubine Xiu?

  Fan Xiuyun and Fan Qiyun looked up at the same time, Yu Qingluo also turned their heads, and saw that the temperament coming in at the door was gentle, and had a completely different temperament from the Fan brothers.

  He took the lead to walk in front of Ye Xiudu, smiled and said, "It's been a long time, Lord."

  The attitude is quite respectful, but it is not a polite and alienated posture, and the relationship with Ye Xiudu is also very good. It is only his etiquette habit to see courtesy.

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, and smiled, "It's fine if you come over, otherwise your eldest brother and third brother will be unobstructed, I'm really afraid that I will suffer by then."

   He said, looking at Yu Qingluo with a smile.

  The latter snorted, “Lord Xiu is too dear to me. I am a weak woman. How can I let them both suffer? Besides, I wouldn’t do anything casually based on the friendship between them and the prince.”

   Ye Xiu Du shook his head helplessly, without rebutting, he could see exactly what Yuqing had moved just now.

Fan Xiujun and Fan Qijun were not stupid either, they understood something, and immediately ignored the phrase'the well-known concubine Xiu', and asked grumpily, "Ye Xiu Duo, what do you mean? What do you mean we will suffer? Is it possible that we can't deal with her if she is not a woman?"

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, "I really can't deal with it."

The elegant man beside    also nodded, "Well, I can't deal with it."

  Fan Xiuyun flushed, "Fan Pingyun, I am your eldest brother, what do you mean?"

   As he said, he suddenly felt something wrong, twisted his eyebrows, and reached out and grabbed his face.

   After a while, he scratched his face again.

  Slowly, I felt more and more uncomfortable. It seemed that I was itching in my bones, but it was useless to scratch it.

   "What's the matter? Oh, why is it so itchy?"

Fan Qiyun beside    also stayed for a while, and hurriedly grabbed his eldest brother’s hand, and said anxiously, “Big brother, don’t grab it, you’ll be scratching your face any more.”

   "I don't want to, but I am itchy." Fan Xiuyun was anxious, his hand was grasped, and he was a little uncontrollable, and his entire face became distorted.

Fan Pingyun on the side sighed, walked slowly to Yu Qingluo, and met the gift, "Miss Yu, the elder brother is irritable and impulsive. Don't be familiar with him."

  Fan Xiuyun’s face itchy, but seeing his second brother look like this, he couldn’t help but stepped forward and wanted to smoke him, “What are you like? My brother, Fan Xiuyun, how can he lower his posture to the woman?”

  Fan Pingyun ignored him, but his eyes sank and said coldly, “Big Brother, if you don’t shut up, I’ll let someone drag you down.”

  Fan Xiuyun shrank, Yu Qingluo could see that the relationship between the three brothers was a bit strange.

  It seems that the elder brother is the most prestigious person, but the courageous person who can really call the shots is the second brother.

  Fan Pingyun turned his head and said to Yu Qingluo again, “For the sake of Lord Xiu’s face, the girl shouldn’t care about my elder brother and give the antidote to my elder brother.”

  Yu Qingluo looked at him with a good attitude, and saw that Fan Xiuyun had learned a lesson. Then he poked Nan Nan in the waist and said, "Give him the antidote."

Nan Nan was looking at Fan Pingyun with his head tilted. He looked a little reluctant, but he took a pill from his sleeve, poured out a pill, and handed it to Fan Pingyun.

  Fan Xiuyun widened her eyes, "You, you, is this woman who poisoned me? You...huh..."

   Before he finished speaking, Fan Pingyun had already stuffed the pill directly into his mouth and snorted coldly, “Brother, you sit aside.”

Fan Xiuyun wanted to say anything, but Fan Qiyun was very good at taking people aside and sitting there, while holding water for him to drink while persuading him, "Big brother, second brother is here, what can I say, wait until second brother is away. Say it again, otherwise it will be terrible for your second brother to start a fire."

  Yu Qing shook his head and said to Fan Pingyun, "You are really hard." To take care of two'children'.

  Fan Pingyun also sighed, "Who said no?"

After that, he said with a serious face, "Girl Jade is here for the first time and may not know much about today’s affairs. Let me introduce myself first, my elder fan, Fan Pingyun, that is my elder brother Fan Xiuyun, and my third brother Fan Qiyun. The eldest brother’s temper is a bit grumpy. So I always offend people. The third brother is still young and ignorant, so I ask the girl to be more concerned."

  The grumpy and ignorant brothers looked at Fan Pingyun who was gentle and polite.

  Yu Qingluo smiled, watching Ye Xiu sitting alone, and asked curiously, “Why didn’t you become a brother with him in the first place? I think the second brother Fan’s temperament is better than your appetite.”

  Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and he doesn't eat people. What does it mean to suit his appetite?

  He poured a glass of water for Yu Qingluo, and then said, “I was driven by a duck on the shelf, there was no way.”

  Not far away, Fan Xiuyun wanted to come forward to defend herself after hearing it, but the second brother Fan stared back.

  He touched his nose, looking a bit silly.

Fan Pingjun continued, "This is Xiujing Villa. My elder brother and Wang Ye Xiu have a good relationship, so Wang Ye Xiu sent us a letter to let us brothers cooperate in a play. That’s why there are people in black. The scene of the robbery has now come to an end. The girl can rest assured, that Doctor Jiang, I have arranged for him to rest, and Mother Xiao and the girl Yuexin were frightened, and they stopped now."

  Xiujing Villa?

  Yuqing fell into a daze. She seemed to have never heard of Xiujing Villa, and the Fan brothers had no impression. However, there were hundreds of people in black that they brought back then. Not to mention the large number of people, and all of them were very skilled, so powerful, how could there be no sound outside?

  She tilted her head and thought, always feeling as if she had overlooked an important thing.

Upon seeing this, Fan Pingjun glanced at Ye Xiu thoughtfully, and then continued, "Ms. Jade, the eldest brother has been practicing in seclusion for a year. The third brother does not go out in the house all year round and does not care about outside affairs, so The news is not clear. I don’t know that the girl is the Tianfu princess of the Tianyu Kingdom and has been married by the emperor. I don’t know that Nannan is the son of Miss Jade and Prince Xiu, let alone the famous ghost doctor.

  The two brothers Fan Xiuyun, who were full of disdain at hearing, were suddenly startled, and raised their eyes in surprise to look at Yu Qingluo.

   "Second brother, what did you just say? What princess? What ghost doctor? She..."

  Fan Pingyun turned his head with a smile, and told her word by word, “Big Brother, Miss Yuqing Luoyu is the Tianfu Princess of Tianyu Kingdom, and the ghost doctor of the ‘old gentleman’ whom the eldest brother has always admired very much."

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