Fan Pingyun sighed, and winked at Ye Xiu alone.

  The latter attached to Yu Qingluo's ear and said lowly, "It's getting late, let's go back to the room and rest first."

   "En." Yu Qingluo was also stunned, and she seemed to have heard Fan Pingyun say that the ghost doctor is a person Fan Xiuyun admires very much...

  She couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. She didn't expect her name as a ghost doctor to be so easy to use, so many people admire and respect.

  It’s really a loss to keep a low-key style before.

  She now feels that with this name she can travel all over the world, and no one will embarrass herself.

  And... old gentleman? She was inexplicably heartbroken. Why do you think the ghost doctor is an old gentleman? Couldn't it be a young, beautiful and smart 18-year-old girl? No knowledge.

  Ye Xiudu had already picked up Nan Nan and walked out of the hall with Yu Qingluo.

Fan Xiuyun's yelling came from behind   , but after a short while, Fan Pingyun blocked him back.

Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo said as they walked, "The third brothers of the Fan family, and the second child are here to take care of these trivial matters. The boss is so obsessed with martial arts, he locked himself in the back mountain to practice martial arts for three days. Although the kung fu is not weak, most of them are playing. The second child is the real person in charge of this family. He just has to take care of the eldest brother and the third younger brother, and he is also very tired."

  Yu Qingluo looked at him slantingly, "You didn't tell them about you?"

  "As long as the second child knows it, the other two are of little significance." Ye Xiu talked about the three brothers and couldn't help shaking his head.

  Yu Qingluo was thinking about another thing in her heart. She kept chanting the four words Xiujing Mountain Villa in her mind, but she racked her brains and never figured out the status and positioning of this villa.

  Until Ye Xiu held Nan Nan alone and led her into the door, she shook her head and decided to ask him directly.

Nan Nan was already asleep. He and Fan Qijun had been fighting for so long, and he had yawned frequently and was too sleepy. He lay on the shoulders of Ye Xiudu and listened to his father and mother, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When Yu Qingluo turned her head, she saw Ye Xiudu carefully putting him on the bed. She remembered Nan Nan's sweat, and turned around and walked out of the room. Seeing a maid waiting outside, she called two buckets of water in. .

  Nannan’s scent of sleep, Yu Qingluo could only rub his body roughly and change his clothes to make him sleep more comfortable.

  After finishing all these things, she slowly walked to Ye Xiudu and saw him standing at the window looking at a small sapling on the outside corner.

   "Xiujing Villa, what is it?"

  Ye Xiu turned her head alone and looked at her with a smile, "I'm finally going to ask?" He had waited for her for a long time.

  Yu Qing Luo gave him a punch, "Hurry up."

   "My subordinates."

  Subordinates? Subordinates! !

  Yu Qingluo blinked, and hurriedly lowered her voice, "Private soldier."

Ye Xiu couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw her look alone. He took her hand and walked inside, lowering her voice as she did, "It's not a big deal, I'm in such a situation, and I always want to cultivate my own power." I'm not going to fight for that position, the life-saving person is important to prepare."

  Yu Qingluo heard him talk about his situation, and thought of the old enchantress Meng Guifei, and then thought that he had been assassinated three times, and she couldn't help but glanced at him sympathetically.

Ye Xiu's single forehead blue veins collapsed, resisting the urge to cover her eyes, and then he continued, "In the past few years, many assassins have been trained in the camp. The people in black who appeared today are not top assassins. Yes, but they are also very skilled. Fan Pingyun is in charge of these people for the time being."

As if thinking of something, Yu Qingluo suddenly realized, pointing to Ye Xiudu and said, "No wonder you chose this route back to the imperial capital. You are here to see Fan Pingyun specially."

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, "Well, this time I will return to the emperor, there will be big moves. If there are more people around, there will be more protection."

  He paused, and then said, "My relationship with Fan Pingyun is now only known to us. Even Shen Ying and the others don’t know it. I just say that we are old acquaintances."

  Yu Qingluo understands that no one can trust the spies next to Ye Xiudu.

  But that person is also calm, so far he hasn't shown his feet at all.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help but anxious, but sad, she really didn't want to doubt any of them.

  Thinking of this, she sighed slightly.

"Okay, don't worry too much about these things. You are tired all day, sleep with Nan Nan, and I will call you to dinner later." Ye Xiudu did not want to talk more about spies, and caught He rubbed her hand and said, "I have something to discuss with Fan Pingyun."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, pulled his hand out of his palm forcefully, and hugged Nan Nan to sleep without reluctance.

  Ye Xiu can't help herself alone. Like Nan Nan, she has no conscience.

  Standing in the room looking at the big and the small, it took a long time before he secretly breathed out, turned and left the house.

  Xiujing Mountain Villa is not heavily guarded, it can even be said to be lazy, but it is very clear that night cultivation is very clear. The corners and corners of the entire mountain villa hide truly cautious and shrewd people.

  Across the back garden of the villa, Ye Xiu came to the front yard and stood outside the door of a study called the ‘Shabby Room’.

  Before he raised his hand and knocked on the door, a person had already walked out of it, and smiled to welcome him in.

  Then the door closed, Fan Pingyun put away the smile on his face, stood respectfully behind Ye Xiudu, and asked, "Master, what happened?"

   "The emperor is about to change the sky." Ye Xiudu's low voice sounded.

  Fan Pingyun was taken aback, and then he understood, “I’m waiting for dispatch at any time, and my subordinates will summon all the killers back later, and they won’t take any quests for the time being.”

   "En." Ye Xiu nodded alone, and then thought of something, and asked, "Where is Yu Zuorin? What happened?"

  Speaking of this, Fan Pingyun laughed, “The Guards were half dead, and a few others were injured. Yu Zuolin took the rest to search for the prince, but didn’t find him. Now he is on his way back to the imperial capital.”

  "He still has the courage to return to the imperial capital. The king is missing, so I have to see how he can explain to his father." He paused, suddenly turned around and sat on the table beside him, raising his hand to write a letter.

  Fan Pingyun immediately stood aside and rubbed the ink for him, “If the prince sees him unpleasantly, his subordinates can help you except.”

"No, he left it to Qing'er." Ye Xiu was talking alone, and the letter in his hand was already written, folded and placed in the envelope and sealed with wax, and then handed it to Fan Pingyun, "put this letter. Send it to the imperial capital and hand it to Ion Sail."

  Right phase?

  Fan Pingyun raised an eyebrow, but took it.

  Who knows that as soon as I put the envelope away, I heard a noisy voice outside, "Second Brother, Second Brother is not good, Miss Jade, Miss Jade..."

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