The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 920: Nannan learned a craft

  Ion Sail looked down and pondered for a moment.

  The letter that Ye Xiu passed to him was for him to persuade Lord Bao to pass.

  Prince Kebao started to feel unwell two days ago, and even took leave of absence in the morning, and it was obviously inappropriate to let him go.

  As for others...

   "Father, my son is willing to go." The sixth prince suddenly stepped forward.

  Ion Sail was stunned, and the emperor was also stunned. The other ministers present could not help but glance at the six princes.

  The third prince twisted his eyebrows tightly. This sixth brother, who has been following him all the time, thought that he was the head of his horse, how could he suddenly move such a thought?

  It's not just him, but also the four princes, who are also very surprised.

  The emperor also pursed his lips and looked at him for a long time. Seeing that his eyes were firm and calm, he hesitated for a moment, and then nodded, "Okay, then you set off today."

  The six princes bowed and responded.

  The emperor confessed a few more words and pointed out a few people to cooperate with him, and then he waved his hand and retreated.

  Ion Sail has been silent, thinking about it.

  Until leaving the hall, the sixth prince only took a few steps to catch up.

  "Leave a step away from the adults to speak."

  Ion Fan glanced at him, nodded, and the two of them were a few steps behind, "Please say, Lord."

  "The king knows that Li is very concerned about the safety of his fifth brother. Don’t worry, the king will bring the fifth brother back safely."

  Ion sail for a while, glanced at him again, smiled and said, "Six princes are pretty sure that prince Xiu will not be persecuted."

   "If you believe so, this king will naturally believe it." The Sixth Prince said intentionally, and then he said, "My father has confessed something to this king, and this king will leave first."

  Ion Fan pursed his lips, and stood still in silence for a while, then turned around, and returned to Xiangfu without rush.

  Just as soon as he arrived at Xiangfu, he went to the study, took the pen and paper and began to write a letter.

   then rolled the letter into a ball, tied it in a small bamboo tube on the leg of the pigeon, watching the pigeon flying farther and farther, and thinking about the behavior of the six princes today, he thought again.

  Ye Xiudu received the carrier pigeon, read the content on it, and was a little surprised, then he was relieved, put the letter paper on the candle, and burned it to ashes.

  Yu Qingluo sat aside drinking tea and asked, "So, we can go back in a few days?"


  Yu Qing raised her eyebrows, “Yu Zuolin is really miserable. He jumped directly into the pit you dug.”

   "..." Ye Xiudu also sat down, took the cup in her hand, and took a sip from the edge of the cup she had just taken.

  Yu Qingluo was a little annoyed, "There are still cups here." This person has now developed a habit. When she sees that she is okay to drink water, he always goes to get the cup she has drunk, and it is not too dirty.

   Ye Xiudu shrugged and said, “I’m always cautious and don’t drink water casually outside. You are a ghost doctor. If you drink this water, it means there is no problem. I’m safe to drink this way.”

  Yu Qingluo was about to laugh at his perverted reasoning, "Aren't you afraid of me being poisoned?"

"I'm not afraid, you can't bear it." Ye Xiu laughed alone, seeing that she was irritable and about to do it, and hurriedly changed the subject, answering her questions, and said, "Yu Zuorin is also self-inflicted. I was going to Xiujing Villa. When I came here, I didn't think of any other plans. He ran into it by himself. If that's the case, then he simply obeyed his wishes."

  Yu Qingluo despised him and slandered him in his heart, no wonder he happily agreed to Yu Zuolin’s request to follow behind to protect him.

  He actually said that he hadn’t thought of other plans... He had predicted that Yu Zuorin would follow them, otherwise, how could he write a letter for the pigeons to take away on the day he met Yu Zuorin?

  This person has a deep mind, and it is terrible, terrible.

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, still felt that he had to keep a certain distance from him.

  Ye Xiu glanced sharply at her movements, squinted, grabbed her hand and pulled her up, held her in her arms, and sat down on her lap.

   "Where to go? Hmm?" Ye Xiu snorted softly, grabbed her hand and rubbed it lightly. Seeing the crimson on her face, he started to feel contemplative again.

  Yu Qingluo twisted her body and pulled away the hand he put on his waist, "Itching."

   "Where is it itch?" Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, but started to get up and down, "Here? Or here?" He said, his fingers began to poke into her clothes irregularly. "I will scratch you."

   "Night repair alone!!!" Yu Qingluo became angry from embarrassment.

  Ye Xiudu suddenly let go of her, and sat her on the opposite stool in a proper manner.

  Yu Qing fell for a moment, looked at him with some doubts, why did he move suddenly...

  The next moment, I heard the sound of kicking footsteps in my ears, and it suddenly became clear.

  Sure enough, after a while, I heard Nannan’s voice outside the door, "Mother, mother..."

  Yu Qingluo gave Ye Xiu a single look, and went over to open the door.

   Nan Nan immediately rushed to her, smiled and gave her what was in his hand, "Mother, this is given to me by Fan Sange."

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched. Fan Qiyun and Nan Nan fell in love with each other, their temperaments were similar to him, and the two of them were always mumbling and playing together. However, Fan Qijun didn't like Nan Nan calling his uncle, because he called him old because of disgust, so he kept asking him to call him brother.

Nan Nan felt embarrassed and refused to bark. Until Fan Qiyun tempted him and said that he called Fan Sange, then Fan Xiuyun and Fan Pingyun were also a generation younger than Ye Xiudu, so his seniority was also higher.

  Nan Nan heard that it made sense, so he changed his words on the spot.

  Yu Qingluo almost spit out when he heard this reason.

  Fan Qiyun did all this frantic thing in order not to be called old. But when I turned to see Fan Xiuyun and Fan Pingyun seemed to be indifferent, he didn't care about this kind of appellation problem at all, and even happily asked Nan Nan to change his slogan to their elder brother. She was speechless and felt that she was making a fuss instead.

  Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo felt that she couldn't keep up with the thought rhythm of the Fan family three brothers.

  She looked down at the thing in Nan Nan's hand. It looked like a round ball, made of bamboo, and there was a bell-like thing inside, and it would make a crisp sound when it shook it.

"My mother, Brother Fan said that he would teach me how to do it. I think this is a very good craft. After making this thing, I can sell it for money. How about? This idea of ​​getting rich is not bad, right? I thought of it all at once."

  Yu Qingluo can only laugh, "If you want to learn, go and learn." Well, it is a craft, at least Nannan will not die from starvation in the future.

   was thinking, suddenly a figure rushed over there.


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