Yuqing took a few steps forward in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Yue Xin gasped slowly, and for a while, she said anxiously, "I don't know, but Doctor Jiang suddenly woke up. I don't know what happened. Let me quickly find the prince and the lady and say that I have something to do with you. Say."

  Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu looked at each other independently, and a trace of awe-inspiring flashed in their eyes at the same time.

  After that, he hurriedly walked to the house where Doctor Jiang lived.

  Mo Xian stood at the door of Doctor Jiang, not only him, but also Shen Ying and Peng Ying.

  Ye Xiu walked in with a big stride, then waved his hand and said, "You all go down."

   "Yes." Several people quietly exited the yard.

  Doctor Jiang sat leaning on the edge of the bed and slowly exhaled when he saw them coming.

   "Lord, Miss Yu, there is something that I suddenly remembered. It's an emergency, so I'm going to be straightforward."

  "Please speak." Ye Xiu pulled a chair alone and let Yuqing sit down.

Doctor Jiang pursed his lips now, his face was very heavy, and he whispered, "Remember when the prince asked me if Master left me anything, maybe this is the clue that Master was killed, but I can't find it. Arrived. I just remembered that Master once gave Xu Yi something."

  Xu Yi?

  There is no such person in the impression of Ye Xiudu.

Jiang Yunsheng smiled, "He is my master's disciple, and not many people know about it. At the beginning, the master took him as a medicine boy because of his talent, and let him learn medicine slowly with him. Who is that? Knowing that Xu Yi's interests are not here, he prefers painting and poetry, and Master gave up in the end and left him alone."

   "But he has no talent for painting and poetry, right?" Yu Qingluo smiled and looked at Ye Xiu alone, and whispered.

  After all, if he had achieved something in this respect, Ye Xiudu couldn't have heard the name even before.

Jiang Yunsheng smiled embarrassedly, and sighed, "Yes, so I can only do a small business now. He is also a bit temperamental. Master sees him like this, thinking that even if he is older, it will be the same. He can continue to study medicine. But he said that he is not interested in that, he would not even touch the medicinal materials, and would rather live a hard life."

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched. This is not called temper, it is called neuropathy. He lives hard by himself, what about his family? Do you want to suffer along with him? It doesn't make sense.

Jiang Yunsheng continued, "Once, I accompanied Master to see him, and Master gave him a notebook, saying that he wanted to read it when he had time. If he regretted wanting to study medicine in the future, the book was also useful for him. ."

"At the time I thought it was just an ordinary medical book, and I didn't think much about it. Xu Yi also took it with disdain at the time, and opened his eyes casually. There seemed to be something wrong with his face for a moment, and then he put the book away. In a box."

"I also found it a little strange. Master also sent him medical books in the past. He threw them directly on the table without touching them. This time they would be collected. It's just that I didn't ask much at that time. Look at Master. With a satisfied look on his face, he thought that Xu Yi had changed his mind and wanted to study medicine. This matter has been left behind by me."

  Yuqing pursed her lips, looked at each other with Ye Xiu alone, and then looked at Jiang Yunsheng, who was smiling wryly with his head down.

  Thinking that his master would rather give something so important to his life to a disciple who is not willing to study medicine, and he is unwilling to give it to a big disciple who has studied next to him since he was a child. He must be uncomfortable.

  She coughed lightly and comforted, “Maybe your master just thinks that the medical book is less noticeable on Xu Yi’s side.”

  Jiang Yunsheng was taken aback, looked up at her, and then realized that it was Miss Yu who was comforting him.

He immediately laughed and said, "Miss Jade, I know. I didn't mean to blame the master. At that time, I was already known as Doctor Jiang in the hospital, and everyone knew that I was my master's major apprentice. Master anticipated that one day he might encounter an accident, and he would give Xu Yi something to prevent me from being targeted. After all, except for a few people, no one knows the relationship between him and my master. Things, put them safely, put them here, but they are a reminder."

  Yu Qingluo let out a sigh of relief, and he understood it, otherwise she would really not comfort people, for fear that Jiang Yunsheng would be stunned by that time.

Ye Xiudu, who was on the side, looked at her with a smile. After being glared by Yu Qingluo, he turned his head and said sternly, "Since this is the case, it should not be too late, Doctor Jiang, you have to edit the book and we will return. The imperial capital will find Xu Yi directly."

   "A copy of the book?" Jiang Yunsheng couldn't help being surprised.

Ye Xiudu explained, "Your current situation is not suitable for returning to the imperial capital. If someone finds out, there will be more troubles. Therefore, I want you to stay here for the time being, and wait until I return to the same father to find out. In this matter, after you have been innocent, you can go back. You can also take advantage of this opportunity to take good care of the injury."

   Jiang Yunsheng’s eyes flashed abruptly, and his expression staring at Ye Xiudu was slightly agitated.

  He nodded hurriedly, "Thank you, thank you, Lord."

  Aren’t these things that he was worried about? It's just that the prince doesn't speak, he is not good to trouble the prince any more.

Then, as if suddenly thinking of something, he hurriedly sat up from the bed, "I will write a letter now to explain the matter. The prince can go directly to a snack shop on East Street to find Xu Yi. He is this person. Although he has a bad temper, he is a trustworthy person."

  As he said, he hurriedly took the pen and paper, and he didn't even care about any injuries on his body, and quickly explained all the words clearly.

  Three full sheets of paper, he wrote them all.

  Yu Qingluo watched him come down in one breath, and he began to pant again after the wound was affected. With a cold sweat on his forehead, he hurriedly called out Mo Xian and others to help Jiang Yunsheng onto the bed.

  Ye Xiudu had already received the letter, and stood with Yuqing for a while, then turned and left his yard.

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and glanced at Shen Ying.

  He didn't look any strange, but standing beside Peng Ying, the two whispered a few words, followed by walking out of the yard.

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, and Ye Xiu laughed at her alone, "How come you have become more and more like an old woman these days?"

  Yu Qing said, "I have something in my heart." She really didn't want Shen Ying to be a spy.

  Ye Xiu pursed her lips alone, her face became a little serious, and she grabbed her hand and said, "Don't worry, you will catch it someday."


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