The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 924: Back to the imperial capital

  There are many people led by the Six Princes, and there is no other Xiao Xiao on the road.

  In addition to Ye Xiu's solo group, Fan Pingyun was also with him.

  It is said that the emperor knew that he had saved Ye Xiudu and others, and wanted to see him and be rewarded.

  This also coincided with Ye Xiudu’s guess, and he took Fan Pingyun back to the imperial capital in a fair manner.

  After another five or six days, a group of talents arrived at the gate of the imperial capital.

  Before entering the city gate, I saw Lord Bao taking the butler from the palace and Yu Bao'er and others waiting outside.

  Seeing that they came back peacefully, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the carriage stopped, Nan Nan saw Yu Bao'er standing not far away from the curtain of the carriage. His eyes lit up and he hurriedly jumped out of the carriage. Without a word, he rushed over, hugged him and started shaking. "Uncle Bao'er, Uncle Bao'er, I miss you, I want to die."

   Yu Bao'er laughed, and patted his back, with a bit astringent voice, "I miss you too. Just come back."

  He had heard that they had been robbers on the way and disappeared. He didn’t know how worried he was. Fortunately, good news came back right away, saying that people are safe and sound, and they have been recovered.

  Ye Xiu Du was'seriously injured', so she lay in the carriage and rested comfortably.

The sixth prince met with Prince Bao. Prince Bao smiled and patted him on the shoulder, with a bold smile, "Thank you, sixth brother. Father asked me to wait here, saying that he received the fifth brother, so he let you and The fifth brother immediately went to the palace to see him."

  The sixth prince nodded, "I'm troubled, brother."

As he said, he turned around to talk to Ye Xiudu, and Yu Qingluo's low voice came from the curtain of the car, "The wound on the prince's body doesn't matter much. Since he is back, he naturally has to go to the palace and please the emperor ."

  She said, raising her hand to the outside of the car and beckoning, "Nannan, Boer, you guys get in the car too."

  The two people spoke affectionately on the side for a while, and then got on the carriage with some excitement.

   Ye Xiudu, who was still lying in the car, sat up, leaning on the soft pillow beside him, and nodded slightly when he saw Yu Bao'er.

   Yu Bao'er pursed her lips, and then she whispered, "Master, sister."

  The carriage began to croak on the road again. The team was even bigger now, and many people stood by and watched on the street.

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, this is not a return from a battle, this aura is really strange.

  She silently closed the curtains tightly so that people outside would not see it.

  The other three people in the car couldn't help laughing when they saw each other.

  Yu Qingluo stared back one by one, and then all of her eyes fell on Yu Bao'er, and she began to look at him carefully.

  After a while, she frowned slightly, "Why have you lost a lot of weight?"

  Before, Yu Bao'er was locked up by Chen Ji's heart, and she was originally skinny. But since he followed him, the food he ate was exquisite and nutritious, and he slowly brought it back.

  But now I haven't seen it for a few months, and I'm thin again.

Nan Nan listened, tilted his head to look aside, and hugged his waist with his hands. At the end, he nodded in a sensational manner, "I'm really thin, Uncle Bao'er, you haven't eaten for a few days. ? It’s okay, I have delicious food here, all for you."

  As he said, he pushed Ye Xiu aside and took out the food container under the soft pillow.

  Ye Xiu Du's face was full of black lines, Yu Baoer hurriedly pulled Nan Nan back, and smiled, "No no, I am not thin."

  Speaking, he opened the sleeves of his arms, lifted it slightly, and said to Yu Qingluo, "Look, it's long and strong, not thin, real sister."

  Yu Qingluo glanced, Nan Nan immediately touched it with his hand, and his eyes brightened, "Really, mother, I feel very powerful."

   As he said, he went to roll up his sleeves to see that his arms were all tender flesh, and he was a little disgusted.

  Yu Qingluo let out a laugh, "Know that your Uncle Bao'er is so good, you just learn something, don’t always know how to eat, you need to exercise more, you know?"

"I know." Nan Nan nodded, but the little hand spontaneously opened the food box and placed it directly on Yu Bao'er's lap, and said, "This is what I brought back from Danyang Town and the Mongolian people. These can be kept for a long time, so it’s not broken. I brought both you and Xiao Shengsheng. You can eat them."

  Speaking, he took one apart and ate it directly.

  Yu Qingluo held her forehead silently, and just said that she knew about losing weight, she started eating again when she turned around.

   Yu Baoer smiled and nodded, and ate with him, "It's delicious."

  Yuqing sighed, and then asked him, "How is your time? Has anyone bullied you? How is your family?"

"...Okay." When Yu Baoer heard her ask, there was a little soreness on the tip of her nose, and she nodded her head hurriedly, and replied, "There are butlers who have been helping me. I have visited me several times, and Ping Shizi has also come over and talked to me several times. No one dared to bully me."

  Yuqing pursed her lips. Seeing his relaxed words, it can be seen that he looks a little tired, and he knows it in his heart.

  Yu Baoer was young and had been stuck by Chen Ji before, and knew nothing about things in Yufu. What's more, he has never been to school before, and maybe he doesn't understand what account books or the like in the family.

  Moreover, although Yufu does not have many industries, there are always shops, like Zhuangzi's. Even if those in charge know that he has someone to support him now, it is hard to guarantee that they will not bully him because of his elder qualifications.

  He has to learn to manage the Yufu, he has to learn his homework, and he has to exercise his body well. I am afraid that he will not have a moment of leisure.

  Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo's heart softened a little, and she felt sorry for him.

   But after another thought, he is now the master of Yufu, and now he has no other way except to grow up as soon as possible.

  It’s just that now that she has returned to the imperial capital, she can take care of him somehow.

   Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo could only suppress the astringency in her heart, and smiled, "Why, Ping Shizi came to you?"

   "En." Yu Bao'er laughed and looked back at Nan Nan. "We often talk about Nan Nan. Ping Shizi seems to like Nan Nan very much."

  I heard that he and Nan Nan didn’t know each other, and had trouble with each other several times.

  Nan Nan was so happy after hearing this, she nodded her head repeatedly, "That's that. People who have seen me say they like me."

   Yu Qingluo hit him, "Really? What about Ye Lanwei? He likes you too?"

  Yu Baoer knew that Ye Lanwei was the son of the third prince, and had always been at odds with Nan Nan.

   Nan Nan was choked, humming and muttering, "That's because he has eyes but no knowledge of gold inlaid jade, and I don't know how good I am."

  Yu Qingluo was too lazy to talk to him, but suddenly there was the sound of hoofs approaching.

  She was startled, and stopped talking to Yu Bao'er.

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