Not long after, Prince Bao’s low voice sounded outside, "Fifth brother, the matter of the prince..."

   "Well, I heard." Ye Xiudu's voice was low, and he responded.

"I went to see him two days ago, and I heard that you are coming back, and my face changed. I kept yelling, saying that all of this was caused by you. He also said that his position as a prince was gone, and he was the one who got the most benefits. It's you."

  Ye Xiu couldn't help but sneer after hearing it alone, "He knows to push the responsibility outside. Even if I'm not in the imperial capital, he thinks it's my fault."

  Prince Bao sighed lowly, thinking of the Prince's appearance now, he couldn't help but ask, "Fifth brother is coming back this time, what are your plans?"

  In his opinion, the prince was abolished, and the person most likely to ascend to the throne of the prince is the fifth brother. But Concubine Shu told him that the fifth brother's heart was not here, and the position of the prince was a little suspended.

   "Get married."

   "!!!" Prince Bao opened his mouth wide, without responding for a long time.

  Over there, Nan Nan heard his father talking to Prince Bao, and immediately stopped speaking, but the action of eating in his mouth did not stop at all.

  Yu Qingluo can't stand it a bit. Didn't this little thing say that I brought it back for Lan Sheng and Bao'er to eat? Now I can't wait to eat it?

  She pursed her lips, and took his food box over, closed the lid, and put it in the hand of Yu Bao'er who had been looking at Nan Nan with a smile.

   Nan Nan was taken aback, dumbfounded, with something stuffed in his mouth, and couldn't help but puff his mouth, moving like a frog.

  When he heard Ye Xiudu say the word ‘getting married’, he turned his head to look at him in surprise.

  Yu Qingluo's face blushed immediately after ‘rubbing’. She didn’t expect Ye Xiu to speak surprisingly alone, so she said it to Prince Bao in such a grand manner.

  The sound of Lord Bao’s beating away came from her ears, and she immediately reached out and twisted him, "What nonsense? There are also Bao'er and Nan Nan here."

"Why nonsense, just to tell them to know, so that they can be psychologically prepared?" He said, pulling Nan Nan to his lap, and whispered to him, "Daddy and mother are married, yes Not a happy event?"

  Nan Nan nodded vigorously, "The big one can't be a big happy event."

  Ye Xiu's eyebrows were dyed with a smile, "Have you thought about giving any gifts?"

   "..." Nan Nan twisted vigorously, and his parents got married. Does he still want to give gifts? Don’t you just need to receive gifts?

   "Why, don't you want to send it?"

   "Of course not!!" Nan Nan replied loudly, in a very clear voice.

   Then I thought that there were many people outside. I couldn’t speak too loudly. I hurriedly lowered my voice, and said seriously, "It’s just that Dad’s words are too sudden. I haven’t thought of it. I’m going back to think about it."

  Yu Qingluo gave a light cough, then glanced narrowly at Ye Xiu, and said, "You are still injured, getting married or something is too tired, it's not good."

   "Then there will be a girl who is a troubled doctor and healed me quickly. I will enter the palace later, so I can have a good talk with my father when I choose the day."

  Yuqing choked for a while, then frowned, how did he hear Ye Xiudu's words, he even had chosen his days?

  The two were talking, the carriage stopped, and Prince Bao walked over again and whispered, "Fifth brother, here we are. Father knows that you have been injured, so let people bring the sedan chair over."

   "En." Ye Xiu stretched out and sat up slowly.

  Yu Qingluo confessed to Yu Baoer on the side, "You wait for us here, and you will return to the palace later."

   "Okay." Yu Bao'er nodded, holding the food box that Nan Nan brought back in her hand, and gave Ye Xiu Du a way out with a smile.

   There was already a sedan chair over there, and everyone carefully carried Ye Xiu onto the sedan chair.

  Yu Qing looked down and his eyelids twitched, clearly there was nothing wrong with him, but everyone had to treat him as a seriously ill patient.

  She sighed silently and walked behind holding Nan Nan's hand.

  The group went directly to the Imperial Study Room, and Prince Bao and the Six Princes led the door.

  Only a short while later, Miao Gonggong greeted him with a smile on his face, "The old slave has seen Lord Xiu, Princess Tianfu, the youngest son, the emperor is waiting for you, please come in."

   said, he stepped forward and carefully supported Ye Xiudu's hand.

  Yu Qingluo's eyelids jumped again.

As soon as    entered the door, the emperor hurriedly ordered Miao Qianqiu, "Quickly, give me a seat."

  Miao Qianqiu ordered the waiter to move a few chairs over. Nan Nan saw that he had a share, and immediately thanked the emperor with a smile, and quickly sat on it.

  The emperor saw them, his mood was no good, and his expression softened.

  Prince Bao and the sixth prince had already talked about the matter. Seeing this, he immediately bowed and retired.

  In the entire imperial study room, only the three Ye Xiudu, the emperor and Miao Gong were left.

Emperor Dang even walked out from behind the imperial case, stood in front of Yu Qingluo, and asked with some worry, "How is your injury? Is it serious? I have already made a doctor, and I will diagnose and diagnose carefully later. "

   "Father, there is a youth by his side, it's not in the way."

  The emperor was taken aback, stroking his forehead abruptly, and said with a smile, "Look at me, I am confused, but I have forgotten Princess Tianfu's other identity."

  Miao Qianqiu hurriedly stepped forward and responded with a smile, “The emperor is also concerned and messed up, and sincerely loves Lord Xiu.”

   Although there is a taste of flattery in this statement, it is not fake at all.

  The emperor turned his head to ask Yu Qingluo about the situation, and only secretly breathed a sigh of relief until he got her assurance.

   "Ahem, ahem!!"

  Looking at what they said almost, Nan Nan suddenly coughed heavily.

  Swipe the line of sight in the Imperial Study Room, and all of them focused on him.

   Nan Nan squeezed out a smile, "It’s okay, it’s okay, but my throat suddenly feels itchy."

  The emperor laughed, beckoned Nan Nan to come over, smiled and twitched his nose, "Is it uncomfortable to see Grandpa Emperor ignore you?"

  "..." Nan Nan smiled embarrassedly.

  The emperor was in a good mood, and he couldn’t bear to let go. "I’ve been there for so long, do you want Grandpa Emperor?"

   "Think, I don’t know how much I think about it. Every time I see someone about the same age as Grandpa Huang, I think of the way Grandpa Huang talked to me.”

  Yu Qingluo turned her head silently, little sycophant.

  But the emperor really enjoyed Nan Nan who was talking like this. He couldn't help but hugged him and sank his hands, then frowned, "Why does it seem to be a little lighter? Are you hungry?"

  Speaking, he told Miao Qianqiu to prepare something to eat, "I'll eat something on Grandpa Emperor's side."

Then he raised his head and looked at Ye Xiu alone, "Since you are back, go to your mother and concubine to please her. Your body is not good, so you should take the sedan chair and come back after a few words. Go back after dinner."

  Go to Menggui Concubine...please?

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