Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu looked at each other independently, and they both couldn't help but sigh secretly.

  The emperor didn't notice, he just hung his head and talked to Nan Nan.

   said at the end, "Nan Nan will stay here to talk to me first, you come back from your mother and concubine, let's talk again."

Nan Nan doesn't want to see Concubine Meng, he doesn't like her. Compared to going to Yixing Palace, he naturally prefers to stay in the Yushufang.

  Yu Qingluo has nothing to do. In fact, she doesn't want to go, but she can't let Ye Xiu go alone.

  The two took another look before retreating and leaving. Only after going out, someone sent a message to Bao'er, asking him to go back first, without waiting for them.

  Ye Xiu Du had a good idea, since he returned to the imperial capital and saw Concubine Meng, it would be sooner or later.

  Looking at Yu Qingluo's preoccupied appearance, she couldn't help but smiled, "Why, this is the ugly daughter-in-law who sees her in-laws. Are you afraid?"

  He was surrounded by people in the palace, and each spoke with their ears erected, and Ye Xiudu could only tease her.

As soon as he said this, Yu Qingluo was really relieved and couldn't help but replied, "Yeah, yeah, the prince will have to say two good things for me in front of the empress later, and leave a good impression on the empress. ."

   "That's natural." Ye Xiu replied simply and steadfastly following kindness.

  Yu Qingluo almost didn't spray out a mouthful of blood, her eyelids twitched.

  The court lady **** who was waiting on her hand lowered her head silently, saying nothing.

  A group of people quickly arrived at the gate of Yixing Palace, but there was an **** who looked like he was standing outside.

Seeing them, she hurriedly greeted them, bowed her head to greet her, and said in a low voice, "The lady told the minions to wait for the prince... and the princess. The lady said that she had suffered a bit of cold in the past two days, and the prince had suffered again. I am afraid that I will give it to the prince after he is sick. The prince is exhausted all the way and is seriously injured. It is important to go back to the mansion and rest as soon as possible to take care of the body. It is not necessary to ask for peace."

  Ye Xiudu's eyes suddenly squinted, looking at the little **** who was stumbling and stumbling while talking and shaking like a sieve.

  Yu Qingluo also sneered, and even the young **** sent to spread the word was a new little eunuch. Concubine Meng was deliberately humiliating Ye Xiu.

Her jaw tightened, she slowly exhaled, turned her head and exchanged a look with Ye Xiudu, and then stepped forward, "Since Concubine Meng has suffered the wind and cold, then I have to go in and take a look. This princess has a look. No, it’s okay to see the wind and cold for the empress. Master Xiu is injured, so he will wait outside for a while. I’ll go in and have a look.”

  The little **** was stunned. When he recovered, Yu Qingluo had already strode into Yixing Palace.

  The cold sweat on his head came out immediately, "Princess, princess, please stay, mother..."

   Before he finished speaking, a pretty figure hurriedly walked out from inside.

  The voice walked directly to Yu Qingluo, and bowed to her, "Slaves flying pigeons, I have seen Princess Tianfu."

   "Flying pigeon, it's been a long time." Yu Qingluo stopped and glanced at her with a smile.

Fei Ge laughed, "The lady has stopped, and the servant girl knows the princess's kindness, but the lady just took the medicine from the doctor, so it is not good for the servant girl to wake her up now. The princess has filial piety. After tomorrow, she will go to the palace to give her to the lady. How is the diagnosis and treatment?"

This is already very rude. Yuqing narrowed his eyes and smiled, "If this is the case, then I will come back another day. But tomorrow I will have something to do, and I can't get through. The day after tomorrow, the mother's disease is probably already Well, I see, it doesn't matter if I come or not."

   Fei Ge's face changed, but Yu Qingluo's tone was so stiff, disrespectful, and there was a faint tinge of clashing with the empress.

  But she didn't have much to say, so she could only answer with a smile.

  Yu Qingluo took a meaningful look at the closed door, then turned and walked out of Yixing Palace.

  Feige came over again to greet Ye Xiudu, and personally sent them to the gate of Yixing Palace before turning and leaving.

   Yu Qingluo snorted, and then went to the Imperial Study Room alone with Ye Xiu.

  I just walked a few steps, and I saw a muttering sound not far away.

   "Isn't the empress still seeing the seventh prince inside? Why did the prince Xiu come and disappear?"

   "Shhh, keep your voice down, what do we care about so much about the master?"

The expressions of several court ladies and eunuchs around Ye Xiudu changed accordingly, and they did not dare to say a word with their lips pressed, and walked faster.

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows at Ye Xiudu. Although the two did not speak, their mood and thoughts were the same.

  Meng Guifei can’t wait, she has set up a ring with them in a fair manner, and she is not even willing to do superficial effort.

  What they didn’t know was that soon after they left, Concubine Meng directly threw the teacup tightly pinched by her in her hand.

  The flying pigeons didn’t dare to get out of the air, only the seventh prince Ye Haoting on the side, whispered, “Why do you have to breathe with them?”

"That savage woman who didn't know where she came from would dare to come to the gate of this palace to be arrogant." Concubine Meng's face was pale, she looked a little haggard from a distance, and her body was compared to a few months ago. A lot of weight loss.

"The mother concubine also said that she was just an ignorant woman and child. If you care about her, don't you reduce the status of the mother concubine?" Ye Haoting poured her another glass of water in a hurry and whispered, "When our big event is over, mother consort Whatever you want to do with her will be fine."

"The palace must cut her a thousand knives to relieve the hatred in the palace." Concubine Meng said, holding Ye Haoting's hand, her lips trembled, "If it weren't for them, if it wasn't for them, , My brother, how could my brother..."

   Ye Haoting tightened his lips. In fact, when he knew from the beginning that Meng Zhicheng had a plan to be the head of the Mongolian clan, he did not agree.

  It's just that the mother concubine and uncle have both decided, and it is useless to persuade him.

   But I didn’t expect it would end up like this in the end.

  Every time he thinks of this, Ye Haoting feels a little worried, for fear that his own business will not be possible.

  I also thought of Ye Xiu alone, with ghost doctors, eldest princes and others. He himself is such a smart person, if he fails, then...

  He shook his head hurriedly, didn't dare to think about it, so he could only comfort Concubine Meng in a low voice.

  Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qingluo had already returned to the Imperial Study Room. They only said that Concubine Meng was unwell, and asked him to go back to rest earlier.

  Nothing was mentioned about the Seventh Prince in Yixing Palace.

  But the emperor is not stupid, the Seventh Prince enters the palace, naturally someone will tell him. Seeing Ye Xiudu running for nothing like this, I felt very unhappy at the time.

  Xiu'er is still injured, no matter how the concubine is, she should welcome people in and ask about the situation.

  The emperor's expression was not very good. Seeing Ye Xiudu's appearance of covering up for his mother and concubine, he felt sorry for him again.

  Dang even if someone passed the meal, a few people ran out of dinner lively.

  When the food is ready, it is already a bit late.

  Ye Xiudu still came out in the soft sedan, but he hadn’t heard Yu Qingluo talking all the way to the gate of the palace. He couldn’t help but be a little strange, and asked her, "What's wrong with you?"

  Yu Qingluo gave him a bit embarrassed look, her face was not pretty.

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