Liu'er struggled hard, but where was their opponent, not long after, the sound of the board hitting him and Liu'er's screaming sounded not far away.

  The four princes did not blink at this, and looked down to see the embarrassment on the two children, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Then he lowered his voice and said slowly, "Since it's just a joke, let this matter pass. Lan Wei and Lan Li are just thinking that Lan Sheng is bored here alone and come to accompany him. Okay. There is no need for this kind of trivial matter to be known to everyone and cause the father to have a headache. These three children are all dirty, please wash them quickly."

  As soon as he uttered these words, Nan Nan was full of disdain, this man was too shameless.

  No wonder the child born is so shameless.

  Ye Lanwei Ye Lanli were also shocked, what's the matter? Isn't the fourth uncle coming for them? Isn't it to vent their anger? Why is it so easy to talk?

  The two people immediately became dissatisfied, "No, fourth uncle, it's not a joke, Yu Qingnan just bullied us, I want to tell my father to go, I want to tell my father to go."

  The four princes' complexion sank in an instant. Seeing the two yelling children felt even more headaches, and even yelled, "Shut up, you are still reasonable? One more sentence, all are confined for a month."

  The two were taken aback for a moment, and they dared not speak.

  Ye Lanwei stared at the fourth prince with hatred. Although he didn't dare to make a noise now, he saw his father back and must tell him this.

The Fourth Prince saw that they were quiet, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Nannan Road, "It's not early, you have just returned to the imperial capital, so you should go back to rest quickly. Let Lan Sheng wash and change clothes. Come."

   Nan Nan curled his lips, raised his head and said, "I want to take Xiao Shengsheng out for shopping, is there no problem?"

  Four princes frowned, "Out for a stroll?"

   "Grandpa Huang said, just talk to you."

The fourth prince’s face was pale, his fingers tugged, but the next moment he seemed to think of something suddenly, and laughed, "You want to take him out for a walk, naturally. But... you also know that Lan Sheng’s identity is more sensitive now. , So when he leaves Jinchengyuan, there must be guards behind him."

  Nan Nan's eyebrows were twisted tightly, and the four princes' smile brightened in an instant.

  Ye Lansheng pulled Lan Nan’s sleeves and said quietly, "Nan Nan, it will be troublesome for me to go out..."

   Before he finished speaking, Xu Rou was gently pushed. He raised his head to meet his mother's gaze, and Xu Rou shook her head at him.

  Ye Lansheng pursed her lips and closed her mouth tightly.

  Nan Nan didn’t see the interaction between them, just hung her head down and meditated. After thinking for a moment, she nodded and said, “It’s okay, just follow along.”

  The four princes were taken aback for a while, and for a long time, they nodded inexplicably, "In this case, the king will arrange to follow your guards."

   After all, he never looked at Nan Nan again, and led the two children who were still very unwilling to leave.

   Nan Nan paused, and suddenly said loudly, "Wait a minute."

After the Fourth Prince halted, he heard Nan Nan's crisp voice, "That maid is like this, it's definitely not useful. Then you can find a more obedient servant to take care of Xiao Shengsheng and the others. Remember, You must be more obedient."

  The Fourth Prince took a deep breath, nodded, and left in a big stride.

Nan Nan happily took Ye Lansheng's hand and said with a smile, "Okay, you go and change the wash quickly. We will leave here immediately."

   Ye Lansheng squeezed out a smile, but not very interested, but still followed him into the house docilely.

  The water was played by Mo Xian. The mother Jin who Liu'er spoke of had returned a long time ago. She has been watching from the side, and everything can be seen clearly from beginning to end. She had previously neglected Xu Ruanhuang Ye Lansheng, but she was not as excessive as Liu Er, but she just opened one eye to Liuer's bullying Xu Ruan Ye Lansheng.

  A little diligent now, watching Mo Xian hit the water up, and eagerly carrying it to boil the water.

  Mo Xian sneered, but didn't care about it. In any case, the people arranged by the four princes will not be more diligent and respectful. It is impossible for them to serve them with all their hearts.

   But after all these things today, he thinks that these servants will always converge.

  When the water was boiled, Mother Jin wanted to wait for Ye Lansheng to take a bath again, but Xu Rou blocked her. "I'll just do it myself."

  As she said, she entered the clean room with Ye Lansheng. Seeing her son's embarrassment, Xu Rou couldn't help taking a deep breath.

  Until Ye Lansheng held her hand and comforted her gently, "Mother, I’m fine, thanks to Nan Nan."

   "En." Xu Rou wiped him, nodded slightly.

  "Mother, I don’t want to leave here. If I leave, you will be alone. And...there are so many guards behind, which will make Nan Nan even be jokes."

Xu Rou was stunned, her hand movement paused, and she was silent for a long time before she slowly opened her mouth, "Sheng'er, mother is the best now like this. Mother can't help you. Let you suffer along with your mother. Now there is a chance, how can you not go out? Shenger, stay in Jincheng Garden, your whole life will be ruined. Only when you go out can you find a chance to stand up again, etc. If you have the promise, we will not be bullied, do you understand?"

"As for Nannan, you, why don't you understand. You are thinking of him, and he is thinking of you too. He took you away from Jincheng Garden, and he is creating a chance for you to make a big difference. You have a chance to do it for you How can a friend who has given everything fail him? Those guards, what do Nan Nan see? When he comes back to Jincheng Garden to look for you, he will want to take you out, so naturally he will know that you will go out when you go out. With guards following, he doesn't care even if he understands it. Why do you start to be restrained?"

  Ye Lansheng was startled, thinking of Nannan's temperament, she was speechless for a while.

  Xu Rou smiled when she saw him like this, and stopped talking until she changed him to a new tuft of clothes. Then she confessed, “If you see your auntie Qing, Dai Niang will say hello.”

   "En." Ye Lansheng nodded obediently, "Mother, you have to take good care of yourself, I will be back soon."

   Xu Rou led him out of the clean room, and she saw Nan Nanzhen sitting on a chair, playing with his bag boringly.

   Seeing them come out, his eyes brightened, and he immediately rushed up, "Xiao Shengsheng, I brought you something. These are all for you and Aunt Rou, so please keep it safe."

  He handed him the same food box that he had brought to Yu Bao'er before, and Ye Lansheng's eyes were shiny when he looked at Nan Nan.

  Nan Nan didn't give him time to be sentimental, and said goodbye to Xu Rou, dragged him and walked outside.

  However, when a group of people walked to the gate of Jincheng Garden and saw the guards the Four Lords had found for them, they were all stunned.

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