Nannan stretched out her little fingers very seriously and began to count, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... thirty.

  His eyes widened, he was just the guards who followed Xiao Shengsheng and looked at him. There were actually as many as thirty.

   Nan Nan bulged his cheeks, the four princes were obviously deliberate.

   What's even more exaggerated is that the clothes on these guards are all uniform, and the three characters ‘Jincheng Garden’ are embroidered on the clothes in a harmonious way.

  Having swaggered through the city like this, didn’t he tell the people on the street plainly that Xiao Shengsheng was the son of the abandoned prince, and the child from Jinchengyuan, so that all the people would point to them?

  The four princes are really deep-hearted, sweet-hearted, narrow-minded villains.

  Ye Lansheng's eyebrows twisted on the spot, and the palms of her palms tightened slightly. He had an urge to go back again. If he walked on the street in this scene, Nan Nan would really be looked down upon.

  However, what the mother-in-law had just said in his mind suddenly sounded, and the impulse hesitated a little more.

  He turned his head and looked towards Nannan, who was full of confidence and eager to try.

  Ye Lansheng's mood suddenly relaxed, looking at his involuntary smile, why is Nan Nan so excited about this kind of thing?

   was thinking, his right hand was grabbed by a pair of small soft hands. He looked down and saw that Nan Nan had already taken his hand affectionately and started walking forward.

  The guards quickly followed behind them expressionlessly, following them at the same pace.

  Mo Xian and Peng Ying frowned, their expressions hardened. After a while, he stepped forward to Nan Nan's side and said in a low voice, "Nan Nan, you and Sheng Shizi Baoer will get on the carriage together. There is a curtain blocking it, and people outside can't see it."

   "No." Nan Nan shook his head firmly, with a clear voice, "I took Xiao Shengsheng to go shopping. What kind of shopping is sitting in the carriage?"

   "But..." Mo Xian turned his head to look at those Jinchengyuan guards who were proud and even a little forgetful, and his expression was a bit ugly.

  These people are also bullies and hardships, but they are bullying two children. They can be so proud of themselves, bah.

Nan Nan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Uncle Mo, the weather today is so good, it is just a good day for shopping. I just returned to the imperial capital, and I don’t know what changes are happening in the imperial capital now. I want to give it to you. My mother is buying something."

  When he thought of what his father said last time, marrying his mother and asking him what gift he wanted to give, he was full of entanglement.

  He still hasn't thought about what to give away, as if nothing is appropriate, and those he can think of are not rare things.

  So he just took advantage of this time period to see what rare and fresh things were in those shops in the Imperial Capital.

   By the way, there is also Grandpa Emperor. Yesterday, my mother said that he is not in good health. If he wants to go to the palace to see Grandpa Emperor, he has to buy some gadgets to please him.

  Thinking about this, Nan Nan feels that shopping is a matter of urgency.

Mo Xian wanted to persuade him again, and Peng Ying on the side pulled him slowly, and smiled, "Just leave him alone, his head is clever, maybe he has an idea long ago. Let's protect them from being caught." It's fine if it hurts."

  Mo Xian was right after thinking about it, he could only sigh, nod, and protect Nan Nan with Peng Yingyi from left to right.

Those guards in Jinchengyuan were a little surprised. The four princes also confessed that if Sheng Shizi and the others were sitting in the carriage, they would look for an opportunity to overturn the carriage and expose him to the public. It's good to be embarrassed.

  Why now, there is no need to worry about it at all?

  Everyone looked at each other, but felt that it was convenient for them.

  Nannan dragged Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er to the street from left to right. Not only that, he chose one of the busiest streets and looked unscrupulous.

  A group of people quickly left the area of ​​Jincheng Garden, and the surrounding environment gradually became lively. In such a breezy climate, there are twice as many people as in the past.

With the thirty guards of Jinchengyuan, lining up with straight faces and serious faces, the Nannan group soon became the account of everyone. After a while, many people began to point to them. Pointed up.

  Ye Lansheng was still a little nervous, took a deep breath, and the hand holding Nan Nan was slightly sweaty.

Nan Nan smiled and felt his emotions. She stopped and turned her head to comfort him with concern, "Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, let’s just go out shopping, you see, are we very prestigious? Yes. So many guards followed, and so many people watched. It feels more eye-catching than Grandpa Huang’s trip."

Ye Lansheng laughed at what he said, his expression loosened, and said helplessly, "Nan Nan, don't talk nonsense about this. We can't compare with Grandpa Huang like that. It's disrespectful. If someone hears it. , Maybe it will make a big fuss."

  Nan Nan blinked, “It’s good to make a big fuss. Let people know the wolf ambition of the four princes, let people know that the four princes abuse their power and do nothing like it.

   Ye Lansheng was taken aback, his smile softened again, "Nan Nan, you are really..."

  He can always imagine the worst for himself as the best. How lucky he is to have such a friend and a brother.

"You see, those are the guards of Jinchengyuan." Some people started talking here intermittently. Many people watched the scene in front of them intently, and their curious eyes focused on Nannan and Ye Lansheng. Body.

  "Jinchengyuan is now closed with the abandoned prince's family. I have heard that now the abandoned prince cannot go out. Only the child of the abandoned prince can get out. But that child must be accompanied by a guard."

   "But there are three children in front of me, which one is the child of the prince?"

   "Look, the one on the left is like, but the one in the middle is also very expensive to look at, and I'm a little confused."

   "Hey, you said, this waste prince is like this, how could his son jump into the street so ignorantly."

   "That's it, there are so many guards behind, this street is already crowded enough, they have brought so many people, so they don't let people buy things properly?"

  The messy sounds around him got into Ye Lansheng’s ears bit by bit. Although he was mentally prepared, he still found it difficult to breathe after listening to these words.

  Especially seeing those guards looking at the people with arrogance, seeming to want to sit in Shiye Lansheng, even if he is just the son of a waste prince, he still looks arrogant and domineering.

   "Xiao Shengsheng, are you thirsty?" Just as he was thinking about it, Nan Nan's clear voice suddenly came from his ear. <

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