The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 941: It's too late to make up for it

  Nan Nan saw the incoming person, her eyes lit up, "Brother Ping, it's you."

  Ye Lanping took a few steps forward, smiled and looked at Nannan, "It's been a long time, you're still the same as before." Those who swagger through the market are not afraid to invite enemies.

   He said, looking at Ye Lansheng on the side, "Lan Sheng, are you okay."

  Speaking of which, although they are cousins, they have barely met each other. He used to be the grandson of Concubine Shu and could freely enter and exit the palace. Although Ye Lansheng was the queen's grandson, he was forgotten in the corner of the palace because of the queen's fall from grace.

  Because of Nan Nan, the middleman, the two talents are a little familiar.

   Ye Lansheng nodded slightly, a faint smile appeared on his face, "Brother lobby."

  There are several playmates beside Ye Lanping, who are familiar with Nan Nan. Their fathers are all serving as officials in the court, and several of them are not young anymore. Knowing some of the situation in the court, now it is even more popular to say that Lord Xiu is back, and it is very likely that he will be the future emperor.

  So for Nannan, they naturally want to please and are on the same side.

A person standing next to Ye Lanping caught Ye Lanping's eyes and kicked the guard head on the spot, "Sheng Shizi is something you can bully casually? If this is passed on to the emperor. Don’t want your heads in your ears, just get out of me."

  The little chief was taken aback, and saw Ye Lanping looking at him with a cold face, and his heart trembled. He hung his head and said, "Ping Shizi, the villain, the villain is just following orders."

   "On whose order?"

"Bong, bong..." If you say Feng Ye Lansheng's order, it certainly won't work, but if you say Feng Ye Lansheng's order, it's not just confessing Nannan's words, it is indeed the fourth king's order. Do you monitor Ye Lansheng?

  Finally, he bit his teeth and could only bite the bullet and said, "The emperor has fate, if Sheng Shizi leaves Jincheng Garden, he must have a guard to follow."

   "Then Grandpa Huang said, how many guards should follow?"

  Sweat came from the head of the little boss. Didn’t it say that Ye Lanping was a lawless and clever little overlord? Why is this kind of thing so shrewd. He didn't take a step back even when he carried the name of the emperor?

   "Say, did Grandpa Huang say how many guards will follow?" Ye Lanping asked again.

  The little leader can only shake his head.

Ye Lanping immediately snorted, "Since there is no, then you dare to provoke trouble in the name of Grandpa Emperor. Grandpa Emperor hates others for bullying and harassing the people. But you have 30 people here in great numbers. Is it against Grandpa Huang? Nannan and Lan Sheng are drinking tea at the tea shop. You pour it out, standing here and chasing away other guests. Are you still saying that you are acting on orders?"

Nan Nan raised his chin, and Ye Lanping blinked, and the two exchanged tacit glances.

The little head leader’s head was full of sweat, and he wanted to say something to debate, but Ye Lanping said again, "But this world also understands that you are all under the fourth uncle, and the fourth uncle asked you to follow Lansheng, and you too I can only do things according to orders. I don’t care about this. I will tell my fourth uncle to understand. After all, he can't live up to the emperor's grandfather's compassion for the people."

The words    clearly meant to excuse the little leader, but the little leader felt that his legs were weak and was even more frightened. Isn't this overtly and secretly pushing all the sins on the four princes?

  If you want to say something, you must say something, otherwise, if the four princes know about it, he will definitely be punished with a crime of unfavorable work.

  But Ye Lanping didn’t give him a chance at all. Instead, he looked towards Nannan and smiled, “You guys are drinking tea here? It just so happened that I was also a little thirsty, let’s go together.

  Said, took the lead to sit down.

  The people around looked at each other, but some people knew everything.

  One is the son of the eldest prince Bao Wang, and the other is the son of the prince Xiu the most beloved. Both of them are now serving as the son of the waste prince. From this point of view, the form of the imperial capital seems to have changed a bit.

  The son of the abandoned prince, it seems that he is not as popular as everyone else...

  Over there, Uncle Luo and Grandpa Luo had already put the boiled barley tea on the table, Ye Lanping automatically took the tea cups to Ye Lansheng and Nannan to pour tea, the young master's posture was unmistakable.

  Ye Lansheng nodded to Uncle Luo and Granny Luo, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work."

  Master Luo and Granny Luo were stunned, but they didn't expect him to thank them.

  They have been operating here for many years, and they have met a lot of high-ranking officials, but probably apart from Nan Nan who would thank them, almost no one would say a word of ‘thank you’.

  Unexpectedly, this is not a production in the eyes of everyone, and the reputation of the son of the abandoned prince is not so good.

  There was a moment of feeling in the hearts of the two of them. It seems that what a person's character is, really can't be heard from the ears, how can you recognize it if you don't see it with your own eyes?

  The two had a very good impression of Ye Lansheng. When they turned around, they told their neighbors about his polite, kind and friendly temperament.

Nan Nan looked at Ye Lansheng with a smile, and happily took the cup that Lanping handed over for the night, and took a small sip. Then he said contentedly, "Ah, the barley tea here is the best. "

   Ye Lan was stunned for a moment. He was sitting here just to give him momentum according to Nan Nan's intentions. He had never thought of drinking tea in such a street tea shop. Seeing how Nan Nan was enjoying it, he couldn't help but asked, "Is it really delicious?"

Nan Nan glanced at him obliquely, and handed the quilt directly to his lips, "You'll know if you drink it."

  Ye Lanping still hesitated, but Ye Lansheng and Yu Baoer on the other side touched their cups and took a sip, their eyes brightened involuntarily.

  Ye Lanping only then twitched the corners of her mouth, and took a sip, then raised her eyebrows, nodded, and said affirmatively, "Yes."

  As soon as he said this, the attendants also drank.

  With the pursuit of these gangsters of them, Uncle Luo’s tea shop suddenly became popular, and it became one of the places in the imperial capital where people who have a head and a face must come to consume.

  A group of people are in a good mood, and they seem to be unaffected by the guards of Jinchengyuan who are standing aside and muttering.

  Until those guards seemed to have discussed a solution, and wanted to make up for it, and get back the face of the four princes.

  However, at this moment, a carriage came slowly among the crowd. Someone jumped out of the carriage, and a pair of cold eyes hit them.

  The thirty guards shuddered in this way, and they dropped their heads involuntarily. <

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