Nannan's eyes were sharp, and when he saw the coming person's eyes were overjoyed, he jumped off the chair and ran towards the coming person.


When Ye Xiu Du faced him, his expression softened in an instant, and he reached out to take him, and directly hugged his small body.

  After that, he glanced at the thirty guards coldly.

  The little head shivered, and hurriedly saluted, "I have seen Lord Xiu." Didn't you say that Lord Xiu came back from an injury? How could it look like it was nothing but pale lips.

  Is it because the ghost doctor’s medical skills are too clever?

  Ye Xiu snorted coldly, ignoring it.

   Ye Lanping and Ye Lansheng and the others also came over quickly. Ye Lanping was still a little scared when he saw Ye Xiudu, but the aura of the talent was scattered and clean, and he whispered, "Uncle Wu."

   On the contrary, Ye Lansheng walked over and said very cleverly, "Lan Sheng has seen Uncle Wu."

  Ye Xiu Du nodded slightly, raised his hand and rubbed the top of his head, and his voice was quite mild, "It's been a long time, how are you doing recently?"

  Ye Lanping shook her body and looked up at the fifth uncle he had always been afraid of. He always thought that there should be no one else except Nan Nan to make Wushu and Yanyue's child.

  Unexpectedly, Ye Lansheng seems to be very popular with Wushu.

   Ye Lanping feels a little complicated, Wu Shu always seems to be strict with him, and feels a little embarrassed.

   Ye Lansheng laughed, "Lan Sheng is very good, Uncle Lao missed it."

   "Well, if someone bullied you, just come and tell this king, this king can still do it for you." As he said, Ye Xiu Duluo looked at the thirty guards like nothing.

  The guards felt their legs feel soft and sweaty, and they almost knelt down.

The people around    widened their eyes, listening to the movement here with their ears erected.

Lord Xiu, I heard that Lord Xiu just returned to the imperial capital yesterday.

  I heard that when Lord Xiu came back, the Sixth Prince brought the Guards to invite him back.

  I heard that before Lord Xiu entered the city gate, the emperor sent Lord Bao to meet him at the city gate.

  I heard that as soon as Lord Xiu came back, the emperor summoned him directly, and did not leave the palace until the evening.

  At this sensitive moment when the prince was abolished, the emperor valued the repair of the prince so much, and the twists and turns in it were impossible for everyone even if they didn't want to bend.

   Such a prince Xiu, would actually give a hand to the son of a waste prince?

  What does that mean? Does it mean that Sheng Shizi did not suffer a sharp decline in his status because of the abolished prince?

  Many people started to beat the drums in their hearts, especially when they saw Ye Xiu's attitude toward Ye Lansheng alone, they were a little secretive.

   Ye Lansheng knew Ye Xiudu’s painstaking efforts, and nodded heavily with her small lips, "Thank you, Uncle Wu."

   "Daddy, don't worry, I can give Xiao Shengsheng the shot." Nan Nan patted his chest to make sure, and began to desperately brush his presence, "If anyone dares to bully Xiao Shengsheng, I will beat him."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, and looked back at Mo Xian.

  Mo Xian nodded at him with weird eyes, as if to tell him that Nan Nan had done this today.

  To put it another way, it really hit someone.

  Ye Xiu patted Nan Nan on the back alone, holding him in the seat where he had just been sitting, "Okay, you say whoever you beat, you will be beaten by the father."

  Uncle Luo over there hurriedly shook his body and poured tea for him, Nan Nan cleverly handed it to his mouth.

  Ye Xiu took a sip and said, "It's getting late, let's go home."

   "Huh? Back to the house?" Nan Nan scratched his head in embarrassment, "I still want to go shopping and buy something for my mother."

Ye Xiu snorted and leaned close to his ears, and said in a voice that only two of them could hear, "Didn't you achieve your purpose of swaggering through the market today? If you want to go shopping, you have to get rid of all these tails before you go shopping. , So much trouble, I have to explain it every time I go."

Nan Nan's eyes widened, "Daddy, how do you know my purpose." An incredible expression on his face.

   Ye Xiudu was amused by his expression, "You are making such a big noise here, don't I know?"

  He knew the purpose of the four emperors, but he just wanted to suppress Lan Sheng, trample people under his feet, and make the people of the imperial capital laugh at the prince.

   No matter whether he was the prince or Lan Sheng, he lost his basic fighting spirit and lived in an environment where he was pointed and trembling all his life, and developed a cowardly and fearful temperament.

  The four princes are narrow-minded, he knows, but he just doesn't know that it is really shameful to behave like this to a child who is only seven years old.

Nannan’s midnight cultivation has already figured out the probabilities. Since there are guards following him, he simply uses his plan. When there are a lot of people, he will push all the actions of these guards to the fourth princes. By then, the people whose reputation will be stigmatized are still four. Prince.

  It’s just that he didn’t expect that Nan Nan even secretly contacted Ye Lanping and asked him to come over.

  However, it seems that the effect is pretty good.

   "Daddy, why are you so smart? It's because of hereditary ego." Nan Nan smiled, like a little mouse.

   Ye Xiu was speechless for a while, little things always like to speak backwards, it is clear that he inherited him.

  He took another sip from the cup in his hand before he stood up holding him.

   Looking back and seeing Ye Lanping, watching him standing aside with his eyes down, he was very afraid of himself, and frowned involuntarily. Is his kindness not obvious enough? Do you want to be so afraid of him?

   "Lan Ping, if you have something to do, go and work."

   Ye Lan looked over suddenly, seeing Ye Xiudu’s eyes on her body, shook her head hurriedly, “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

   "..." Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, nodded, and said nothing.

Nan Nan handed the broken silver in his hand to Yu Bao'er and asked him to hand it to Uncle Luo. Only then did he hold Ye Xiudu's neck and said with a smile, "Okay, daddy, let's go back."

   "En." Ye Xiu turned alone and walked in the direction of the carriage.

  It's just that when he left, a large group of people followed.

   Ye Lansheng, Yu Bao'er, Mo Xian Peng Ying, Ye Lanping and his group of officials and children, naturally, there are also those thirty guards.

  Ye Xiu Duo suddenly had a headache, turned his head to look at the thirty guards, and sneered, "Why, you still have to follow?"

  A cold sweat broke out on the head of the little leader, and he hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly, "Master Xiu, subordinates, subordinates and others are also in accordance with orders."

  "Whose order? Brother four?"

   "Yes, yes... yes, it is the emperor's meaning to go out with Sheng Shizi." The same answer, in front of Ye Lan plane and in front of Ye Xiudu, the feelings are very different.

  Ye Xiudu sneered, "Father is just letting people follow Lan Sheng. In that case, you should follow alone, and the others, all go back."

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