The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 943: Don't let this king go?

  The little leader raised his head in surprise, and hesitated to leave.

   "What? Is it necessary for the king to invite the imperial decree to come before he is willing to leave?"

  The little chief was panicked, and knelt down with a ‘punk’, "Don’t dare, your subordinates don’t dare."

"Since I don't dare, don't you let this king go?" Ye Xiudu's voice suddenly sank, and the surrounding area was silent for a moment. Even the people who were still whispering on the side could not help but hold their breath, and never dared to say anything. Sound off.

  The little head leader turned blue, and replied tremblingly, "Yes, yes, the subordinates obey."

   He said, turned around and said to the guards behind him, "All go back, go back." He said, winking at one of them, and asked him to find the Fourth Prince.

   Ye Xiudu sneered, and Mo Xian and Peng Ying helped the children into the carriage.

  Ye Lanping several people hesitated for a moment, but let the subordinates pull their carriage over, and following the carriage of Yexiu, the group of people went to the palace of Xiu in a mighty manner.

  As soon as Nan Nan got on the carriage, she said strangely, "Daddy, have you forgotten your own injury?" They didn't pretend to be like them, and they had no professional ethics at all.

Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone and chuckled, "Your mother is good at medical skills, I'm already healed." The emperor is not in good health. If he pretends to be seriously injured, it will only make him feel more moody. It's not good.

Nan Nan nodded and fell on Ye Xiudu's lap. After a while, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned his head to look around, lifted the soft pillow behind him and probed his head.

  Ye Xiu was surprised, "What's the matter? What are you looking for?"

   "My mother." Nan Nan replied solemnly, "Daddy, didn't you take your mother with you? How come you are back now, but your mother has lost it?"

   Ye Xiu laughed after hearing Yan Yan, and hugged him to his lap before whispering, "Your mother went to see Concubine Shu, and you will be back later."

  In name, she went to see Concubine Shu for a follow-up visit, but in fact, it was her father who kept her.

  Qing'er gave the pulse to the emperor, and the emperor also had a general idea in his heart.

  I just hope Qinger can talk to the emperor about his physical condition in a tactful way...

   "If the emperor worked too much, he would die in a year." In the palace, Yu Qingluo looked at the emperor's eyes very seriously, and her voice was crisp and clear, and there was no...tact look.

  Not to mention the emperor, even Miao Qianqiu on the side froze.

  The cold sweat on his forehead immediately came down, and the people in the world who dared to say that he was going to die in front of the emperor, I am afraid that there has been only Miss Jade throughout the ages.

  He wiped his sweat slowly, and constantly winked at Yu Qingluo.

  But the latter seemed to have never seen it at all, still pursing his lips, fixedly looking at the emperor with serious and sharp eyes.

  For a long time, the emperor laughed, "There is no such thing as a doctor who dares to say such things in front of me."

   "So I can't be a doctor." Yu Qingluo pointed out.

The emperor sighed silently, yes, just because the doctors were afraid to tell the truth in front of him, or for some reason they didn’t tell the true cause of his illness, or they didn’t dare to bear the consequences of not being able to save the emperor. , So even if his body is not as good as one day, the doctors can only remind him not to overwork and prescribe a lot of medicine, but no one will say that he will not live for more than a year.

  Such a serious matter, who dares to say? Having said that, fearing that the Emperor Long Yan would be furious, he dragged him out and chopped it.

  The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Qingluo, and said in a low voice, "I see, what kind of medicine you should prescribe?"

Yu Qingluo frowned, "The emperor, whether it is the night to cultivate independence or Nannan, they don't want you to have an accident. This is not something that can be treated with medicine. The most important thing is to calm down, sleep more and exercise, and adjust your life well. Work and rest."

   "I know." The emperor looked unwilling to say more.

  Yu Qingluo's eyebrows tightened. Even though she has great abilities, she still needs the cooperation of patients to treat illnesses and save people. The emperor, like this, made it clear that her words were not regarded as the same thing.

  Yu Qingluo was also a little annoyed, so he packed the medicine bag on her body, turned around and left.

   Miao Qianqiu was shocked by a cold sweat. This young girl seemed to have a temperament, and she couldn't even care about the most basic etiquette.

  He glanced back at the expression of the emperor, seeing that he didn't mean to blame, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly sent Yu Qingluo out of the royal study room.

However, Yuqing fell only one step away from the door, and suddenly stopped again, pursed her lips, took out a small porcelain bottle from the medicine bag, and stuffed it directly into Miao Qianqiu's hand, saying, "Two pills a day , Take it after dinner, no fishy fish."

  Miao Qianqiu was taken aback, then wiped off his sweat, a smile appeared on his face, "Yes, the minion took it down."

  Yu Qingluo thought for a while, and was a little unwilling, and muttered a few words, “As long as there are patients who don’t cooperate with me, I’m not happy to take care of it. If it’s not for Ye Xiu independence and Nan Nan, hum.”

  Miao Qianqiu started to sweat again, and quietly glanced at the emperor, hoping that he hadn’t heard Miss Jade’s voice.

   "Okay, no need to deliver it, I'll go to see Empress Shu." Yu Qingluo stepped out of the Imperial Study Room.

  Miao Qianqiu slowly exhaled, holding the porcelain bottle and turning over, "The emperor..."

   "Actually, although her temperament is easy to offend people, it is not a good thing for me." The emperor shook his head silently, turned and walked to the back of the imperial case and sat down.

"What the emperor said." Miao Qianqiu hurriedly followed, gently placed the porcelain vase on the imperial case, and whispered, "There are already few people in this world who can tell the truth, and Miss Jade really cares about the emperor. The body will be disrespectful."

  The emperor raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. Miao Qianqiu was startled and hung his head down hurriedly.

  After a while, he heard the emperor’s low voice, “I know her kindness, and you don’t have to speak for her. Xiu’er’s vision, I still trust it.”

   "The slave dare not." Miao Qianqiu whispered, but never dared to say another word.

  The royal study room is quiet, as if they can hear each other's breath.

  The emperor held the porcelain bottle given by Yu Qingluo in his hand. It turned upside down, and it felt quite heavy. It looked like a full bottle.

   Thinking of her whispering just before leaving, she sighed secretly in her heart.

  Miao Qianqiu bowed and stood behind him, not understanding what the emperor was thinking.

  For a long time, it seemed that more than half an hour had passed before he heard a crisp sound of ‘crack’ in his ear.

   Turning his head, he saw that the emperor had placed the porcelain bottle in his hand on the imperial case, and his fingers squeezed slightly.

   "Qianqiu." The emperor called him.

  Miao Qianqiu hurriedly stepped forward, "The slave is here."

   "I want to establish a prince." The emperor's voice was low and powerful, but Miao Qianqiu was shocked when he heard it, and his eyes widened suddenly.

  Central Prince?

right now?

  Is it necessary to enroll Lord Lixiu?

  Suddenly, thousands of thoughts passed through Miao Qianqiu's mind, but he didn't even dare to express himself. <

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